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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. I did offer you the word 'Walsingham' as a pejorative.
  2. I could take offence to that, given I have friends in the US Army. They do give a damn. But that's not really what you mean. You mean the organisation. However, as I've just explained, there's a massive organisation which tries to minimise civilian casualties. moreover you can bet that if you could come up with a way to entirely remove civilian casualties they'd buy it immediately. You'd be a millionairre. Whereas a terrorist would have no use for such a device. They NEED to kill civilians to scare the bojangles out of people. I should also point out that according to the Syrians, the attack wasn't an air strike. It was a special forces team. Makes it rather less likely that those killed where civilians (although clearly far from impossible). Ref n00bo's question, I don't know what constitutes an unlawful combatant, but I think it is something to do with wearing a uniform, and not including persons wearing the red cross or red crescent.
  3. I want his sunglasses.
  4. Sam the Sham & the Pharoahs - Lil' Red Riding Hood Seriously deserves to be more famous. It's just begging for use in a film soundtrack.
  5. I had nearly forgotten how uncanny the link is to BG. *shudder*
  6. You meant it not sarcastically?
  7. w00t! I'm mediocre! I got promoted!
  8. Best excuse ever.
  9. I'm currently negotiating a project, and would dearly love to tell my counterpart that they're deranged, and have totally unrealistic expectations.
  10. Not really a surprise I'm afraid. Mkreku has a point about disregard for civilian casulaties. Yes, every time we do an air strike civilians tend to get killed. Sometimes a LOT of civilians. This doesn't make me proud but consider three points: 1. There are massive headquarters units whose only job is checking air strike missions for the effect on civilians. They can and do veto missions if they are judged to be legally and morally unsound* 2. _If_ the target was a terrorist financier or bomb maker then they are themselves responsible for hundreds of civilian deaths in Iraq. Is taking them out not a justified reduction in civilian deaths? 3. Terrorism also involves hiding behind civilians. Coalition forces do not hide behind civilians. If you do this you endanger civilians. That's why we don't do it. A few thoughts. *By the rules of war and Geneva conventions
  11. We have quite a few eatern Euros here. Makes life more interesting. I'm glad we never had to fight them in a Sov inspired ww3.
  12. I'm not sure that scraping your shins with a fork counts as touching yourself. I was still wrecked, and dranka botle of wine, played some psychonauts, and went to bed at 2000. Slept until seven this morning. Wrote up reports, and rang my assistant to apologise for being an unreasonable **** on Saturday. He made the kind of noises you make when an apology is overdue. Reheated remains of roast lamb in wok with peppadew peppers, cream cheese, and mustard. Served over hot toast. Large mug of coffee.
  13. I don't think they're hard to work on at all. The keyboard is about the same size as an old Spectrum 48k. The screen size could be an issue, but so far no trouble at all. The more important thing is that they're properly portable. Good battery life, and very light.
  14. All those self made guys are all blow hardy d bags. They think it was all their work that got them to the top even though it was most likely a team of people like me in the shadows. I'm sorry that you had to endure wals. :'( This is why you need an assistant who can be a certified yes man and also with a small investment of $1,350 could also be your body guard who is a master of the deadly arts of jiu jitsu and various striking techniques. ? Unfortunately for you, I already have a power-packed assistant. He has to put up with all kinds of shenanigans. And by shenanigans i mean poor working conditions, and unreasonable demands.
  15. Why do I get the feeling he hates us?
  16. As in "If I were a witch man?"
  17. *remembers that mkreku hates smiley responses* :ROFL:
  18. Pitched big project to self-made man yesterday. Six hours of waiting for our spotter to call us in like some besuited SWAT team, then SEVEN GODDAMN HOURS being alternatelygriled and told rambling stories. I still can't work out which side was being less professional. I mean, we spent at least half an hour discussing the etiquette of punching people in the face.
  19. I'd be surprised if many school educations mentioned the Hungarian revolution. Mine did, but we had a lunatic for a history master.
  20. Demand they put you on doxycycline. That **** kills anything. And I mean ANYTHING.
  21. Less hentai obsessives?
  22. If you can't stop the pain, can you take your mind off it? Maybe watch comedy? Go for a run? You might try hypnosis, if you can find a good practitioner.
  23. I know it looks awful, but there is a real problem with people refusing to tell past partners to get checked up. Anything which makes the process easier must therefore be a good thing?
  24. I think it's interesting. However, the 'murder' did affect an investment of time on her husband's part. Depriving him of the benefits of that investment surely [moot] constitutes an offence.
  25. It was all about oil. Modern political thinking's universal theory of everything. Actually, I'd like to hear more. Tell us.
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