I could take offence to that, given I have friends in the US Army. They do give a damn. But that's not really what you mean. You mean the organisation. However, as I've just explained, there's a massive organisation which tries to minimise civilian casualties. moreover you can bet that if you could come up with a way to entirely remove civilian casualties they'd buy it immediately. You'd be a millionairre. Whereas a terrorist would have no use for such a device. They NEED to kill civilians to scare the bojangles out of people.
I should also point out that according to the Syrians, the attack wasn't an air strike. It was a special forces team. Makes it rather less likely that those killed where civilians (although clearly far from impossible).
Ref n00bo's question, I don't know what constitutes an unlawful combatant, but I think it is something to do with wearing a uniform, and not including persons wearing the red cross or red crescent.