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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. It's abit cheesy, but maybe you could build a library adventuring environment. People could adapt their favourite characters and stories from literature.
  2. Volo, I was under the impression you hadn't played the game. I have. Right through. Twice. I will respectfully suggest that until you do I'm going to ignore your judgement on how good the writing is.
  3. You could have lemon ravens. They sound like a fancy pastry. ...Just as I suspected, it's tea time.
  4. There's always the smell of a new girlfriend. Well, than we can all compromise and say that new computers, girlfriends and leather articles have a great smell! Now there's a fun evening.
  5. Blue, red or purple? I use blue when I'm working, and red when I'm gaming. I would regard anyone who used the purple with deep suspicion. Purple's like the middle urinal, it's not there for using.
  6. Exploding is such a great simple way of giving resolution. At the end of The Village, they should all just explode. And by 'all' I mean M. Night Shmyalan.
  7. Racial attacks up post-election. My reaction to this was that this should be an excellent opportunity to fething well identify and deal with the individuals responsible.
  8. Don't take this as the prod with a stick it is, but I get massively annoyed when people point at sales and say "Sales is king!" Sales is NOT king. Anyone can sell stuff, in fact the crappier teh better. Simply making sales hould not be ever the mark of merit for a developer or a consumer. Kraft cheese slices sell in greater quantity than worcestershire stilton, but the stilton is the better cheese. Leona Lewis had a faster selling album than anything made by the Beatles as another example. Wherever I've found managers declaiming about sales I've (perhaps coincidentally) found small minded, unimaginative dolts. Moreover these are dolts whose projects and creations are petty, uninspired, and flop. the best they can ever hope for is accidental success. And now, if you'll excuse me I have to sweep up all these teeth I've spit out.
  9. Crouch jumping is something I'd neglected to mention because it is SUCH a pet hate that I flat out refuse to play games with it in. Thus it didn't spring to mind. I dislike intensely the idea that a character is unkillable. By all means make them bloody dangerous, but I want to be able to kill them. That is, after all, a main reason why I play games, I enjoy working out how to kill things. And I think it's a tremendous testament to a game's design where I can be ingenious about it too. For example, in Oblivion there is a particularly fierce type who I enraged, and then set off, wwearing as little as possible, for teh nearest habitation. Once there I climbed up on top of a barn and sat there while the inhabitants of the city did my work for me. I read a boook while this was going on. 30 minutes later I descended and looted the considerable pile of treasure ensuing. You can't say "Oh you'll never kill me." Because it's the one thing guaranteed to make me try to kill you.
  10. Something just occurred to me. Part of the tragicness of this story is the uninspired way the adultery occurred. I mean, this is a virtual f***ing universe. If he had to commit adultery why wasn't it speeding down the highway on a runaway combine harvester, holding her with one arm, and fighting a dragon with the other?
  11. Win. I can't believe I didn't see it.
  12. It's a good point, frankly. A .22 air gun would at least prove capable of exacting a fighting retreat (they're leaving the house). But the problem is extensive. They had one pop out of the freaking toaster! If it was me I'd have turned the lounge into a fething redoubt. The rats would have to go ****ing Iwo Jima style to get in. Razor wire, sonics, mechanical traps.
  13. I must concur with my learned colleague Gfted1. going out, getting angry drunk, dancing like a dervish and bringing home some fresh skinned beauty may not be a solution, but it will be a fun way to take your mind off the problem.
  14. I collected them ages ago, when I was going through a phase of listening to war songs. I was trying to understand combat psychology better. It's only supposition, but I'd suggest that the Nazis fought so hard because the noise of fighting blanked out the songs. I'm now listening to everything in my collection with the word "ain't" in the title. It's not at all bad. I was just enjoying "Ain't got time to waste" by the Porn Theatre Ushers, remixed by Rae and Christian. It's on the Mixmag Rae & Christian album, and by God it's good.
  15. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/family/3470999/...are-worker.html Follow up on the story. It seems that the polie and other social workers had actually arranged a foster family for the child, but a senior social worker over-rode them and sent the child home. I mean how many times does the system have to fail one poor kid?
  16. *hearty belly laugh* I'm currently listening to Nazi WW2 songs. I'm not really sure how or why. They're bloody awful.
  17. I'll contact my reps in Evil Science.
  18. Chaotic Porker? Chaotic lazy. Nice.
  19. I'm spellbound by the guy avatar's outfit. Is that some kind of panzer-assault badge on the left breast? If so, and taking into account the haircut, is he really a Nazi themed transvestite? Because that would kick this onto some sort of legendary level.
  20. I'd hope I'm as romantic as the next man, and have spent more than my fair share of time mooning about, writing bloody awful poetry. The solution, however, is entirely pragmatic. You are to go out and buy two pounds of the worst quality sausages available. Cook and eat these, while thinking about her, and drinking a pint of water. It works without fail. I think it's a pavlovian thing, but it could be something in the sausages.
  21. ROFL! that may be true lol, and it sounds kinda funny when ya put it that way. Well, whether ya like him or not, he is our president for the next 4 years starting...January i think. So, pray for him!!! If my prayers start working, he's not the first in line. But since you asked, I'll try to save him one. Krez, I don't really know the woman, but a candidate gets seen with their family. They get JUDGED by their family, as the press coverage of Palin showed. I don't see why spending money on them is unreasonable. The donors pay to get you elected. But it's not like the donors can be outraged, IMO. It's not fething children's kidney transplant donations. You don't get to finance political campaigns and take the fething high ground over it.
  22. Beans on toast is what God eats when he's been good. NEVER knock beans on toast.
  23. Taken from the thread on UFOs: CrashGirl said: Thought it was worth salvaging.
  24. Met up with people at a rock pub last night, totally new to me. They turned out to be incredibly nice, and interesting, and funny! Unfortunately for them they happened to live in an apartment with rats going nuts in it. They showed me the videos they'd filmed. It was insane. the rats were all perfectly calm, and about the size of my foot. Six of them. In the living room. *shudder* Fething rodents...
  25. if that happened to me i'd be wondering just what the hell happened the night before Strange, because I often wake up wondering what you did the night before. Dread is a perfect emotion for morning coffee. I agree that some of her more recent films lack a certain something. I think she needs to get a better agent, and do some more arty stuff with richer meaning to get her interested. There should also be some love interest between her and Alyson Hannigan. Just saying.
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