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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. I'm not being funny, but to be honest I feel more sorry for you than for me. I had a great mum, and she's gone, but it went down about as well as can be expected. I'm more concerned to hear you're having such a long drawn out bout of depression! I can't really offer any advice, except to try and look for the good things rather than always chow down on the bad. You should always feel free to shout out about it on here.
  2. Prove it!
  3. I have, in fact, done so, but while you can pretend I haven't all you want, you can't really deny that I think I am. *choke laughing* Yeah, sure. You responded to my detailed challenges for more explanation in ALL the other threads you've banjoed. I'm not wasting my time finding the examples for no reason. But if ONE other person will seriously say I'm being unfair I will go dig up the evidence.
  4. I have always responded "sensibly" to your views. You really really haven't. Try again.
  5. I'de say it was small. If you said tiny, then how do you describe places like Monaco?
  6. Little hint, fellah: if you want people to respond sensibly to your posts, try to respond sensibly to their views elsewhere.
  7. What about my idea of throwing balls of paper at things instead of rolling dice?
  8. Don't listen to any of these silly bastards. If you don't understand the mechanics, then **** the mechanics. PnP RPGing is about the storytelling and the ability to do anything the GM can understand. If you feel you have to have mechanics you could always do your own, like throwing bits of scrunched up paper at things. If the GM thinks it's tricky then he/she simply says to throw it at something tricky to hit or far away.
  9. It's not a lame tattoo. It's a fething MAGICAL tattoo. Hardly lame.
  10. Has anyone tried using hazelnuts for cooking? I mean in savouiry dishes. I was thinking I could use them, toasted in a Thai laab.
  11. Walsingham


    The Gaunt's Ghosts books by Dan Abnett. Future warfighting with space battles, trench fighting, demons, politics. With some genuinely clever nuggets of observation thrown in. Grimly uplifting.
  12. England itself and as a whole is full of ugly inbred idiots wearing football shirts as a fashion statement. The middle classes don't like the working classes to have fun, as it gets in the way of them feeling superior and appear caring. That's why Labour are against fatty foods, pubs, and um... er... I'll have to think of a third thing later. Oh yes, drugs! MAKE POVERTY HISTORY! CHEAPER DRUGS NOW!
  13. Thanks to all who've experessed their sympathy, and those who may feel it but be awkward about saying so. I don't really feel much yet, as it's all too weird. Like Gorgon I expect I'll only get hit hard in a week or so. At the moment I just have sudden bursts of tears for about twenty seconds and then feel fine. I know I may be sick, but had the biggest laugh in ages today when we stopped off for petrol and the Daily Express headline reads BREAST CANCER BREAKTHROUGH. We always said this would happen, and sure enough it loks as if they have found a cure for precisely the cancer my mum died of. And I mean precisely the kind, and a nearly full cure. Should be on the shelves in about two years. Unbelievable. We all had a good chuckle, because what else can you say at a time like that?
  14. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/8217775.stm Just one more thing in a long line of problems caused by Labour (who I used to like) on our pubs. Increases in tax, added legislation, and most importantly no action taken on a virtual monopoly of pub venue owndership that has seen literally thousands of pubs going out of business. I think the British public house is a key feature of our culture, and I'm sick of these brainless french-wine swilling idiots doing them over as if they are nothing but hives of scum and villainy.
  15. So you're saying my regular transformations into major bloodnok are vital and necessary? Awesome. Mom died this evening. Right now I'm just happy she's no-longer suffering.
  16. Um. Cos they're aliens?
  17. I know china's not communist. I'm sick of communists trying to cop out of the observed facts concerning communism. Newsflash: communism is nonsensical political system. It's like positing a political system where the economy is powered by perpetual motion machines. Or being chauffered everywhere by magic pigs. Or a chocolate hat. Nice idea, and totally impossible. Not only does observed history show communist states becoming totalitarian dung heaps, but the process is perfectly logical. 1. A communist system of monetary equality is not the natural order of human behaviour. 2. Not being natural, communism must be enforced, and must be enforced by a large enough apparatus to overpower divergent groups within society 3. This communism sustaining apparatus will tend to accumulate power, because while it can acquire power there is no contrary organisation to remove power from it. The rate can vary but the direction never changes. 4. Eventually the communism sustaining apparatus will accumulate so much power that monetary equality is redundant. All become slaves to the Party, except the very highest party officials 5. And that's what has happened in every communist state. Not that I expect you to pay any attention to this. After all, if a nation of millions living in fear and degradation doesn't change your mind then nothing I can say is going to.
  18. - Ray Charles I had a really random hankering for some southern south. This is easily better than some of the overproduced crap he does now.
  19. No worries, man. She'd want you to, if she were well.
  20. Situation nosedived as of Saturday. Expect the old parent to die soon. At least, we hope so, since she's in a lot of pain.
  21. Er... how could you miss this? - Bodycount NSFW
  22. They can't find them? Well who had them last? Steve?
  23. I would literally murder Lord of the Flies to get to see District 9 in the next week.
  24. I think the biggest problem is to sell these projects to people. There are no tangible benefits in such projects, so it lacks the "no holds barred" monetary backing to make quantum leaps. People can see the immediate benefits of smaller, energy friendly cars, faster computers and crops that are resistant to pests, so that is where the research money goes. You've clearly never worked in venture capital. people don't see the benefits of those things. they like big objects, objects that make loud bangs, and really really tiny objects which could either make them biullionairres or kill everyone. They don't like anything else, least of all energy friendly boringness.
  25. I think we can make do with Aplha Centauri as phase one of the plan.
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