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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. Personally, if you are going to be going for a masters or above, I would get a bachelors degree at a smaller institution and then move to your "name-brand" school for grad work. Excellent point I can vouch for this in a sideways fashion, having got a low mark for my undergrad work and now eat off the fact my postgrad work was first rate.
  2. I forgot to mention why I ask. The basic question comes back to the simple truth which is... What would happen if we simply refused to pay? I mean this seriously. Because right now it sounds as if the whole thing is a weird muddle of debt which does little besides lead to things shutting down and which cannot possibly help anybody worth helping.
  3. One thing I must say which occurred to me a couple of days ago but I forgot about, is that the state vs people thing is a bit outdated. It runs from the era of big political thinkers. But in this dichotomy there is no big business, and I think there should be, to form a triad. This is not to have a go at the thinkers because back in the day there WAS no fething big business; not even real prototypes of big business. I'm no commie, but in the balancing act between personal freedom and government we now have to contend with brutalisation by entities other than government. I think this is important because I would respectfully suggest that GD is an excellent example of how leaving big business out of one's political map leaves you vulnerable to unanticipated misfortunes. It is no more sensible to say that corporations are your slaves because you choose which to patronise than it is to say that politicians are your slaves because they need you to vote for them.
  4. Site wont let me hotlink: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/picturegal...March-2010.html A chinese lady with a frakking HORN, like a demon horn on her head.
  5. I didn't think it was a trap. It just sounds like a stakeout question like "would you rather have no legs or fifty legs"
  6. I'm getting properly annoyed now about how many 2H blades there are lying around when NONE of the rune warriors you can pick up or buy actually use them. Of course it doesn't help that I myself chose 2H blunt... But a word to the wise - choose 2H blade or small blunt if you want lots of choice. This includes quest given forged weapons which never allow you to go blunt for no obvious reason. EDIT: I just checked, and according to lists online there appear to be roughly comparable numbers. However this takes no account of the speed weighted damage they do (blunt do damage slower) nor the way they crop up in adventures. 2H blade is the way to go.
  7. My question about benefits was meant to reflect the fact that whether you think the land is Israel or Palestine, irradiated is bad. It's too small to nuke 'just a bit'. Doing so pre-emptively would probably constitute the only definite international basis for action on the regime. Not that it would help the poor bastards in Israel. But i'm just saying. I think the logical basis for Iran's nuke program is threefold: - To bolster the prestige of the regime and form a political node for what is a very divided nation. Divided ethnically, politically, geographically and religiously. - To form a bargaining chip in receiving aid and assistance - If completed it would act as a strategic longstop to preclude military invasion and even domestic unrest in extremis ~ I'd say GDs options make sense, but the most likely one is going to be to try and leverage influence to assist reformists and provide incentives for the electorate to perceive benefits to playing ball, as we have been. But unfortunately the character of the state security forces, and particularly the IRGC means that they weild considerable power behind the official faces of authority. The IRGC own business assets, build big construction projects, run arms and drugs, and arrange every kind of financial deal. In addition to their pivotal role as a military elite, and paramilitary strategic bodunker. They are totally out of control, as evidenced by their 'clandestine' operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, which directly set the agenda yet seem to often catch the politicians by surprise.
  8. I'm with GD. The best investment for a young chap is to cause mayhem and romance the gender of his choice.
  9. Really? I'm constantly seeing electronic engineering jobs going over here. English kids don't like engineering because it involves maths. Wankers. There are jobs, but schools like DeVery and ITT (unaccredited diploma mills) are churning out legions of barely qualified "engineers" and the labor pool is larger than the demand. Ah. Understood.
  10. Redaer's Digest quickie on the subject, which is pretty fullsome
  11. "They are not meant to be lived in" What a chilling commentary on the poor bloody observer assigned to it.
  12. Hold on. Honest question: what possible benefit is there in Iran nuking Israel?
  13. Sounds like Sand in his medicinal bucket. I'm not sure which to choose. Neither sounds like it would suit me. On the one hand I rely on others a lot to fulfil key requirements like giving me medicines for all my failing body parts, and in turn work quite hard to help others. On the other hand I hate taking orders from anyone I don't both know and respect. On the other hand I ... Look do I have to really choose between anarchy and maternal despotism?
  14. Really? I'm constantly seeing electronic engineering jobs going over here. English kids don't like engineering because it involves maths. Wankers.
  15. As usual Enoch astounds. I actually understood that. I think.
  16. Is it going to be a rusted gray metal bucket or a pink plastic bucket? Black HDPE. With a galvanised steel handle.
  17. If we all owe money in our national budgets then WHO THE FETH DO WE OWE IT TO?
  18. I'm going to keep you in a bucket, like an unwell lobster.
  19. I thought the whole point with the tech was that the Fallout world America built to last. Like 50s cars. Or at least it did sometimes, which is why only a few things keep turning up, whereas there would have been a bazillion varieties pre nuke. One thing I really didn't like about Fallout 3 was that you ahd well travelled areas FULL of prewar cakes and so forth. WTF!? Am I the first person to have thought of going hunting for food in old shops? Ridiculous. What would have been better is to have the majority of food being revolting fungi and scraped lichens. Then when you did find a snack cake in an old vault it should have been a real treat. Not necessarily high stats bonus, but a real song and dance with the animation of eating it.
  20. Why are you doubling up offensive damage capacity? Surely if you have elemental you don't need offensivemind? Heh. Offensive mind. I don't recall mana shield, although that would seem to make sense if it does what it says on the tin and takes hit from mana. Equally, having the capacity to go 'ping' and recharge that shield sound good. But at the same time it sounds as if in a crisis you will be standing still and casting longwinded buffs rather than kiling teh enemy or running away, and that sounds like a good way to get turned into undead snakpak.
  21. Sando, you can't BE self-sufficient and still have a vibrant economy. While at the same time it's perfectly possible to do well and be interlinked with people. It's what you've been doing for years. Moreover, almost every large entity prefers to run on a big chunk of debt. Because money you have today is almost always worth more than money you can have tomorrow. It grows more money in the meantime. The aim is simply to make sure that happens. Rather than pissing it all up a tree. Having said that your deficit is bananas. I was actually talking about Sand's original post, BTW. I should have quoted. I'm afraid.
  22. I fail to see how WMDs come into the equation, there. The IDF has a history of success against overwhelming odds. When did nuclear weapons become the sole option for preemptive/defensive strikes? And, more pertinently, why on Earth should Israel attack Iran?! Because clearly real men only use nukes to settle their differences. Something I'm sure France would agree with, being all manly, despite being literally next door to the country he wants to nuke. Numbers makes a very good point which is that conventional military force, as a part of conventional diplomatic relations seems far more sensible. We can't just nuke everyone who happens to be going through a bad patch. Nor even apply massive military force to all of them. It's not like hitting a dog on the nose with a rolled up newspaper. It's ****ing mass slaughter. Which is not to say I don't think it is inevitable on occasion and should be done well, but all the same...
  23. You eat FOX breakfast cereal, don't you? What does that have to do with FOX? I'm just asking about the variety of your news diet, and calling you an info panda.
  24. Don't tell that loud, you make some people here cry Define real enemy. Briefly.
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