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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. Is anyone close enough to poke Sand with a stick? Maybe we can send him critical.
  2. You missed half the joke, you fool. You are supposed to do the bit where the panda comes out from teh hills, and the service provider has to explain what they do with the dictionary first. That's why the panda refers to it! Gah.
  3. I don't think I need to repeat that in general I am in favour of unions. They are a sensible way to organise collective action by individuals, and a vital weapon in maintaining social balance. However, according to this story in the right-of-centre paper the Telegraph the union 'Unite' who are behind the recent strike at British Airways - Have contributed 25% of Labour campaign funds since Gordon Brown came to office - Have significant numbers of members in 90 marginal seats (that is ones which can be expected to swing either way). This is enough to give Labour a comfortable majority at the next election Now, I have been gritting my teeth these last year because I 'knew' I wouldn't have to put up with much more of Brown. He and his collection of third-stringers have destroyed all my support for Labour. They have utterly failed to manage the economic crisis, they have crapped on management of the armed forces, even though we are at war, and have presided over an actual WIDENING of the gap between rich and poor. No matter which way you look at our involvement in Europe or foreign aid and immigration they have arsed it royally. They even plan to abolish the House of Lords and give us proportional representation just when it looks like they might get hammered under the current system. Before this news I was seriously struggling with the revolting notion that i might vote Conservative. They are a party of prune-faced lunatics. I thought I might indulge the moral luxury of having other people vote them in for me. Like getting a plumber to fix the drains. But it looks like unless I - and many others like me - DO vote Tory then we might actuallly face 4 more years of Brown. And I tell you right now that no power on Earth is going to do that to me or to my country.
  4. I also favour the rage at inanimate objects.
  5. I would object to this statement, but the amount of money that has been spent on these two bastards could have saved thousands of kids who just need a bit of support in order to make a proper go of life.
  6. And your favourite?
  7. From memory I think the G11 had a rotating bolt which meant that the rounds could be fed in at tremendous speed. It could fire three round bursts so that the last round left the barrel before the shock recoil of the first was felt.
  8. What a bunch of wankers! ................I just had to say it Surely under the circumstances they were not!
  9. I agree that part of being human is to fight being human, but putting diesel in a petrol cars is just excessive. We need an aray of proteins to be successful, and - assuming my highschool biology teacher was correct - you cannot manufacture some of those proteins internally from pure veg. Plus there are many oils and so forth which come best from oily fish etc. I am not going to be a vegetarian for three reasons: 1. The good things I do outwiegh the harm I do by eating sheep, cows, bivalves etc 2. The bad things I do dwarf the harm done by eating sheep, cows, bivalves etc 3. I have canines that are 1.5 times the national average in size. They are also sharp enough to cut my tongue on as I eat. A retrotgrade evolutionary trait, but one I prize in its rarity and implications. Four reasons 4. MOST IMPORTANTLY, the best diet is one which makes you happy or at least unhappy. Being stressed and unhappy are far higher killers than booze or fat or cholesterol. My normal diet doesn't just taste delicious it tastes bloody marvellous. It puts a spring in my step and fire in my unmentionables. I feel it would be peculiar and even grotesque to allow my general morality to be defined by a childish squeamishness towards eating flesh. And before anyone asks I have hunted and killed my own food. If anything it makes me more comfortable knowing exactly how limited animals are.
  10. I haven't played the game, but the film gave me nightmares. Which I guess is a win.
  11. I have to say I love those trailers. I just watched a few, and it brought back all the cool stuff I did in the original campaign. I'm totally getting this once I save up some cash.
  12. It could be an approaching dragon. A homophobic dragon.
  13. I just like the mechanic of teh game getting visibly more elaborate when you put in non combat skills. Makes for more of a roleplay feel. Actually, come to that, you could represent low persuasion PCs by having them use inappropriate emotes, and looking blank. But high persuasion PCs would become more natural and adept.
  14. It's better with a real hammer. And a panda.
  15. You have to put points in athletics in order to move quicker.
  16. I admit I missed that point. Yes, consoles are harder to pirate for. The physical component is the clincher. It's possibly why console games are seen as bigger earners. Unless I'm wrong about that too. But I do think PC games are unlikely to go away. I mean piracy hasn't killed film making. Yet.
  17. It's partly economic and partly to counter some excess yesterday. We went to a Chinese all you can eat and as usual on such occasions far too much was ordered and then forced down even after we stopped enjoying it. Most of it was terrible, except for the Ban Bang Chicken, and prawns wrapped in bacon. Everything else had so much salt I felt like a medical experiment.
  18. Don't get me wrong. I like the Aug. Easiest thing I've ever shot with, chambered to 9mm parabellum.
  19. I HAVE been shot at, but not in combat. I do however, make the most remarkable acquaintances.
  20. I got annoyed by the notion that I couldn't go a day wityhout eating meat so I breakfasted on fruit and had some steamed veg with a homemade butter and mustard and paprika dressing for dinner. I'm now fermenting and gassing up like a barrage balloon. It's quite alarming.
  21. The current rifle is the SA80 mk 2, and has a number of differences to the original. They range from different plastic on the grips which won't melt when insect repellent is applied to it, to a guard on the magazine ejection button, and alterations to the gas parts. The mk2 is - so I'm told - an immense improvement. Plus points are that it's light, VERY easy to carry balance wise, it's short for CQB, and it's well understood now. It is accurate. On the down side it can still be temperamental if mistreated, it rusts easily, and it can't be used by left handed people unless they want to lose an eye. I don't know anyone who objects to bullpups, but that may be coincidence. ~~~ As for the other questions: 1. People who know such things first hand have told me that if you are attacked unexpectedly you get the complete shakes and don't know where you are being fired on from. I believe them. They both recommend the sawn off because it lets you suppress all points of the compass while you get your bearings. Clouds of buckshot give your assailant something to think about other than shooting straight. Your job then is to run away smartish. 2. If you are not being attacked and are attacking someone else then good luck to you, but it's not something I'm likely to be doing for fun.
  22. I would much rather have to read text and be able to be visually convinced through body language of the persons feelings than seeing a still body with voice acting. That's my preference, though. Combine the two and I'd probably crap myself. Not that that's really controllable anyway. :ROFL: I agree. On the other hand I get the impression most gamers don't read so fast. I second your incontinence if both could combine. EDIT: Ooh! Ooh! i had an idea! The more points you put in empathy the more people are seen to act out what they are thinking!
  23. I'm certainly anti-piracy, which is why I'm replaying my old games because I can't afford to splash out on new ones. But i'm also against oppressive DRM for one simple and - I feel - golden reason... It doesn't stop piracy. This should surely be the end of the argument. Publishers who buy and use DRM are wasting money and should stop. FURTHER I also believe that DRM cannot work. Because DRM is an additional component which must be added into software, and therefore to negate it you just take that aspect out. The only way the defender can win is to mutate the DRM faster than the attackers can crack it, which would require constant DRM updates and a rolling enterprise. Which is unlikely to ever match the hacking community. Unless I'm just being pessimistic.
  24. Try killing Fawkes at level 30. He even survives a mininuke to the head. spolier alert:
  25. That is interesting in itself. Thanks for looking for one anyway.
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