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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. ROFLMAO. Coffee up nose.
  2. Crunchy nut cornflakes and soy milk, One banana. One pear. Two cups of coffee. Two pints of water (hangover). I'm pondering what to have for lunch. Later I shall cook some rather fine silverside of beef with roast veg.
  3. I wouldn't be surprised if she had additional makeup like white contacts.
  4. Great PhD idea. I love how it actually raises real issues.
  5. My point is precisely that CoH meaning several things is why we shouldn't use it. Don't you see how fething opaque the board becomes when we indulge ourselves that way?
  6. Anyway, back on topic, I put it to you that ANY organisation which has formed for another purpose and which aims to wield _decisive_ political power is against the spirit of democracy. Aye or nay?
  7. Your dripline sounds very much like the kind of thing I tried to make for my dad when I was little. The hose did not survive the attempt. I got thrashed soundly.
  8. I thought Return of the Killer Tomatoes did it well.
  9. Australia has its own identity obviously. It's a distinct economy and geography. Never mind the culture. BUt in many ways that's why we should work together.
  10. My real issue with rehabilitation was that it is unreliable to the point of posing significant risk. The aspiration is to make rehab both more moral and more economical than life imprisonment. But I doubted whether it would be. We have assumed that it is at least possible, but is it feasible with the resources available? I suggest that what we do instead is simply tick some boxes and hope for the best.
  11. No, because this is an extension of an existing mechanism. Add a few terms and shazaam. And frankly nuts to your point about hypothetical newbies. I contend there are constantly new people here, and if there aren't then Obs may as well pack the whole thing in. We fail.
  12. I keep talking about my avatar from Dragon Age, so here she is. I created her in about two minutes then realised I'd inadvertantly drawn the face of my ideal woman.
  13. Orogun, we already presumed for the sake of this discussion that full recovery was feasible, given sufficient resources. We accept this because it makes the question more interesting. Clearly if recovery is impossible, then emphasising recovery is epic fail. I take your point about humanitarians saying we have to have faith in humanity and all that. but I struggle with this. How can it be said to be truly caring if you take sufficient resources to help thousands and instead spend it on one guy? Never mind that fact that his sole qualification for this largesse is that he has been an especially unpleasant arsehole.
  14. Ya momma my volvo? Sure we know what MOTB means, but this forum isn't just for us. Someone comes in here who's new and we sound like a whole battery farm of c***s. EDIT: The fact that there are several potential interpretations of an acronym doesn't make my point less valid it makes it MORE valid. Why the f*** are we using acronyms with more than one meaning in the first place? NB: Before anyone asks, I don't know why I've suddenly got into profanity.
  15. Something I hate is when cliques of 'experts' wind up using tonnes and tonnes of acronyms. It happens all the time in business, government, and the military. The reason is that people who deal with something all the time don't want the hassle of saying it in full. But the result is that anyone not in the tiny clique ends up feeling excluded and can't tell what the star spangled f*** they are going on about. I have bad news, gentlemen. We do this all the MF time. The Computer Game section at times coud just as easily be a conference hosted by the insurance industry. It's that f***ing wanky. Can I make a forum suggestion? You know how we write 'lol' and it comes up as ? Let's add common acronyms to the list. So we write 'MOTB' and it comes up as Mask of the Betrayer.
  16. MOTB is my definition of RPG awesome, thankyouverymuch.
  17. Quite true. Instead you pay 30 quid on 6 DIFFERENT high-end AAA games that are on discount on Steam, and save yourself the hassle worrying about any Ubisoft games until they are actually worth giving a **** about (i.e. when they have realistic DRM scheme). Indeed, and BTW I should have added "I do that by looking in the mirror for free".
  18. I started playing Vanilla FO3 again last night. - I tried at great length to construct the gorgeous face of my avatar from Dragon Age Origins again, but discovered it is almost impossible. Everyone in FO3 looks miserable and a bit inbred, which is logical in context but unpleasing. - I hadn't previously considered the expedient of completing missions by running really fast past bad guys rather than killing them. Try it. It's hilarious.
  19. Do let me know as i plan to upgrade my PC by the end of the year, and will certainly want to play BG again.
  20. So, is that, like a euphemism for... Oh ew ew ew ew ew. Why would you even THINK that? Ucaech! And I for one apologise to Australia. If you look at the history of our relationships the Commonwealth have almost unstintingly continued backing us up despite our leaders falling for the gaudy corruption of Europe. We should totally have stuck with you guys.
  21. What the hell is a dripline? STOP PRESS: I just noticed some joker has changed my class to 'monk'. This is rather too pointed a criticism I think.
  22. Hope and Glory.
  23. OK. So I for one am happy to take that as true, in the context of this discussion. You make a good case. The question then becomes one of decision making regarding doing good. I see the equation as having several components. You have the offender's good, you have the victim's 'good' (they may after all be dead), you have those who feel the pain of the victim (family and wider), and you have the people who could benefit from alternative use of resources. I assume this isn't too contentious so far. Has anyone got suggestions for how the outcome should balance those factors?
  24. Sometimes I think it woudl be great to do more pot. You magnificent bastard.
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