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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. There goes my pension scheme.
  2. I have a somewhat tangential question. Ma\ke of it what you will. I just spent two days slogging my guts out, in training, and yes I washed out, as my back busted. I saw young fellahs doing physical training until they were on the verge of tears. Sweating, exhausted, passing out. All just so they could go on to do even more intensive training, so they could serve their country and suffer and possibly die. My question is, where does LoF get off on asking all these bloody questions? Has he shed a single bead of sweat - let alone blood - for these ideals? I have mixed feelings towards the Palestinian Israeli question, but I find it hard to stomach his claim to represent them, in light of the undeniable pain both sides have suffered. Indeed I think he demeans the Palestinians by his dilettantism, even as he attempts to claim spurious virtue by association with them!
  3. I kind of sympathise. I mean, you must be feeling terrible. However, I would tentaively suggest that life in general does not suck. Life in its natural form ****ing rocks. I say that despite all the crap which has happened to me recently, and the fact that I'm sitting here having just washed out of training after busting my back quite badly and my life plan being shot to ****. I say this mainly because I was out on ptrol last night, freezing my nuts of, hurting all over from being beasted about the place. it was -5 degrees C, and we were sleeping in the open. Then it began to rain, and I got soaked. But i looked up at the stars and I thought 'My God, I ****ing love being alive.'
  4. OK, whatever floats your boat. Jetski. In this case. With a goat in the boot.
  5. Fixed. the awful truth is that the Rebel Alliance symbol you've shown is actually a joke by Admiral Akhbar. It's a stylised set of Mon Calamari privates.
  6. I'm still trying to get my teeth past 'peaceful middle-eastern country'.
  7. Innocuous symbol: International Space Station: (It won't link the image) http://www.telegraph.co.uk/science/picture...es.html?image=1
  8. OK Now I look like an idiot.
  9. Every time I read your posts I feel more and more like Gordon Brown.
  10. Didn't Numbers already cover this?
  11. Promite sounds like something a space marine would use in his vambraces.
  12. Stand up the the West? The last time I checked Italy was in the West!
  13. So you're one of those 'once a week' people?
  14. Quote:
  15. TV Tropes
  16. I laughed so hard my rib nearly popped out.
  17. @ WoD: Fair enough. Your point is now clear. I'd like to ask a very simple question: can either of you 1. Tell me if you've ever been tortured? 2. Give us 3 anecdotal examples of torture in any circumstance leading to intelligence of a calibre and latency improbable by other means. It doesn't ahve to be impossible by other means
  18. Calm down, it was just a joke. I'm fine with your jokes, but don't make it look like I said something I didn't. You mean you actually genuinely admire Berlsuconi?
  19. I think Slugs deserves sympathetic reponses. Going out of Valentines with a likely lass, and coming home with an unwelcome stalker is bloody bad luck. Indeed so much so I wonder if this bloke is actually fairly innocuous. I mean, if he was truly chickenhawking you surely he'd have spun it out more? Just taking you to see websites seems a bit buffhanded.
  20. No, I mean, how do you figure it's not possible to have a desperate, utterly humiliated person believe he's better off taking what the "good cop" is offering? That was not what i was saying. By careful social engineering, the subject will willfully give the information wanted because he has established a bond of friendship with the interogator. I was not talking about the good cop/bad cop-scenario. Back when I worked as journalist, and even more recently, I established that people want to tell their story. You'd be quite simply amazed by what people will say if you genuinely care about what they say. Like that ex-Para who opened up and told me all about the suicide bomber he was forced to shoot in Iraq. Towards the end of the evening he laughed and said he'd never ever told anyone so much about it, not even the Army psychologists. As a journalist I got hitmen and drug-smugglers to open up in pretty much the same way. I'm not saying interviews have to work that way. But it's a powerful mechanism, as Meshugger suggests.
  21. I thought it was the new thing. Scammers are inveigling people into discussions first, then springing the trap later. In this case you might begin a discussion now, then be asked to contribute funds much much later. Perhaps for after-treatment.
  22. We went trhough a phase in teh office of drinking pure fresh ground to the same scale as instant. We all got sick.
  23. Would it be funny to have one of those fish bumper sticker things, but with the outline of a capybara? Over the word 'Catholic'?
  24. My new steel business cards arrived today. I think I may have ordered slightly too heavy weight after all. I've been trying them out as a sort of thrown weapon, and cut a hole in the couch. However, they are completely awesome, so no harm there.
  25. I was reading an article about capybaras, and I had a sudden revelation. In a preconscious sense, THIS is how I've always pictured you all. Especially Hades.
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