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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. Thanks, man. Yes, it was ridiculously tough to do.
  2. But can you disguise a chicken as a golem? That's a crazy idea. You want iron golem soup?
  3. Huh, how odd. I wonder if its the same way in the US if you fail out of boot camp. I distictly remember taking the oath prior to being shipped out to boot camp, it was one of the proudest moments of my life to that point, but I dont think they have an official de-oathing if you fail. Well, I didn't have to go through a ceremony as such, but signing all the papers was emotional for me. I'm actually going to keep the oath anyway. But kind of like those guys in the movies who throw in their badge, but start exploding everything a few minutes later.
  4. WOOOO! I was so disappointed it wasn't an actual movie until now.
  5. Today I officially had my oath rescinded. I am no longer obliged to defend the Queen. So you are now welcome to try without going past me. Although I warn you she is ****ing deadly.
  6. Strong evidence of voter fraud in UK election.
  7. I thought you were talking about Britain until you got to the bit about good food.
  8. As I believe Bill Hicks may have said: why is it that exponents of the ubermensch are always such pathetic specimens?
  9. You must eat a lot of them then. My inability to compose a witty comeback merely underlines the accuracy of your statement and makes me want to cry.
  10. Quite. In which spirit may I reiterate my opposition to an ideology which sacrifices millions of people in pursuit of a goal which never occurs, and can never occur. I am also against the ideology of pursuing the previous ideology out of a pathological sense of wounded megalomania. And I'm against the ideology of ignoring historical fact. You're right. That feels much better.
  11. It's OK. I can disguise the golem as a chicken.
  12. You may wish to amend your hole in one analogy, because I would point out that the variations over greater range weaken it considerably. The question on your terms is can a regular golfer get a hole in one in their lifetime against a hole which is three holes away from where they would normally aim, while they are potentially being shot/mortared and having undergone the severest physical hardships to get to the course. Incidentally, i found out last night that the White Death chap killed 200 of his 700 with a sub machinegun. Apparently. He also used iron sights on his rifle.
  13. I'm actually from a small independent republic which emerged in the wake of the collapse of the Soviet Union. Its location is nestled in the lining of LoF's underpants. Which is why his gassing irks me so much.
  14. What about deliberately 'sinking' a small bulk carrier, and positioning it over the busted wellhead. Oil goes in, and fills the tanks, displacing existing water. Once it gets full the bulk carrier is hoisted back up. Or something like that, anyway. Krez, I don't think it's daft to assume that a system which is vastly expensive, critical to operations, and for which the operators are criminally liable, is going to be run to the highest standards. We're not talking about a greyhound bus. I never said an invetsigation shouldn't be held, just that painting BP as reckless cowboys is a strange assumption. EDIT: A better idea, of course, would be to leave the hull as collection point in place, and pump the oil up. Which is what BP now intend to do!
  15. No, they will merely PRETEND to grow slower. Strawberries have a very poor sense of humour.
  16. You, sir are quite correct. Beer is best.
  17. Basically an example which reinforces the stance that names are not important. While I applaud your laudable attempt to deligitimise the conflict in Northern Ireland, I think you're being a bit lala land. It makes a big ****ing difference because the name is practically written in blood. But Macedonia? FFS that's LITERALLY ancient history? Let the bugger's have it, and move on. If it gives them a sense of purpose and gives them a boost then so much the better. It would be the cheapest diplomatic manoeuvre ever since Menelaus left Paris alone with his wife.
  18. I'll readily put my hands up to reckless patriotism. But that doesn't alter my central point, which I feel you aren't addressing. To hit a target at that range with less than national lottery winner odds IS the definition of a top flight shooter. Or are you actualy suggesting any top class shooter would be able to make these shots given a few weeks of attempts?
  19. Nah it's ok. Let's go with you carrying me after lunch.
  20. I didn't say anything about perfect safety. Edit: But I did talk about optimum safety. You can't just assume that current safety standards are optimum. I don't think there's even the remotest possiibility of there not being searching enquiries after this. But I would suggest that the odds of a company which routinely manages huge investment risks and novel high risk engineering would allow the safety to be obviously balls. And as I say, the higher the energy the less safe something gets. Deep drilling, oil product (including gases), product transfer, the sea itself. All very high energy. It's not a question of IF there are failures, it's a question of when. @Wod: Interesting detail. If you find out any mroe keep us posted.
  21. Basically, what Monte and I are getting at is that an average shooter at that range would have a shot dispersion so wide that their luck would need to be millions to one to hit the guy. Ramp up the skill to even one in a hundred and you're talking about control gun side that is almost superhuman. What's next? Are you going to belittle olympic gold medallists for benefiting from luck in performing in certain humidities? You must be a right laugh on a night out...
  22. Surely any deaths incurred by nazis could be written off as 'miniscule' by fundamentally insane people many years later in another country? Seriously, chaps, I'm starting to feel like this is bullying. LoF's clearly mental, and only a teenager. It's not as if anyone even remotely buys what he's selling. Maybe we should just ease off.
  23. Precisely. But forget youtube. You need to find yourself a proper dance tutor. Preferably one to one. Once you've had a few lessons then get to a group class. No more salsa for me, until I can fix my ****ing spine.
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