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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. Interesting. I've only had it homestyle, not from the cartons. Homestyle it contains extras like fresh cow's blood, milk, and actual beer (more for fun than kick). Imagine a smoothie made from cottage cheese, grits, chargrilled very rare steak, and lager.
  2. Brown was never elected to be PM. This election was the first and last time he has stood for the role. The party ran with him because quite frankly there was no credible alternative, and at the time he looked pretty good. He definitely talked the talk. Fooled me, to begin with. I think the concept of a mandate is both foolish and irresponsible. In reality people don't vote for a party's entire manifesto. Good policy, during the life of a given parliament, is hashed out and decided on by the representatives IN parliament. I think that process is more sensibly controlled by the close relationship which exists between an MP and his/her constituency. Successful MPs spend a huge amount of time in their constituency, running 'surgeries' and even helping fix people's problems. It keeps them rooted.
  3. Yes, I have an argument against them. They are killing people and see killing people as the route to achieving progress. They deter investment in the region - sometimes deliberately. they don't want people's lives to be better. They just see the people as a means to achieving power. They are no better than the bastards oppressing the peasants already. I have no intention of referencing this. I am content to let people look it up for themselves. More importantly the end game for the movement will be mass slaughter of 'class enemies' including no doubt a few million middle class and intellectuals.
  4. I was interested in how the mission command works. So I dropped them an email. Pretty interesting stuff. Seem like nice fellahs, too.
  5. I think Master Chief is an excellent role model for SHUTTING THE HELL UP. Most kids would benefit enormously.
  6. 40k MMO? Hubba hubba. Although can we PLEASE go with a slightly less gokking WoW feel than usual. 40k used to be famous for beautiful and disturbing artwork.
  7. http://thief.wikia.com/wiki/THI4F Who keeps telling people that names like THI4F and F3AR are good? 213374U?
  8. I agree. What about a "My other car is missing its fuel cell controller" bumper sticker?
  9. It's been pretty good so far, hasn't it?
  10. I don't see that as too relevant. Every other Renaissance painting is a crucifixion - without a wealth of options for interpretation. Yet only a handful of painters are considered the best, while others have faded into obscurity. Interesting point. I'm not sure if that contradicts me or merely reinforces me. After all, aren't the really famous ones the ones with loads of interesting stuff happening in the background?
  11. You know what you saw but are you sure that wasn't kalabash beer? It's live, like live yoghurt, and keeps fermenting inside you (so I've been told). I do know it will get you pissed off your proverbials like nobody's business. I love the stuff.
  12. To remind himself as to where his allegiance truly lies? You know, with all those lobbies, special interest groups and campaign donors, it's easy to lose track... :lol: "Note to self: ..." EDIT: @Boo Why they should be pissed off is a good question, with (I suspect) a complex answer. However, if a man came into my house doused in kerosene, no matter why I still wouldn't offer him a cigarette. The more I think about it the more I see how world states arise from multiple equally vital contributory qualities/effects. Far too much time is spent pointing at the other guy and saying 'well he could fix it so he should'. One of the fundamentals of British Army training is if you see a problem don't wait for someone else to fix it. Pitch in.
  13. All parties in Britain are minority parties. Where does that leave you? Fat and pompous. But still magnificent.
  14. I may well have done. It wasn't intentional. But I have yet to be convinced that prop rep will fix the 'problems' with our political culture. This sounds reactionary, and it may be. But I do believe that where one is dealing with a highly complex system one should have a definite understanding of how it works before you start delivering interventions. Prop rep could be the cane toad to our outback, so to speak. I'm not against coalitions. I'm broadly in favour of negotiations and compromise in general. Compromise solutions are frequently superior for all parties, because it focusses all concerned on what they actually need. What I am against is the hijacking of control by minorities. I am against it because I hold the quaint view that sometimes a view is held by a minority because it's ****ing insane.
  15. I think that the government has a pretty high priority on that one. The possibility of a german female being gangraped by a gang of men wishing to cure their aids-decease could be a spark to something really nasty. Despite the "white flight", South Africa is keen on establishing themselves as a Rainbow Nation. I'm not questioning how keen the government is to get the foreign money. I'm questioning the ability of the society itself to deliver. South Africa is ****ed. Very few jobs going, massive corruption. The police are chronically overstretched, under-equipped and under-skilled. On top of that you have the nihilistic atmosphere engendered by a 30-50% HIV infection in many areas. It's like setting up a Disneyland Hades attraction. Drugs of all kinds are endemic. I'm not saying that everyone is suddenly a criminal. Far from it. Indeed it's a testament to how fundamentally decent most people are that there isn't even more crime. But the demand for crime is there in poverty, hunger, drugs, and despair. And realy there's **** all the authorities can do to stop it, short of cordoning off entire neighbourhoods.
  16. I accept his point that context matters, obviously. But those examples are a bit mendacious. What about wearing a union jack t-shirt during st patrick's day IN ENGLAND? I think intent has to be factored in. If youre doing it to piss people off then it hardly matters what it is, you are a **** and should be flung off a church steeple.
  17. Indeed. I love how we're always supposed to forget how LoF is fully up for murdering millions to achieve his 'utopia'. It's like being required to forget a casual acquaintance has the ebola virus.
  18. I think there will be a lot of dramatic football, which I like. but I am genuinely concerned about the security of the fans.
  19. Hold it right there, mush. 1. FPTP doesn't 'ignore' votes. It just means that the votes count the same within each seat rather than spread across the nation. Parliament then becomes more akin to a confederation than monolithic. It's not undemocratic in the least. 2. Coalitions are bad because it gives the deciding control the the teensy parties sitting at the fulcrum of the seesaw. Rather than the bulk parties at either end. Is that democratic? That the party with 20% should decide who governs? Never mind that in order to form an actual majority they will need to cosy up to the parties with only one or two seats?
  20. Sorry. It's just that trolling as you describe would be so apocalyptically sad and lonely that it's hard to imagine anyone getting kicks from doing it.
  21. But as you can clearly see (since the UK is FPTP, and so is Canada), this issue has nothing to do with prop rep in particular. What? We just had it explained by Numbers and Boo* that severing the direct connection between voter and individual as with pure prop rep creates perfect conditions for corruption. I'm not saying we can't have corruption here, but FPTP means at the end of teh day that anyone, including the prime minister, can be removed by a local movement of a few thousand people. Speaking of which I'd like to know why no-one suggested a 'suicide squad' be dispatched to Brown's seat to vote the little weasel out. *Great name for a firm of lawyers
  22. And will you be joining them in their struggle or will you be providing comfortable support from behind your latte, as usual?
  23. Come now. You still have all those snakes for company. AH! Snakes!
  24. I turned a demi lich into a chicken, then it killed two of my party.
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