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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. Like I say, I agree that this nutloop wasn't political, but why does it always have to be about banning something? Can't we just insult and ostracise extremists? Rather than giving them talk show programs?
  2. I agree that when I read the comments on many online media I was chokingly angry. And not a little proud that we haven't gone the same route here. Having said that, I don't see how you CAN'T ask questions about supporting ideologies when you have all the narrative about hate preachers and radical Islam occurring in parrallel. Now, I'm a firm fan of the mad/sad/bad argument for all political violent nutloops. But it seems to me that inflammatory rhetoric is the carelessly discarded cigarette to the brushfire.
  3. I'll give you a clue: it's in my pants.
  4. Obviously sorry to hear this. Again, I think we need to do more about reaching out, and tackling bloody nutters before they take it into their heads to hurt people. Of course, mental health is often the first to get cut.
  5. Because you're sexy?
  6. Piers Morgan should be the 'proof of concept' for my system. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk_politics/3716151.stm Lazy **** who grossly harmed the Forces while at war. So personally I think freeform abuse ought to be mandated. As I say, along with parents who soft-pimp out their kids.
  7. 26 quid is perfectly reasonable for (by my reckoning) 180 hours of gameplay.
  8. This reminds me: I was thinking that what we need is a new regime of justice. Basically there are some things which are debateably criminal, but which should be discouraged, and it occurred to em that a neat solution would be to make an offender liable to assault by the public, short of serious bodily harm. For example, if a person were carrying out teh above shoot, or was Piers Morgan, then officials would paintgun the bastard and let nature take its course for the duration of the colour of shown (by day). Rotten fruit, open handed slaps, or ramming with a wheelchair would all be acceptable, as would verbal abuse.
  9. I have to say that we tried to play shadowrun years ago, and the atmosphere just never worked. I much prefered cyberpunk. Which reminds me we aren't that far from 2013. WHERE'S MY GODDAMN CYBER-FEET?
  10. I'm buying any New Vegas DLC at all. They could make DLC about sitting in a rocking chair chawing tobacco and I'd buy it. I have just finished my hardcore play through in fine style. .
  11. I suppose it was inevitable that some advertising/marketing asshat would try and push this boundary to shock.
  12. WTF is it with mankind and puritan bull****? Can't eat, can't drink, can't have sexy thoughts... It seems to be a strand running everywhere, like the smell of cabbage. Amused today by the wikipedia page on sonar.
  13. 1. It's an ok idea, and would be entertaining 2. You would have to make the dev requirement hugely simple in order to outweigh the cost of producing it 3. I personally think the idea of keeping all the kit from your hallucination sucks The key point here is making the dev costs very light. Given the size of FO1, however, I'd suggest you'd need some way of harvesting the data from the old game automatically, and then having a human play through and correct any weirdness. Developing a tool to do that automatic harvesting would be the greatest challenge here. You'd need some sort of genius, or a team of good programmers.
  14. Anyone prepared to play NWN1 after the OC is smoking crack, and any bugs they experience are due to their cortex melting.
  15. I was reading on the official forums that they have had tremendous trouble getting the bugs to replicate on the machines that they are using. Not sure how that works, but I have overseen at least one dev project where we could get the bugs to occur everywhere except the company making the damn thing. And I saw it with my own eyes. ~ However, as a bit of an aside I think it's terribly weak to have had no response on this topic/forum from Obs. If people are coming here to complain it's just not good enough to point them at another forum. They are blaming Obsidian, and they are doing it here, and they are doing it now. I mention this because I like the company tremendously, and think it should get on the case.
  16. Who's your daddy?... LOL for a guy who's advocated Labour a lot, her dad made sure she went to one of the poshest schools in England! (just been reading her wiki) Isn't Tenant a lefty?
  17. Whippoorwill's comment got me thinking. Maybe as nerds we actually militate against TV which we'll like on two grounds: 1. We're very critical 2. A lot of nerds pirate - probably more than normals 3. No one listens to us about things we like
  18. Point and set to Mkreku.
  19. Reproduced with kind permission of Stratfor.com, and well worth reading
  20. Just try to avoid the PC in Baldur's Gate: "Ok, I've just about had my FILL of riddle asking, quest assigning, insult throwing, pun hurling, hostage taking, iron mongering, smart arsed fools, freaks, and felons that continually test my will, mettle, strength, intelligence, and most of all, patience! If you've got a straight answer ANYWHERE in that bent little head of yours, I want to hear it pretty damn quick or I'm going to take a large blunt object roughly the size of Elminster AND his hat, and stuff it lengthwise into a crevice of your being so seldom seen that even the denizens of the nine hells themselves wouldn't touch it with a twenty-foot rusty halberd! Have I MADE myself perfectly CLEAR?!"
  21. Thought: could you do something in the KoTOR era with the Sith? Have Obs do the storyline and off ship interactions, plys advise on missions, then have some less savvy company put together the flight sim itself. Could be a quick win for obs.
  22. ...infused with the bat**** insanity of Saint's Row 2. That's what the world needs. I never played any of the taxi or ambulance side mission type stuff in the older GTA games, and car modification in SA was mostly pointless, so I didn't miss that stuff in GTAIV. The Saint's Row games did the extra stuff so much better than GTA anyway. RDR is the only Rockstar open world game I ever achieved 100% in. Really? Lamborghini clone, plus hydraulics, plus afterburners, plus offroad tires. Comedy effective escape vehicle of the game.
  23. You just stop at the level cap? No instances or raids for better gear? BTW, Im digging the (new to me) WoW Armory. I've never played WoW, but surely you could go around SETTING quests for people if you're that high up? Dispensing cryptic wisdom, that sort of thing.
  24. I'm hugely enjoying my hardcore mode play through. It completely changes the logistics, and inevitably how you play, move etc. I've got caches dotted around, and also am far far far more cagey about getting into fights than before. Cazadores leave me running away like a little kid, whimpering. Not playing so NCR friendly this time, and that changes a big bunch of stuff for obvious reasons. First time through I didn't realise how much they controlled. Also, it's amazing how much I simply didn't find on my first play through. Not just one offs, but seemingly whole regions.
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