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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. Still scratching my head and trying to puzzle out last night. Bloke I know had a pint of beer spilled over him by some other's fellah's flung shoe in the pub. Man whose pint it was got a new pint bought for him, but man A was soaked. No real apology, so man A gets shirty. Tells the offender to do the proverbial. Offender gets highly aggressive in return, nearly goes to a fight outside. Landlord and others had to restrain us. My own reaction was to pitch in on the side of man A. Firstly cause I know him,an d secondly because I know he's havinga rough time, redundancy etc. But it occurred to me today that I probably didn't help calm things down. Plus I simply can't cash the physical exertion IOUs any more. Bloody close shave. I can't work out if I did the right thing or if I'm going to have to be more cowardly now. Pretty grim thought.
  2. Now it will only get worse from here on out. Miserable bugger. It's Saturday!
  3. You left out point 7. 7) Murdered by jealous forumites. And Shryke, who basically joins in to be sociable.
  4. Good idea. We can kill Three Dog's grandchildren.
  5. I don't mind the aggressive bears. I just mind them spawning every twenty feet. I particularly object to them doing so right in front of my eyes. I mean, if they're going to do that, at least animate them tunneling out of the ground or something!
  6. Ah, there is a certain arrogance that comes with the title "brightest mind". Turn off our phone, surely he did not mean me? Or maybe it wasn't that exclusive after all. I mean, they let Wals in! Somebody has to serve the tea! EDIT: I think it's partly the (very limited) Army training I've done. If some bugger tells you to check your phone is off then you check your phone is off. You don't assume it's off. You certainly don't just ignore him, although that's as much manners as anything else.
  7. That's pretty cool. Hope we continue being entertaining for another six.
  8. Walsingham


    Cab Calloway The Fuehrer's got the jitters but bizarrely I can't find a single video or clip online.
  9. There's a thought. If recyclable material is useful material on long missions, maybe future missions should aim to leave as much as possible? Incidentally, I was at a conference on Wednesday with some of the nations brightest minds. And two people failed to turn off their mobile phones having been explicitly asked to do so. We are all ****ing doomed.
  10. Speaking of Great Wars, is it just me, or is the final battle at Hoover Damn getting increasingly silly with every DLC? I strongly encourage Obsidian to consider adding in more dimensions to the battle, including maybe some tactical choices actually inside the damn. Do you have to sacrifice allies? Do you need to move against rising water? Rads? What if some gigantic supermutant was wedged in one of the side tunnels and woke up. ANYTHING.
  11. I agree that the battles in Sharpe do look a bit daft. But the acting is surprisingly heavyweight. Shot at a time when British actors just didn't get to the States, I think. Having a throughly moody evening. I know all I need to do is tog up and head out to a club and I'll feel right as ninepence, but I'm sitting here chewing my lip and listening to old playlists.
  12. I'd like to remind everyone that i've been answering 11/11/1918 to all those queries. This is my coded message that regulators should grow up and concentrate on more important issues, and look to our future. Rather than pretending those age checks do anything whatsoever. EDIT: And I meant to say that we should ALL do the same answer. When EVERYONE is answering 11.11.1918 to everything maybe the point will be made.
  13. Predictably, iirc you must have stopped before it got silly/funny.
  14. Knowing my luck it'd be cleaning up the parade square after them... EDIT: Colleague of mine has agreed to help out with a project I'm working on. BUt I jsut realised that he's got a degenerative disorder which means he'll probably never see the bloody thing built. Damned depressing.
  15. I like the longbow ones, but the Sharpe ones only ever echo the series for me. Limited imagination, on my part! Still, I don't see why you wouldn't enjoy the Sharpe books at least enough to justify the borrowing from a library (if you have one nearby).
  16. I believe you may mean 'regimen'. Unless you dragon chaps do things VERY differently.
  17. Dude. Austin Powers? "The details of my life are quite in consequential" Best soliloquoy ever.
  18. Beer and a hot bath, mate.
  19. What a wanker Lucas is.
  20. Re-watched Wong Kar Wai's Fallen Angels. Not an easy film, with long sequences with no talking. But just such a brilliantly observed and acted film. Also, quite a lot of weird music, and shootouts. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0112913/
  21. I went to bed eary last night after a therapeutic bout of deliberately low morale. I dreamed that the prostitute hiring guy (over in the funny things thread) killed himself by jumping off a building into a car park. First I tried to talk him out of it, then I had to try and stop members of the public driving off with bits of him on their cars. No one cared. Woke up feeling surprisingly refreshed.
  22. Nothing what so ever. But sorry Wals, had I not sidetracked this thread twice it would be on the bottom of page two now. It was going nowhere my friend. Al Qaeda is harmless, probably did not do 9-11 anyway, we should all just move on and forget the whole thing ever happened. Nothing to see here. At least thats what I hear and read in the news anyway. My eyes got bigger and bigger as I read that, until I got to the last sentence.
  23. What boggles me is that I can't spot typos until after I post something, but as soon as I do, to the microsecond, all the typos jump out at me.
  24. Oy vay! Maybe she was the only one he thought would stick to a contract? *thinks*
  25. Walsingham

    Libya 2

    the reason we are dperessingly insisting on you being an alt is because - as I demonstrated - a while back, you post precisely the same memees either here or elsewhere under a similar slew of names. The identities such as they merge and blur. What's far more depressing, as Hurlshot says, is that you think it's clever and or worthwhile to do this. We're sick of the alts, and sick of your relentless grandstanding scorn. It achieves nothing.
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