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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. Walsingham

    Libya 2

    Meh. A rifle's just a rifle. Far more significant is all the electronic clobber that French firm was supplying. Or the stuff from General Dynamics - which came through the UK.
  2. Bloody immigrants, coming here, interfering with our felons.
  3. Walsingham


    Skip to 2:10 EDIT: No offence to the lad, but there's no way that 'guitar solo' is unaugmented. "my guitar solos are augmented" :D Oops. I'd have been happier with an unaugmented solo that didn't sound quite as good but was still guitar-ish.
  4. Oh god. Even I'm getting sick of zombie games.
  5. Your judges are subject to democratic controls and where they are not it is deliberate to ensure the independence of the judiciary. I really don't see the point of arguing with you. I'm trying, as a kindness to you, to make you see your style is flawed, and you're merely burning calories and keystrokes by the futile employment of this rhetorical style. Simply consider how many people have accepted even a minor point from you in all the discussions we've had. If you find your current approach sufficietly pleasing to ignore me, however, then by all means crack on.
  6. Thorium cars: Bloody silly idea. Thorium trains: A lot more sensible
  7. Government without consent of the governed is tyranny, there's no hyperbole here. Hyperbole As has already been explained to you by Enoch, the constitution does not assign direct democratic control of all parts of government to the people. That doesn't make it tyrannical. This isn't the steps of a scaffold. Talking about tyranny just makes you sound like some nutter in a three cornered hat.
  8. Several posts to reply to, which is cool. But I guess I should be brief or it'll be tldr. Junai: Everyone seems to forget that I didn't like George W. I agree that the treatment given to veterans and other people he called heroes was terrible. That doesn't make honor (GD) itself redundant. If anything it makes it more important. Kaft: AlQ certainly is a 'brand name'. And strictly speaking not everyone can just call themselves AlQ. It's more like a franchise. You express an interest in delicious southern fried murder and go off for the courses, pay some cash, and you get tech support, branding, etc etc. As for keeping silent, that's technically a good plan, except that it would require a concerted effort from every media source on the planet, and that's just not going to happen. So long as Al Qaeda can make us bleed, their stories will lead. Hurlshot: Mullah Omar has been making statements to the effect that the Taliban want to be in Government when the US and UK withdraw. This is not someone wearing an Osama bin Laden t-shirt. This is one of the chief architects of bin Laden's ability to pursue such an aggressive course against the United States. And he and his little chums are still loafing about Pakistan, killing hundreds of people and dreaming of getting significant hold of a nuclear armed nation. ~~ Fundamentally I can see that combatting this extremism isn't easy (duh). But it's something which we have to do in order to protect the democratic principle that reason, not violence should be the arbiter of government policy. I fear I may be contradicting myself, though. So, your serve.
  9. Yep. Will be thinking of you, mate. Have a morphine for me and I'll sink you a couple of beers. Sounds good that your lads have got their sights set clearly on the tumours they need. And that you know what needs doing. Lots of folks go all to pieces and refuse to think about it.
  10. Firstly, there's zero chance of them being 'assigned' to Iran or North Korea. Sounds like you've been playing too much Risk. Secondly, killing terrorists is not pointless. Sticking to the most obvious point, your statement assumes all terrorists are equal. But clearly if you blow up a skilled leader and or bomb maker then it may be a good idea. That one guy's death may inspire ten others. But his continued living may inspire thousands. You follow? Thirdly, I'm both stunned and appalled at the notion that 'honour' and 'duty' could be used as pejoratives. Although in fairness at least you spell honour correctly.
  11. On reflection the best explanation I can think of is that one would want to tune it down. After all, the Obama campaign - as endorsed by the electorate- has been "It's far too much effort to actually nail Al Qaeda and the Taliban for what they did. Let's just pretend it's all over and pack up."
  12. I need recommendations for deluxe airbeds. I've found that guests are turning up in more than ones at the moment, and I need something to kit out the study so we can sleep more in the house. Price up to
  13. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-14721742 Is this a tacit admission that Junai is right, and Al Qaeda didn't actually carry out 9/11? Seriously. WTF?
  14. Walsingham


    Skip to 2:10 EDIT: No offence to the lad, but there's no way that 'guitar solo' is unaugmented.
  15. They don't weigh much, poor things. I think I feel the weight of destiny accumulating upon us. We must set up a charity to find and help the poor dears. We will bring them health giving nutritious beers, and have them do gentle exercise, like jogging or dancing.
  16. Good for you. You show more courage than most folks. What was wrong with it? Not plugged in.
  17. Rather you than me. Sounds like that would play merry hell with my back!
  18. WoD, are you not at all tempted to tone down the rhetoric a wee bit? I can almost hear your hyperbole spanging off Enoch like softnosed bullets off a bulletproof bat.
  19. Shame, man. Easy mistake to make. Poor bastard.
  20. Exactly! Cool site. Very clear and easy to read.
  21. Some of it is probably down to bits of stuff flying through the air at a bongzillion miles an hour.
  22. Again, you're talking like Madison was some kind of prophet of the faith. His concept of the right system of government for then and the right one now might even have changed if you had the capability to ask the man now.
  23. Walsingham

    Libya 2

    From Stratfor.com I can't work out if I should laugh or cry. What earthly good will 400 personnel be in a country as big and disconnected as Libya? UNAMIR, which was for a much smaller country (Rwanda) was more than 2,000!
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