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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. Oi!
  2. You lost me, what do you mean? If GW wants to get it's act together, they need to lose Matt Ward first. I presume you've never seen a copy of The Lost and the Damned or Slaves to Darkness? http://wargamestuff.blogspot.com/2011/06/b...s-of-chaos.html
  3. It seems a bit crude, since he puts up with my bouts of drinking, and the endless singing.
  4. It's been a long time since I wrote any critical literary appraissals, so I'm not sure if this fair: can you actually point at some dialogue and explain why it's bad?
  5. You're saying one just dips them in butter?
  6. Meanwhile, in Sweden (literally)
  7. LOL. It's good for you. Clears out the parasites, opens the pores in your skin. Brulees your 'other' beard... All good.
  8. IMO it's the way that they've handled Chaos which shows the rot best. Rick Priestley came up with this completely mental set of gods which are genuinely scary. Decay, lust, rage, the will to power. These are all actually evil things. And they've been replaced with Marvel super-villains. Abnett's about the only writer left with them who actually gets it. And even he gets distracted. The consequence is that as the bad guys have got less bad, the good guys have become more confusing. And I don't think that either is what teenage boys are looking for. I know what drew me in was the contrast of light and dark. The moral chiaroscuro.
  9. I'm not sure what you want from Chris, though. You want Eastenders in the ruins of a post-apocalyptic love dream? Sam Becket between two people with radioactive blood? The whole point of sci fi is to be bigger than life so it can paint feelings and principles which are so faint that they drift by in normal life. I've no doubt that other authors can and do communicate the same point in more finely nuanced ways. But who do they communicate WITH? A handful of arts majors? _If_ Avellone's writing is crude then it may cost him artistic kudos, but to my mind it gains him merit. Like playing jazz on an oppossum. He certainly speaks to me, and for that at least I am grateful.
  10. He's gone back to being a mong... Here's a thought: how hard would it be to put some mystic looking chappies in orange robes into the Sink with him? Philosophical arguments as to why what he's doing is wrong? I'm thinking at the very least we should put in a buddhist talking about the futility of material possessions. One of your German philsophers talking about the value of sensory experience, and maybe mkreku simply urging him to spend the time more productively looking at boobies. Although those last two are really one and the same. It's a profoundly distyurbing notion. The man has more caps than he can ever usefully spend now. He's certainly got enough glue to repair the Capitol building. What is he doing it FOR? I mean I'm replaying New Vegas now for perhaps the sixth time. But exploring the moral dilemmas, helping different people, concentrating LESS on the materials side. Am I only annoyed because he's doing the opposite?
  11. Walsingham

    Libya 2

    It gives me no joy to relate, but the finding sof the inquiry into the death of Baha Moussa (an Iraqi) in British custody have found http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-14825889 that it was the result of banned interrogation techniques and 'corporate failure' by the British Army. I mention this partly to underscore that I do not dodge the truth. And also to highlight the standard by which we might do well to judge the actions of the unregulated Libyan militias.
  12. I have to say that cruelty to animals is happening in your house, and that animal is YOU. Seriously, man. You're getting bongo'd.
  13. Eat crab in curry? Failing that, experiment. ...And that was how I wound up in A&E...
  14. I think GW in general is in danger of a schism in its oferring. It needs to get back to the dark roots. Kid market be damned. Why do they think kids fell in love with it in the first place?
  15. Roger that. Except as I may have mentioned he's recently had a kid, so calling him a virgin could be either nonsensical or explosively insulting.
  16. Funnily enough I did exactly the same thing over the weekend. It's not so much inconvenient, as creepy.
  17. I don't know what you could have against dog/god. I thought he was rather eloquent and moving FOR A SUPER MUTANT.
  18. Good to hear it. I shall have to get onto my local fishmongers. Problem is that I only know how to cook crab in curry. Advice?
  19. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-14803840 Who'd be up for eating a few thousand of these bastards and saving the planet?
  20. Hmm. Not sure if I can make it, but I have an er... Mexican friend I can send instead of me. His accent is a bit West Country, but don't let that fool you. he drinks tequila, which should be proof enough.
  21. The roof looks a bit goofy. Surely HMMWVs are kind of squat. Lowbrow. Yours looks more ...startled. having said that, I couldn't begin to do what you've done so I'm not knocking you. Just suggesting you should work from reference.
  22. My boot started twitching when I listened to that. I think it has a rendezvous with his ass.
  23. I think something may be broken. I don't save to the cloud unless I have to. And of course I DON'T!
  24. ROFL. Well, that would be an option. I've taken the slightly less extreme option of going into his save and tidying his s*** up. Ammo in the ammo box etc. Misc in the misc boxes. Food in the fridge. The freak has more than 340000 caps! Plus thousands of rounds of ammo, 300 weapon repair kits. 400 wonderglue etc. Dressed him in the assassin suit, and given him a tasteful and sensible array of weapons from the lockers. 70 rnds apiece. Haircut. Lost the skanky hat. Authority shades. Basically I got post-apocalyptic Gok Wan on his ass.
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