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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. World of Goo she might like, as it's cartoony. The Incredible Machine could be a contender too.
  2. Strangely not very comforting. Since unlike our Austrian colleague I worry about my neighbours.
  3. Went back to an old stomping ground this weekend. Ran into two of my exes at a party. Naturally, female logic being what it is, not speaking to them for over a year apparently more attractive than all the preceding eras of conscientious wooing. Spent much of my subsequent time wreathed in cigarette smoke and kisses. Fantastic. EDIT: I know I'm a massive retrophile. But I _like_ my late night romance wreathed in smoke.
  4. FFS, that really sucks. So the organsack who stole it must have seen you rushing to help the guy who was hit? I'd talk to your local media, get an appeal out for witnesses. You'd be amazed what can turn up if the community turns on someone from righteous indignation. ~~ Today I have been doing admin, including filling out a personal statement in the third person. It's incerdibly creepy. I feel like that guy from Silence of the Lambs.
  5. Arrested? for what? For being racially abusive. Although personally I think a simple offence of being uncouth would have done. You don't just harangue people on the bus.
  6. I like to think of myself as Watson. Maybe a little slow, but willing to go all in for a good cause. Hence it annoys the bojangles off me when he's portrayed as a buffoon. He's not. He's an army doctor who fought on the front line in Afghanistan, and lived in India. He has huge knowledge of the world, and knows a fair bit about women. He does not deserve to be portrayed as a simpleton, just so that lazy scriptwriters can get away with straight exposition of key points rather than conveying them properly.
  7. Damn good point.
  8. I find it quirky that there's that whole "show skin/flash flesh" and people get considered to have lower intelligence, lower self-control etc.. And I'm thinking of the various girls I knew at university who were studying to be doctors, nurses, etc... who paid their bills by working at some of the.. a.. gentleman's clubs in the area. Fascinating. I believe we should immediately set up a commission of enquiry to study whether poledancing should be made mandatory for zesty college girls. Further I believe this is too important to play politics with, and to demonstrate and underscore the urgency of this commission, I shall reach out and ask Mkreku to chair.
  9. Well, North Americans do sometimes write 31st of December, 2011 as 12/31/11 or 2011-12-31, so it might have been a fair question Indeed. Listen up North America: 28.06.11 = Fine 11.06.28 = Fine 06.28.11 = INSANE Or perhaps I've missed a million other examples where formatting is done out of ordinal sequence?
  10. Walsingham


    All I can say is, go back to the drugs. Speaking of which: .
  11. I'm confused, Raithe. Are you saying that if we want to solve the global financial crisis then the G8 leaders should wear wifebeaters?
  12. Yes, although I'm not against austerity per se. I just mean we need to face the fact that we're going to be in a period of austerity and adapt. My question then is: what now? Do we all train as navvies, or something? Go abroad? Invade Austria? There must be some better option for all our unemployed to do than sit about on the dole. So what is it?
  13. It looks as if the next few years are going to be bleak in the UK. My question is, what businesses are going to do well? Organised crime? Gin? Harlots? Toaster makers?
  14. You... you forced their heads into a concrete ceiling, then set their asses on fire?
  15. I probably will lump for minecraft. But all the same, it would be good to have something a bit more technical. I should explain she's fourteen, very fierce, but suffers from a bunch of ailments which mean she enjoys playing at home as a bit less manic an option than with schoolfriends.
  16. I probably already mentione dthis, but a mate of mine met a bunch of Ubisoft guys at a training conference this year. They were _obsessed_ with piracy as if it were mice eating their money. Obsessed with clamping down on something that's bloody difficult rather than leveraging income up in other ways.
  17. Thanks, Cant. But ever since I gave her a toy gun a few years ago she's massively into boy stuff. I'm thinking like lego technical - or whatever it's called - the stuff you can build catapults out of. Only on a compuer because lego is freaking insanely expensive.
  18. I'm no financial wizard, but you can have countries with comparatively weak currencies. Obviously you don't want Zimbabwe levels, but being a bit lower helps exports and tourism. Unless the demographics of Scotland change massively then it's going to remain low in population and high in land and minerals. So tourism and exports are going to stay what it makes. As Krez says, being in a commmon market is great. Being pegged to a strong currency isn't. I suppose in theory it might make sense to have two euros and two banks. I read this suggestion in an article yesterday. Besides disturbing the megalomaniac dreams of core industrialised Europe, I think it could be a splendid idea.
  19. Mate, you've presumably seen this thread by yours truly?
  20. Just had a lok at Terraria. Looks like something I might enjoy. But I was hoping something a bit more mechanical, and creative.
  21. Agreed. But evoolution's rather like that. Before the chicken there was something quite like a chicken.
  22. I have a niece I'm tremendously proud of, and wanted to give her a computer game for Christmas. She enjoys creating and building things, so I was wondering if there were any games out there which let a bright kid do this. I considered minecraft, obviously. But frankly I worry about here consorting with deviants.
  23. Well, being a monarchy of course it is the queen's english. So presumably she does. Might not though. Probably bored of it by now. I imagine she spends as much time as possible just buzzing like a bluebottle.
  24. I'm not going near Africa again any time soon. The whole place is more bonkers than ever. Well, maybe we could go to Ghana. I hear it's pretty cool. Libya would be fun to visit. I'm not sure what use I'd be on a humanitarian venture. I can barely lift a laptop, these days! I suppose I could get a flyswat and point at things.
  25. Considering Deus Ex is based on conspiracy theories about FEMA setting up concentration camps and so on (I assume he meant HR). Anyway, it was more of a joke, I didn't mean he acutally believes in conspiracy theories, just takes the worst case scenarios based on those a bit too seriously. Ah, I see what you mean. Apologies.
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