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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. As Fighter says, Krez: a few thousand people does not a revolution make. If I write off the occupy protests as the blethering of a handful of eedjits then I'm obliged to ignore similar turnouts elsewhere, or be inconsistent. ~~ My favourite stat I heard about the election was Putin getting >90% in Chechen areas. That's not just fraud. That's retarded fraud.
  2. To be fair, neither ballet nor bouquet are exactly English words!
  3. Indeed. That does make sense. Rather reminiscent of MLK's point about economic power. However, one 'side-effect' (tinfoil hat alert) of recent years is how everyone is tied to a mortgage. Even I've become more docile since I got one.
  4. On th ego all day today. Had a morale wobble at about 5pm as I was walking through town, looking at hundreds of morose faces. Bought beer. Soup on the go. Just finished work, and cracked open a bottle of stout. Going to shoot some faces off in Borderlands.
  5. I do think that erasing your posts is a bit harsh. What gives?
  6. In your mind, "smoking a joint with your mates" is the same as forcibly taking anothers property and "giving it away" to someone? Wow, way to depart from reality. While examining countries, you may want to look inward on what makes you think that way. Have to say, I agree. Irrespective of Krez' caveat to the effect of not condoning it. 'Revolutionary' actions like this merely alarm the public, and justify clampdown. Makes for sexy ideologues and fond memories but also makes things worse. If only by distracting from the serious malfeasance in circles of power.
  7. My favourite post-apocalyptic show now has episodes running bi-weekly. I Thought I'd flag this up in case anyone had missed it.
  8. It is dark in there. You may be eaten by a grue. I ain't scared of no Grue. YOU. SHOULD. BE.
  9. It is dark in there. You may be eaten by a grue.
  10. Fighter does have a point that at a brute level you need more people in Russia to qualify as a really popular protest.
  11. Mob rule. Yay!
  12. I spit furious lightning over DRM. But landmines DRM isn't. Workhouses, window tax, the circus maximus. Something like that. But landmines or WMD it certainly isn't.
  13. You misunderstand 'LoF'. In his head, every day is May Day. Come to that, Krez. Weren't you just talking about forced return of wealth to the masses in the other thread?
  14. Feeling increasingly as if I'm witnessing a gigantic 'Big Bug Out' of everything from companies to universities. WHAT THE SPIRALLING FUNT IS GOING ON? SORT IT OUT, BOFFINS!
  15. All the good plumbers, builders etc. that I know and use are all ex-forces. Because knowing how to lay concrete is not the same as turning up, and laying it on time and with a sense of purpose. Sorry. Not funny.
  16. As ever, your remarks remind me of something:
  17. I didn't know what the **** I wanted to do with my life as an undergrad. And frankly my degree has had little to do with any of my life skills. But I did use the time testing things and working out what I did want to do, and learning how to organise people. The latter did link to my studies, but if I hadn't been running around like a bluebottle actually practicing I'd have learned next to nothing. Interestingly for me are all the folks I knew who worked very hard to get their degrees, got firsts, and then after about three years realised that the only thing they were good at was wimping out to authority. Then THEY went through a crisis of faith and collapsed by the way side. Or descended into a hollow piping world of office politics.
  18. One of my incarnations was as a psychologist. So when our group project failed we span it into a study on how group projects fail. Got top marks.
  19. Foudn a couple of randoms: 'Cogs' - indie game, looks neat. Quite reminiscent of Bioshock's hacking A less constructive, but still mech-ish game; Cog Factory
  20. I'm utterly baffled by your insistence that selling a game second hand is bad. What about selling my car second hand?
  21. Walsingham


    Beat on the brat - The Ramones
  22. Ok I think you are on to something here. I was investigating if any conferderate veterans turned up in the French Foreign Legion, or the British Army following Approtimax but I like this idea too. On a book note I'm now reading The Pirate Coast: Thomas Jefferson, the First Marines, and the Secret Mission of 1805 by Richard Zacks. As many of you know it was the Barbary Coast campaign where the line in the Marine Corps hymn "To the shores of Tripoli" came from. Fascinating reading. That does sound interesting. I will have to give it a go.
  23. 'Tis true.
  24. Lars and the Real Girl It's a little simplistic, but basically heartwarming and not too challenging. I rate it because it was nice without being too saccharine.
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