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Everything posted by Walsingham

  1. I use the pub. Have friend who knows how to design a website. Take them to the pub and discuss options while you buy beer. Have them agree to make your website on promise of more beer. They make website. They get beer. You get to drink beer with your friends. What's not to like?
  2. Who says we don't add the personal touch?
  3. 4k less in debt than I thought I was. Nice surprise for Christmas. Toilet cistern leaking in house. Bad surprise. Blasted thing looks like it's been very quietly dripping for months. I wanted to take the whole damn thing out years ago, as I consider more than one loo a waste of space. But I let my friends dissuade me. Shouldn't have done so.
  4. Like climbing a mountain. It's not exactly fun. But it's worthwhile.
  5. I dunno. I found dualling a bit empty in such a longrun as the whole Baldur's Gate franchise. A bit more fun to explore single trees in depth. Personal taste, I guess.
  6. man has a point.
  7. If good is just people skipping through cow pastures with flowers in their hair then you may as well ship me games with the good options taken out. Save a few pennies.
  8. Oh well THAT'S FINE THEN.
  9. Doesn't sound daft to me. Couple of large softdrinks and some popcorn is about 15 bucks, isn't it? People who like movies like games. Makes sense.
  10. I don't think you're giving WoD sufficient credit. My read of what he's saying isn't that a central bank shouldn't focus on the long term implications, but that it CANNOT. Until we develop some science of predicting long term wider financial impacts, throwing strategic weight around could (very reasonably) be seen to be inherently destabilising.
  11. Yes. Because Europe wants to miss out on exports to us, and interaction with all the companies headquartered here. I was reflecting yetserday on how much better off we'd be if we'd built the Commonwealth the way the Euro was built. Right now we'd be in a trade area encompassing India, Nigeria, Australia and Canada. Raw materials and labour, oil, minerals, expanding markets... Instead we decided to gamble on Greece and Italy.
  12. Is that Wong Kar Wai?
  13. Exactly. You can talk about not mixing. But the thing is that it happens most often when a good night is happening. Main topic this evening was romantic cowardice. Man I know, war photographer, had his bloody limbs crippled just to take a single photo... bottled out when confronted with a girl he really likes. Utterly incomprehensible to me.
  14. I would imagine that by the time we actually have the technology to actually accomplish that, the prices for various resources would actually make it economically viable. Hangover fuzzed thought: Will commercial appetite exist for all the electronic trinkets we currenty enjoy? If so, might such demand not be met by adapting biological organisms?
  15. Best post ever. One of the other hilarious cases of electoral fraud was all the mental asylums (which still exist in Russia) voting 100% for United Russia (Putin's party). Nothing suss there hey. They're crazy. Not stupid. Protests appear to be swelling in strength. Whether these succeed or not I think there is cause to be cautiously optimistic about Russia in general. It is a fantastic country, and does not deserve its current status as kleptocracy.
  16. Dead Money, hands down. I get bittersweet shivers every time I play it.
  17. Wholly agree. I would suggest that the choice woudl be instantly made more complex and interesting by having variable rewards, and a delay in them arising.
  18. I get annoyed by all the crap in games. It's like trailers before DVDs _that I own_. I don't pirate games, but if I ever do it will be because some chewing-gum brained simpleton thinks he can squidge adverts all over them.
  19. They'd have to be bloody special minerals to be worth the effort.
  20. I question how well wine and whisky can go together. And I answer: uneasily.
  21. Agreed. EDIT: Someone should seize all the money gathered by those bloody TV ads for snow leopards and put it into space exploration.
  22. Epic return from boozing last night. Unspeakable ratio of wine and whisky to weight to distance travelled.
  23. Volo, is it too much to ask you to check your typing? Or were you just drunk? ~ On topic: I was extensively boozed up and lectured to by the banking fraternity last night. They accepted that huge mistakes were made, but I thought it was worth forwarding a couple of points which seemed compelling, see what you chaps think. 1. Sub-prime selling was a politically enforced move originally "Poor folks must have homes" 2. A tiny number of CEOs took insane risks and managed to drag entire networks of perfectly stable well run banks down with them 3. The structure of the euro was not that of a technocrat but a political dream of union, based on a presumption that countries would magically refrain from exploiting the currency in ways which were the entire point of joining It's an interesting case just for how they see the crisis. But I must say that there's something in it. The vast majority of banks didn't behave that badly. I eventually sold them on the notion that what is needed is a not blanket regulation but psychological testing of chief officers. Reckless gamblers and sociopaths shot by Mega City Judges.
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