Yes, but their case is better. I would love for them to be wrong though.
The priority of placing religious or metaphysical traditions or thinking at the top of the list of apparently irrational behavior in others to be addressed is effectively an endorsement of more real problems in mass popular behavior such as consumerism which are far harder to tackle and far more widely enabled. In this way I find atheists particularly bothersome when vocal, because they tend to single issue crusade something they mistake for not being piss-ant relative to their own contributions to our problems. We can point our fingers in the mirror for the walmart, over population, EU zone, BP etc rather than at Jesus or Ganesha. Christmas trending from the religious to consumerism is just well rationalized degeneracy.
Good point!
What I DO find interesting is that just as there seems to a sybaritic instinct native to a certain percentage of humans, so too seems the puritan ecstacy of self-denial and other-denial. IT's just that the sins have changed. Not the beards and pointing.