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Everything posted by Shryke

  1. i am hungover... got my fetish ball ticket yesterday and went out with a girl after she finished work we drank lots... lots and lots... we both felt terrible when we woke up this morning, and we both had to go to work
  2. Nick Cave and PJ Harvey - Henry Lee awesome song
  3. One of the best movies ever - if rather sad. it's an awesome movie. i bought it as soon as i saw it out on dvd i'm debating whether or not to go along to a friend's place tonight. we were gonna have a movie night with films like Airplane, Mafia, and Hot Shots etc
  4. yeah that's a familiar story... still, most of the time it really is worth it
  5. hey that was just a one off thing well... both nights... but just those nights! sig'd!
  6. well i had to be reminded by Archie of all people, but none the less congrats! :)

  7. *Shryke's "Eldar is a useless bugger who should pop by more often then" icon*
  8. i love my life at the moment the only downside is how much i've spent lately constantly going out at night
  9. You just cannot escape them, can you (At least it was only one, I thought the post was going to end in a threesome for a second). my luck isn't that good i just seem to be on a roll lately, what can i say
  10. vast - tattoo of your name
  11. so i had a friend make me sit down and watch Urotsukidoji the other day really don't see the appeal of the whole tentacle rape thing
  12. well that's just horrible i did end up sorting out what i'm going to wear. on friday night i bumped into a friend after work, and while i was sitting talking to her, some girl i met at a party a couple of months ago came past, and we all decided to go out drinking together we went back to my friends place via the liquorstore, and partygirl went home to get changed before coming around. while we were waiting for her we started discussing the Fetish Ball, and i explained my dilemma, but my friend went upstairs and came back down with a purple mesh shirt she bought ages ago for a boyfriend, but never gave him quite convenient timing, but just as i took my shirt off to try it on, partygirl turned up haha one thing kinda let to another, and next thing i know, partygirl and i are making out on the couch. my friend offered to let us crash on the couch for the night if we wanted, as long as there were no "suspicious stains" on the couch the next morning, but partygirl just said no need to worry, we'd go back to her place for that
  13. wear what? the ex's corset? i think it'd be a bit small. she's pretty damn skinny
  14. i'm sure i'll figure something out i know a guy who owns a store that brings in heaps of goth kinda gear. my ex introduced me to the place when she dragged me there to buy a corset, and i know he's just got a whole bunch of new stock specifically for the Fetish Ball
  15. And obsessively drinking ten times out of every water fountain. honestly i never needed to do that most times i'd actually have the max amount of medpacs (15 i think?) for pretty much the whole game
  16. hmm i'm sitting here at work trying to decide what to wear to the Fetish Ball next month i have some pants with straps and stuff all over them that would be appropriate, and some boots that would go well with them, but not sure what else to go for... i was thinking maybe getting a bondage vest or something, or maybe a mesh shirt
  17. ^ quit procrastinating ya slacker!
  18. yeah you should hit up The Architect, he's always up for it
  19. mira after level 21 as a scout is easily the best ranged attacker all those free blaster based feats, and dual upgraded blasters own plus you can turn her into a jedi after that and give her the force deflection powers
  20. double blade LS scout/guardian
  21. eagle eye lame very lame big computer thingy remote controlling things that are in no way electronic whatsoever = stupid
  22. nice one Mus sisters of mercy - marian
  23. well i had an interesting couple of days off it was another friends birthday, so i met up with her in town and took her out and bought her lunch etc and took her to a movie (eagle eye, which by the way, is terrible) bumped into the girl i made out with on saturday night and had one of those awkward moments where neither of us really knew what the hell to say, and it didn't help that she was with one of the guys she lives with, and i was with another girl so she may have thought we were together or something and last night i went out drinking with an ex and had a surprisingly good time. it seems the long period of awkwardness after the break up is dissipating, so now we're kinda going back to what we had before we went out. though now she can give me advice about girls from first hand experience
  24. Male or female? I get told told that a lot for some reason and most of the time it ends up being a girl I'm being likened to =/ My girlyness is useful when I want free drinks though I suppose... don't worry, it's a guy you remind me of though admittedly i met him at a party when he was wearing a corset and skirt, so maybe that's where the comparison comes from
  25. just wear something to cover it i guess what they don't know can't hurt them right? i went to bday party number 2 on saturday night took along a girl i've been interested in for a while, and after about 1am she was feeling sleepy so i gave her my key and she went back to my place while i stayed on at the party. ended up dancing and making out with some other girl i met a few weeks ago, then headed home to the other one all in all a good night edit: oh and Daaave you look a hell of a lot like someone i know
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