oh i did experiment with them - it's just that they didn't really make that notable a difference
i think Juyo and Force Potency (the one that increases FP damage?) were the only ones i really bothered with
i know of the infinite influence thing with Atton, and the conversation path thingy with Hanharr that lowers his intelligence but increases strength and consitution over and over again (and the intelligence eventually goes to 255)
what force/saber forms you learn from the masters depends on what class you are
consular/lord/master learn the force forms
sentinel/watchman/assassin learns Niman and stuff
guardian/weaponsmaster/marauder are the only ones to learn Juyo
You're a male model? You unforgiveable bastard!
calm down Walshie
i only do it from time to time. and this one wasn't a professional shoot type thingy anyway
it was for a friend's project called "Goths in the Sun"