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Everything posted by Shryke

  1. They have been zombie nazis. hehe that just reminds me a friend of mine had been without internet access for a couple of weeks, so when he finally got it back as a joke i told him to go find some zombie nazi porn he actually managed to find some
  2. argh went out to karaoke with some girl i'd hooked up with in the past and a couple of her friends, and now she's just txted me saying one of her not so attractive mates wants my number
  3. wait so you're saying that after Revan beats Malak he/she goes and fights in the Mandalorian Wars and from there becomes the Exile? first of all, the Mandalorian Wars were before KOTOR1, and second of all, it's already established that the Exile was one of Revan's generals in the war, so they can't be the same person
  4. and i get told i drink too much
  5. no luck finding one so far, it's not looking good may very well have to go in my underwear or something Well, I'm sure you'll think of something. borrow a corset?
  6. no luck finding one so far, it's not looking good may very well have to go in my underwear or something
  7. placebo - special needs
  8. david bowie - thursday's child
  9. sweet zombie jesus, look who's back!
  10. placebo - pure morning did this at karaoke last night
  11. i'm not saying there's anything wrong with the subject matter sure it's a bit cheesy at times. i mean, who needs theseus or odysseus or perseus when you can kill every single monster in greek mythology?
  12. but that's just the thing, it's not fast at all and the way the story is elaborated on is pretty meh poorly voiced dialogue that most of the time cuts out without even finishing, so to actually find out what's going on you have to go to your quest log and read it for yourself at least diablo has the cutscenes between acts
  13. Yeah, and when you finally give the guy the scroll, he'll send you after two other objects, but when you return to give them to him... I want to start a game of Diablo II + LoD, but know that I'll become annoyed with it as well. i've really been trying to persevere with it, but something like 8 frickin hours of the same satyrs/maenads/jackelmen is getting really really frickin boring
  14. which haka? i only vaguely know the old one i am currently trying to figure out where i can get a sailor suit this weekend i'm going to a "sexy party" (ala Family Guy) and i certainly don't feel like going in womens lingerie, so sailor suit it is
  15. too late
  16. been bored out of my mind gonna start drinking soon bleah...
  17. couple of things just irritated me about that the fact that it's really hard to see what the hell you're doing if you have fireball ready, and also the silliness of the constant convenient spikes/ledges to kick people onto/off
  18. went out for far late last night once again, so once again i'm at work feeling really tired and generally pretty crap i gotta quit doing that
  19. deep purple - black knight
  20. i was remarkably hangover free when i woke up this afternoon i started drinking about 6pm yesterday and got home about 7am this morning it was a pretty awesome night really
  21. 30th and cheers for the suggestion samm - i'll go check it out edit: nah Walshie i'm not in a band. i play guitar, but i'm far too lazy to do anything with it
  22. this is gonna be a pretty random request, but i'm putting together a setlist for new years and was after a song about renewal and beginning again etc kinda a new years thing, kinda just random give me ideas!
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