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Everything posted by Shryke

  1. Sometimes I get the feeling that you are working for a coffin store or a funeral company? worse - telecommunications
  2. getting frustrated with everyone at work being so dull and morose all the time, therefore im gonna put on My Sharona and dance like an idiot should get a reaction of some sort dammit
  3. still sore from last night had a quiet night at home and found a dumbell while searching for a new book to read my poor scrawny arms are not used to such effort - i can't actually remember the last time i had a workout
  4. Puscifer - Rev 22:20 (dry martni mix)
  5. Shryke


    you talking about the whole square root of -1 thing?
  6. argh not the Rocket Dog thing again it's far too easy to get stuck in your head
  7. win alan, win
  8. the Gummi Bears theme song a friend and i got very drunk and were singing it at a bar the other night we got a lot of strange looks
  9. Let me guess, you're going to, eventually, go "play doctor" with her. haha i wish
  10. what about when they come after you?
  11. back after a week off to go see mum in hospital etc she had the operation last friday, and when i saw her on saturday afternoon she seemed perfectly fine no nausea or pain at all, other than a bit when she tried to sit up - but that's understandable seeing as all her stomach muscles got all cut up and stuff was kinda half hoping to see her all drugged up on morphine (i've never in my life seen my mother wasted in anyway, so i thought it might be good for a chuckle), but there was no need for any she was actually in quite good humour about the whole situation - she was joking around about needing to pee, but still being attached to the IV and stuff oh, and she had a really hot nurse afterwards i went round to my sister's place to go visit my 2 nephews. hadn't seen either of them in about 6 months. one of them is 7, the other a year and a half was good to hang out with the little dudes
  12. Shryke


    aw man i don't even factor in the heirachy then
  13. last day of work before i'm on leave for a week to go see mum in hospital operation is tomorrow
  14. Puscifer - Undertaker
  15. had combined birthday drinks for a couple of friends last night so many birthdays lately there was drinking and merriment and silly songs and dancing all in all a good night
  16. Shryke


    yeah i don't think there's much chance of that happening any time soon
  17. too lazy to move?
  18. Shryke


    You are a young guy right Sluggo? Twenty something? Here is a little advice that is guaranteed to change your luck. Stop dating twenty somethings or worse under twenties. They don't need you. They defineitely will not appreciate you. Go for the girls in their late thirties. Divorcees are fine but the ones who haven't been married yet are the best. so you're telling him to go for cougars?
  19. Shryke


    i've got a tranny mate he/she's pretty awesome actually
  20. Shryke


    wait a minuted, 4??? i thought it was only 3. this changes everything. now you absolutely MUST arrange an interlude that includes all of them. at least the outcome will be the same (none of them), but in the mean time... taks it was 3... now it's 4
  21. Shryke


    women are puzzling at the best of times take for instance my situation at the moment - there's 4 girls who have shown interest in me one i've known and quite like for a while now - except she has a boyfriend that she's clearly unhappy with yet wont do anything about it because she's too scared of being alone another who just got out of a relationship and is too nervous to be involved with anyone for a while, yet she clearly likes me and is constantly wanting to hang out and go drinking and stuff another who i met at a party through a mutual friend, and we hit it off and ended up sleeping together on valentines day (haha) yet i haven't seen since. apparently she thought i was angry with her last time i saw her, so maybe that's why she hasn't kept in touch - who knows and the fourth is... married... so i'm thinking my best bet at the moment is to go for none of them
  22. watchmen bit perturbed about the glowing blue **** dangling all over the place, but otherwise an awesome movie
  23. agreed wholeheartedly and i didn't go to any midnight showing - it's already been out for a few days over here
  24. It looks like I'll be seeing it tonight as well. Or at lest I'm going to try to. Anyways, I started a Vampire: The Masquerade Pen-and-Paper game today. I'm playing a Malkavian and a Nagaraja. and the badger!
  25. that was an odd one samm nick cave and kylie minogue - where the wild roses grow
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