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Everything posted by Shryke

  1. I saw it at Reading last night and it was good stuff. heh the 9pm viewing?
  2. just got home from seeing Where the Wild Things Are got weirded out by one of the Wild Things hearing James Gandolfini's voice and having the others call him Carol - that **** is just wrong
  3. if it's any consolation at last night's party i was wearing a tutu and fairy wings
  4. Led Zeppelin - Nobody's Fault But Mine
  5. went to the work party last night - got crazy drunk on lots of free booze then left to go to a friends party, but stopped off at the way at another friends and got given a free ticket to an awesome gig, so went there instead met some random girl that bought me even more booze all in all a good night - and i didn't spend a cent!
  6. had a pretty crazy busy week so far, and the weekend is sounding like it's gonna be pretty hectic too got the work xmas party tonight. which, if it's anything like last year's one - will be EPIC a few thousand people and unlimited free booze and food then another party tomorrow night as well plus i'm working all day during the weekend too, so not gonna be sleeping much (if at all) ooh and on tuesday i'm gonna be spending the day with the girl i met at the fetish ball
  7. diary of dreams - colourblind
  8. mars volta - the widow
  9. havent seen it, but did see the movie original version - [Rec] was quite awesome
  10. oh wow that sounds bloody hilarious
  11. trying to stay awake till the end of my shift it's been a weekend full of parties and barbecues and work and i'm feeling pretty damn tired by the end of it... thankfully i get a couple of days off soon, though i'm gonna be pretty busy then too, but i'll get to catch up on some sleep
  12. so apparently my xmas present from a couple of friends has already been sorted out they're getting me a purple silk pirate shirt i am amused
  13. This. that was one good thing about the Underworld movies they were still kinda.... bad though
  14. They are worse, much worse. oh god, definitely avoiding them then
  15. nope and from the sounds of things i really really don't want to the stuff i've heard and the stuff i've read about it has made it seem far worse than Anne Rice's stuff, and i can't bloody stand that, so definitely avoiding Twilight
  16. got myself a bottle of "medicine" after work yesterday definitely helped - feeling far less sick and wasn't even hungover this morning!
  17. You better enjoy it.(because it's AWESOME!!) definitely liking it so far
  18. world of goo
  19. i usually stuff around on news websites while i'm bored at work, hoping to find something interesting or amusing to read today i've found a couple of goodies i thought i'd share lulz i'm teh sexy not sure if i agree with this, but it gave me a chuckle none the less time to convert? a rabbi after my own heart
  20. finally got round to reading and finishing it zomg finally some closure to plotlines!
  21. who you calling eccentric huh?! just because some of us are a little... different...
  22. still feeling sick, but decided to come to work anyway regretting it already....
  23. what about The Architect?
  24. i would suggest baley and metadigital for nomination too, but they've both been gone for a loooong time
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