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Everything posted by Shryke

  1. been sick all week which is really frustrating have had to hide away at home and try and find things to do, and people keep inviting me out but i can't come also the girl i met at the Fetish Ball last week has been txting me heaps wanting to see me, but i don't wanna make her sick so it'll have to wait and aaaaargh! being sick sucks....
  2. but if you're me than i wouldn't be me and if i wasn't me then who the hell would i be?! and who would be you if you weren't you?! aaaaaaargh confused
  3. i may have "awesome lady skillz", but they pale in comparison to your overall panache good sir!
  4. hmm yesterday was a strange day found out a friend's flat got burnt down by the same piece of **** waste of flesh that raped her a couple of months ago. thankfully though this time he's going to prison - i hope he gets sodomized with large sharp objects and left to slowly bleed to death on a brighter note, last night was the Fetish Ball - which was quite fun lots of sexy beautiful people and awesome stage shows also met a ridiculously gorgeous girl. she came over and tapped me on the shoulder and introduced herself and asked if she was right in thinking she knew who i was. i know a friend of hers apparently and she'd told her to keep an eye out for me as "the cute guy who knows everybody" i introduced her to some of the performers that i knew and we uh... got on very well i'm probably gonna see her again tonight - as our mutual friend is having a party and it looks like we'll both be going
  5. just got a txt from one of my girls saying one of them can't come tonight for our weekly "date night" i'd completely forgotten to be honest, but i'm still gonna see one of them at least
  6. satyricon - k.i.n.g
  7. Repo! The Genetic Opera quite liked it - still got one of the songs stuck in my head
  8. got my ticket yesterday for the Fetish Ball this friday
  9. i'm so exhausted, but last night turned out pretty awesome i love my friends had a crappy day at work before i met up with them, so they got me boozed and i ended up with 3 girls sitting on my lap making out
  10. Nope. I just didn't know what it meant. Besides which I'm going to pretend he meant most valuable as in camels. As in camels per pound of your pasty goth flesh. i'm not pasty, i'm just uh.... less than tanned
  11. One question: is MVP good or bad? MVP - most valuable person so i dare say it's a good thing
  12. huh... just got to work to find an email from the site manager saying they'd been discussing me during their most recent managers meeting and decided to personally nominate me for the next site MVP award so they do know i exist
  13. looks like i might have another photoshoot this wednesday this time it's with someone different, so guess i'll see how it goes
  14. hehe it was fun must have looked strange to people at the supermarket when we all came shambling inside and massing around the meat section
  15. did the Zombie walk last night and went out drinking afterwards was a good turn out this year - 200 or so "zombies" shambling along the street
  16. right so it's out now - i have a friend that works in a bookstore and she's scored a copy for me and is meeting me after work today to give it to me already had a big wtf moment spoiled for me, but apparently there's quite a bit of that with a couple of characters
  17. Median XL mod for Diablo 2 wow this is actually quite a challenge and is pretty fun
  18. all done with photos at last! 3 days worth of photoshoots and multiple characters done today's was the least fun - had to wear a gas mask for ages and started to feel quite claustrophobic after a while
  19. no silly, so they can bring you treats and dance for your amusement
  20. eh Matt annoyed the hell outta me for the first couple of books - he was pretty much Gollum after that though he got pretty badass oh and one other thing - the romances in WoT are bloody terrible Elayne re: Rand = i only met him once briefly but zomg sooo in love Perrin re: Faile = this chick annoys the crap outta me, but oh noes she walked into a trap - must save her coz i love her now! etc
  21. That reminds me: I hate you and all your effortless style. well if it's any consolation i'm sure when we do the proper shoot i'm gonna be the silliest looking one and if you're bored and stuck at home feeling ill - make people come to you!
  22. Red XIII or Nanaki or whatever his name is his weapons were "pins" if i remember correctly - it's been years since i played it
  23. i was liking FF8 up until the story turns into one hell of a giant facepalm moment and FF7 seemed just as silly hairpins and megaphones as weapons? chicken racing to be released from prison?!
  24. yep i started it, so it'll just annoy me if i don't finish it book 11 was pretty good - after the snorefest that was book 10
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