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Everything posted by Shryke

  1. all packed and ready to go tomorrow morning most of my boxes of stuff already at the new place, just bed, couches, drawers, etc to go wont have internet sorted for another week or so though
  2. I thought you slept on a kind of freefloating cloud of lingerie models. ah the mental image today was spent sleeping in with the gf, then moving in a few small bits and pieces to the new place got a moving truck booked for sunday morning to move bed, desk, drawers etc
  3. it's another property owned by my current landlord who absolutely loves us, and he actually lowered the rent because he'd rather have us move in rather than some random people he's never dealt with before just glad we managed to find something. need to be out of the current place this weekend and was not looking forward to the prospect of couch surfing
  4. after being completely frustrated trying to find a new place to live, today was absolute win looked at a place this morning, negotiated a price, signed the papers, and got the key already it's an old 1920s theatre that's been converted and it's ****ing awesome
  5. as was explained to me by a friend a while ago, it's all about the hot/crazy scale if the hotness is such that it offsets your reservations about the crazy, then "tap and gap" if the crazy is a quirky nice kind of crazy, then go nuts if it's the bad kind of crazy and the hotness doesn't quite offset it, then run. run like the wind apparently this is a good guide for pickin' yo lady
  6. over the years there have been a few flamewars, but the people setting them off seem to get grumpy and leave pretty quickly those of us left are pretty much too lazy to bother
  7. need to find a new apartment by this weekend looked at so many places since getting back to town, but haven't really heard back from anyone running outta time...
  8. back from the Big Day Out Crystal Castles played a pretty short set, Tool were pretty wicked, Deftones were mediocre, and Rammstein rocked the place and had crazy awesome pyrotechnics noice ^_^
  9. rainy and cloudy and nearly 30 celcius today eeeeww mugginess getting all ready to go away for a few days. staying at a friends a few hours drive away and lying around in the spa all day, then another few hours of driving to head to the Big Day Out
  10. i want to try the pac man thing
  11. stayed at friend's place again last night after drinking with her in town spent the day at the beach with her, and she wanted me to come out drinking with her again tonight, but that probably would've ended up with me staying a third night in a row with her so instead i'm having a quiet night in at home with the gf ^_^
  12. I just received the assignment today, it is no way related to Shryke banging that burlesque dancer. He is banging her, right? haha there were no shenanigans both of us are in relationships and were well behaved
  13. well the friend i stayed with is a Bulgarian burlesque dancer
  14. Shryke


    a friend and i usually sing this when we're drunk
  15. went round to a friend's place last night to watch 28 Days Later both of us started falling asleep part of the way through, and it was raining quite heavily, so i just crashed at her place woke up to her getting ready for work this morning. she said it was cool if i wanted to stay and keep sleeping, but i thought it might look a bit dodgy if i came wandering out of her room later on while her flatmates were up (especially considering her flatmate's brother is one of my girlfriend's best friends) left with her and got coffee and came home
  16. hey i've settled down. been just the one girl for quite a while now
  17. Pun intended? haha nah, she got a little Maine Coon kitten about a month ago he's super cute and friendly
  18. started drinking in the Botanical Gardens, then bounced around a few parties on New Years Eve, then eventually got back to a friend's place the following morning to watch the sunrise spent the next day and a half or so lazing around in her lounge feeling terrible and getting snuggles from her kitten
  19. Mongolian Death Worm you really don't need to know any more than the title
  20. didn't particularly want to see family for xmas, so instead went out to a friend's parent's place again lots of feasting and lazing around in the sunshine ^_^
  21. girlfriend came over last night with some cookies she'd made for me, then when we got up this afternoon we went back to her place and had pancakes definitely a keeper ^_^
  22. quit my job after being there 4 years damn it feels good
  23. Hang on. You're saying one of your charming gorgeous young ladies is coming here? I think the only gentlemanly thing to do is to let me look after her on your behalf. Ach, who am I kidding. After Shryke, it'd be like weaning someone off crystal meth onto yoghurt. i'm sure she'd prefer yoghurt
  24. woke up horribly hungover this afternoon. met some old friends of my girlfriend yesterday and they decided to get me horrendously drunk. there was lots and lots of beer, bourbon, and absinthe. got along with them really well, but didn't get home till like 7am this morning we got up feeling terrible, then she went home and i went out for a christmas dinner thing. my friend does one every year, but this one was the last as she's moving to england in a few weeks
  25. haha yeah that option is starting to look more and more appealing
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