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About Titosros

  • Rank
    (2) Evoker
    (2) Evoker

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Profile Information

  • Interests
    Basketball,Football,Baseball, and computer games.<br /><br />Fav shows: Yu-Gi-Oh Dragonballz and Dragonball GT King of the hill The Simpsons Law and Order Series and Fullmetal Alchemist and InuYasha Family Guy Futurama.
  1. Those pics the good old days.
  2. Clinton's are taking back the White House in 08. And two more years of that dumb ass president and his amin thank god.
  3. Old news >_>.
  4. Go to UF .
  5. My last drink was a glass of coke.
  6. The fab four from the Florida Gators.
  7. Got that right remember watching that on Fox.
  8. Right now I'm playing KOTOR1 for the X-BOX.
  9. The new Resident Evil movie= http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0432021/
  10. Dragonballz Naruto
  11. I saw HellRaiser: Inferno on HBO damand
  12. I got a d6
  13. My day was great yesterday Florida won against UCLA and going to the National Title game.
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