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Everything posted by GhostofAnakin

  1. The game manual for KOTOR1 was poor at best. Without any spoilers, is the manual that ships with KOTOR2 better? More indepth? More information?
  2. Washing my hair? Why would I? It's not Sunday yet.
  3. You never asked. *bats eyelashes*
  4. Yeah, I was thinking the poll is a bit biased in that even the "no" response implies that you're not happy with the game, but that you just will have to live with it.
  5. Hades would hate that sort of game.
  6. I was referring to those who had played the game already and gave their comments. People who have yet to play it (Hades, you, me, etc.) only have second hand knowledge and thus I don't take any of those into account at all. But of those who have actually played it, I've noticed that those who I tend to think of as respectable and intelligent posters seem to have good things to say about the game. That's not to say that ALL those who have negative things to say are people I don't respect. It's just that, from a rough estimate of what I've read, a greater percentage of those I respect have said positive things about the game. And I've also noticed a stark number of people I'd consider "unintelligent" posters who dislike the game, which again just makes me think I'll enjoy it even more.
  7. Did you just quote the reviewer who owns a BARBIE game in his video game collection to prove a point? Btw, use spoiler tags (if you haven't already, since I haven't read the thread since you first posted it). It's just plain ignorant to ruin the game for everyone else when there's a forum strictly for any threads containing spoilers.
  8. My advice (even though you didn't ask for it) is look at who made what comments. If one comment is made by someone whose views you generally agree with, and the other comment is made by some person you find incredibly lame or boring and always disagree with, go with what you know and trust. Thus far, the people I "respect" on here have had a lot of positive things to say about the game. Some people I either don't know or don't completely "respect" have had a lot of negative things to say about the game. So it's easy to see which viewpoint I'm typically going to lean towards until I can actually play the game for myself.
  9. Actually, I think a couple of stores will allow you to return it, but only for either a trade for another in-stock game, or for a drastically reduced price than what you paid for it (ie. bought the game for $60, receive $20 in return, even if you only bought it a day or two earlier).
  10. I think it's natural to see the original in a positive light since it was your "first". I'm betting that many flaws in the original are overlooked that are constantly being harped upon in the second. Whether that's a fair thing to do or not is another debate altogether.
  11. Nowhere where I live will rent PC games. The basic slogan for any store who carries PC games is "you break the shrinkwrap seal, you keep it".
  12. If Lucasarts wants to maintain any semblance of respectability, I think they'll see to it.
  13. I am trying to, although it's slow moving through Taris. I'm undecided between LS and DS, so so far I've been doing half and half. I'm not sure I'll continue my game though. I've already played the game to death and know all the different options available so it makes it difficult to play through again.
  14. I never pre-order games. Even though I'm anxiously anticipating this game, I still am not pre-ordering.
  15. Nejaa Halcyon gets my vote (Corran Horn's father), since he's appeared in a couple of Eu novels (most recently Jedi Trial) and was said to have died around the time of Episode III. Or maybe Grand Admiral Thrawn (although just an Admiral or General back then).
  16. That's what I found too. When I updated my drivers to the latest ones at the time (I believe 4.5 or 4.6), the game didn't run as good. When I used either 4.2 or 4.3, the game ran almost flawlessly for me.
  17. He has stated, on many occassions, he will not buy the game, though. His stance on purchasing the game has flip flopped more than John Kerry's stance on the war.
  18. You forgot that he absolutely HATES level caps.
  19. Glad to hear that, Ender. This makes me a happy camper.
  20. KOTOR was broken? Or KOTOR2? Because if you're talking about the first one, I've had ZERO problems with it on my bottom-of-the-line-POS-computer. In fact, compared to many of the other games I've bought and had trouble with, KOTOR has been remarkably stable for me. In 8 attempted play throughs (5 complete play throughs) I've experienced 1 crash to desk top, 1 freezing, and the occassional slowdown in crowded areas. So if you're referring to KOTOR, then I'd say you're either extremely unlucky that you got such a buggy copy, or you're exaggerating to prove a point.
  21. No. It just means that there is no current development being done.
  22. What else is new? I've already stumbled upon a few spoilers because some people (not to brand newbies, but a lot have been newbies) don't seem to have the common sense to post in the designated forums. Annoying, but apparently the concept of Spoiler forums is too difficult for a lot of people to grasp.
  23. Does Finland even have an extradition law in effect? :D
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