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Everything posted by GhostofAnakin

  1. But no robes. So while Handmaiden, Atton, Visas and Kreia are running around behind the Exile with Jedi Robes, Bao-Dur is the odd man out with his little jumpsuit.
  2. Although I hated him as a character, I thought the actual character was a nice change from the overly friendly image we have of most Jedi Masters. He represented the skeptical Jedi Masters who always questioned motives and was distrustful. Plus, his snotty attitude is nothing new. Look at Jocasta Nu, the Jedi librarian, in the movies. She was quite a prissy thing towards Obi-Wan when he was talking about Kamino.
  3. You know, that got me to thinking about another thing with Revan. He was supposed to be this genius strategist. Maybe he foresaw Kreia's evil and instructed T3 to not unlock the nav computer until the Exile had defeated Kreia so that Kreia wouldn't be able to find Revan. Once Kreia was defeated, T3 could then allow the Exile to know Revan's whereabouts. Make any sense?
  4. I'd prefer he be able to wear a Jedi robe.
  5. I never got the Redemption quest to work for me, even after talking to everyone possible. You were supposedly also supposed to get people to successfully join the militia in that fight against Azkul's mercenaries.
  6. Just tell Colonel Grenn that you killed them when you first report them at the Czerka office. He believes you and it registers as mission complete.
  7. Except for the fact he can't wear any robes. "
  8. The reason Vogga didn't blow up GoTo was because he couldn't find him. Why do you think he had Hanharr hunting GoTo? He also agreed to send the fuel to Telos (at a HUGE profit) only if the Exile eliminated GoTo for him.
  9. Obsidian explained in a recent magazine article that they tried to improve the AI but found it was too complicated and difficult a task for the short time available to them. The end result is probably no different to Kotor 1. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Didn't the article also explain that the AI was done so late in the development process that they didn't really have time to go back and check to see it worked properly? Or was that something else?
  10. I noticed that too. I noticed that they went out of their way to have various dialogue where it is stated that the Exile was just an average Jedi in the Force, but that the main thing that made him special (and thus the star of TSL) was his "wound" in the Force thing, and his ability to form Force Bonds so easily.
  11. It was called the Jedi Civil War because of what started the conflict. It was the Jedi that followed Revan versus the Jedi that followed the Order. It escalated into an all out galactic conflict, but the antagonist of the war was the Revan Jedi camp versus the Jedi Order camp. I don't see how you can say that is different than the Clone Wars. If you want to get technical, the Clone Wars should have been called something that reflects the two combatants: The Republic and the Seperatists. I think you're taking the useage of the name way too literal.
  12. That didn't indicate that. Vrook wanted Vandar to punish him because Vandar was seen as the "Yoda" type character of the Jedi Council, and thus probably the most senior member.
  13. I figured, knowing you and the fact you don't want to come to grips with me as a future son-in-law, you chose this definition: 1. Of or relating to phlegm; phlegmy.
  14. Same here. Even if a woman does look good with short hair, I think to myself "she'd be even hotter if she had longer hair".
  15. Oh that Sion, he so silly.
  16. I still get that dialogue when I play as a male. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Same here. He just doesn't flirt with me.
  17. I get mentioned twice, and both times I am either a pervert or mucous-like excretion. <_<
  18. she couldn't have though, one of the things you can say to one of the handmaidens is that atris never had a padawan. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Yeah, which is why I said one of the Exile's masters. Such as how Yoda instructs all the Younglings in early lightsaber training, maybe Atris instructed the Exile in whatever she's good at. I don't think the Exile had one master who he was padawan to. I think he left the Order before he had that chance and instead had a bunch of masters who taught various things.
  19. So, I will have to take him on my journey. I have yet been able to make Bao-dur and Atton into Jedi. After they are converted, is there more dialogue. Or, do they stop talking like Mira? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Bao-Dur has been a pain in the ass for me as well. Although most of his influence options seem to take place during certain missions (ie. letting him fix the air speeder in the Serocco section of Nar Shaddaa). Atton, just bring him along and talk to him. At a certain point in the Refugee sector you'll bump into two Twi'leks who know him. Ask him about it, but be nice when you do. Eventually he'll open up about his past.
  20. The only people who couldn't get that through their head were either too dimwitted, or just plain stubborn. If I said that I believe that the Italian kid on my hockey team is the last Italian in Canada because I've personally never met another one, would that mean my word is law? K2 normal fan: "Yeah I was in Toronto the other weekend and I bumped into these two Italian guys. They were hilarious." K2 dimwitted fan: "Huh? What? How could you bump into Italian guys? The last known Italian guy in Canada lives near GhostofAnakin. He clearly states that he believes him to be the last known Italian guy." K2 normal fan: "Umm...That's just GhostofAnakin's point of view. He's just stating that HE believes him to be the last Italian guy in Canada." K2 dimwitted fan: "No, that doesn't make sense. If someone says something, then it it true! Who cares if it's only their point of view. GhostofAnakin, and even a couple of GhostofAnakin's friends referred to him as the last Italian guy in Canada, so you're wrong." K2 normal fan: (in a sarcastic tone) "Yeah, and the Exile is also the last Jedi, right?"
  21. Force crush is hilarious to use on Sion. His dialogue kept talking about how I couldn't defeat him, while his body was being thrown back and back and his energy getting zapped in 2 turns.
  22. Atton's cheesey lines on Peragus about him being a late addition to the game and he was supposed to be in the next Jedi Academy game instead. I'm not a fan of that line because he says it regardless, so I'm stuck listening to it even when I'm trying to remain in character.
  23. If they go with a Chosen One story, then already right there that means the story won't be as strong as it could/should have been. Plus, it diminishes the characters of Revan and the Exile. What made Revan special was because of the fact he was "the man" during this time period. Then came along the Exile and suddenly Revan isn't as special. If KOTOR3 has yet another "Chosen One with special powers that no one else has" that just tarnishes Revan even more. I suppose one could argue that the Exile was deliberately made as an average Force user who just happened to have a couple of special abilities that put him in the elite category, but even still a new Chosen One will make the series seem goofy.
  24. It appears Lucasarts wants it hush hush. A thread way back in which one of the Obsid Devs commented on the Content Patch was deleted within 24 hours. I guess Lucasarts doesn't want people knowing just how crappy their philosophy on supporting their games truly is.
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