I'm not sure where you're getting your info because using those upgrades I did MUCH higher damage. Now while I can't remember my specific total, here's directly from www.gamebanshee.com with their lightsaber crystal guide for K1:
Click Me.
Again, I'm not sure where you're getting your info from because this looks more like what I was talking about (taken from the above link):
Light Side Players: Solari + Upari
With a normal 2-16 saber, and not using the Heart of the Guardian or Mantle of the Force, the damage becomes 6-27 Energy, +1d8 Physical vs. Dark Side, with the almost unequaled +6 to attack.
With a normal 2-16 saber, and with the Heart of the Guardian, the damage becomes 5-38 Energy, +6 to Attack, and +4 Blaster Bolt Deflection.
With a normal 2-16 saber, and with the Mantle of the Force, the damage becomes 6-42 Energy vs. Dark Side, and 4-30 Energy vs. everything else, with +6 to attack, and an incredible +8 to Blaster Bolt Deflection.
5-38 Energy, +6 to Attack and 6-42 Energy vs. DS (if playing LS), regular 4-30 Energy, +6 Attack and +8 Blaster Bolt is much more powerful than the stats you provided.
I agree that the stats you came up with don't make them look that powerful, but the stats that I used during the game and the stats that gamebanshee provides do, in fact, make them as powerful as anything (or at the very least VERY close) in K2.