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Maria Caliban

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Everything posted by Maria Caliban

  1. Avenger, "Well, that dryad openly admitted that she helped slaughter a whole village out of revenge. That's pretty evil in my book." You have me there. A detect evil spell might have been useful but most evil types tend to be open about it. For instance, when I expected her to, as a "master manipulator," pretend to have the same values as the PC. Instead, my Paladin got a sort of "No, I'm bad. Get used to it," response from her.
  2. Given the amount of grief my companions give me, I have no problem treating them like the pack mules they are.
  3. Tigranes: "No, I needed the scrol so that my main mage, who has my crafting feats & skills, could LEARN Cat's Grace then cast it. Which I did, and it still didnt work." I'm sorry. I misunderstood. Does this mage have the Craft Weapons and Armor feat? Do you have exactly the right essences and items?
  4. You might want to do the bandit camp first. That way Tor can heal your group if you get diseased. Also, make sure that you save immediately after getting diseased as succeeding those fort. checks are harder at lower levels. I had Khelgar and Neeshka running around with 0 dex and con for about an hour.
  5. Avenger, If you don't know someone is evil *before* you attack then you can't say that you're being good by attacking them. Tigrenes: " That's why I think NWN2 shouldnt show those -1 +1 messages." Agreed. Roshan: " This is absolutely outrageous." I get the feeling almost everything is with you.
  6. You are correct Spider.
  7. Dark_Raven: "How many people have tried the item crafting yet? I thought about it but it looks time consuming to get the needed materials. Maybe in the next game." I found it quite easy. I used Neeshka as my alchemist and whenever I found an item that could be broken down, I tossed it to her and she distilled it. Then I just let the essences pile up in her inventory until I stumbled upon a recipe I was interested in. Khelgar crafted my weapons while I handled armor.
  8. Dark Raven: " I like her spellcasting ability and that is all. I don't like her attitude and it shows with the negative influence I have gained with her." I have no idea how you get negative influence with her. The only way I've gotten influence is through bashing myself against an electrical door. What attitude are you talking about? I went on one quest with her and she pledged her life to me. Pidesco: " I have 22 in Craft Weapon with the crafting gloves, and the game won't let me create adamantine kukris and dwarven waraxes. What's up with that?" I was able to make an adamantine kukris when Khelgar had only 18 in craft weapons. Maybe the character making the item has to have proficiency in it? You're using two ingots, right? And only trying to make one weapon at a time? Tigranes: " You think that's bad? I gathered the materials for a Boots of Striding +6 and it wouldn't work. And I had to spend about 4 hours looking at EVERY SHOP IN ACT 3 for a cat's grace scroll." Scrolls don't work. The crafting master told you that at the beginning of the game. Just have one of your magic users cast Cat's Grace on the recipe. They don't need to have crafting skills.
  9. Elanee told me that without the glowstone the goblins would be at the mercy of the spiders. So, I killed the spiders. On the other hand, the dryad told me that the glowstone was polluting her forest or somesuch so I figured that was radioactive fallout that the poor goblins had started worshipping. I swiped it from them and ran before I had to fight. You're right though, there wasn't a clear good or evil option available.
  10. My paladin thought it only right to help her.
  11. Tigranes: "The journal, and thus the quest-scripts never recognised this, and when it came to the trial, the scripts didnt realise that I had this item!" There's no journal entry for "I now have powder X" There's only a journal entry for the quest she gives you, which you admitted you didn't complete. How do you know that the "scripts didn't realize" you had that item. Did you talk to Sand?
  12. Hurlshot: "I gotta say, I love Qara, and I find her incredibly useful." Agreed. There are few things more useful than a psychotic pyromaniac spell-flinger. She and another companion remind me of Planescape: Torment.
  13. Great game. It was the game I knew Obsidian had in them when I played KotOR II.
  14. I haven't finished the game but I've only encountered a few bugs: fire beetles, stag beetles, and bombers. Depending on your definition of bug, there's also a massive one in my basement.
  15. Big Bottom: "He'd better not start blastglobing me." As long as you don't give them to Qara, you'll be fine. Elanee: This is the sacred grove of the mother tree. Please be respectful of the land as we journey within it. PC: Yo. Will do. [ten minutes later] Neeshka: Hey, Qara. That squirrel looks like it's staring at you. Qara: That grey squirrel in the tree? You're right. It is staring at me. WHY ARE YOU WATCHING ME? PC: Is everything all right? Qara: That squirrel is looking at me. It's talking about me behind my back... STOP STARING YOU STUPID RODENT! PC: I think you're overreacting just a- Qara: THAT DOES IT! I WARNED YOU! *lobs blastglobes wildly* Why did they dump the pig's blood on me? Why?!
  16. Pidesco: "To fight my character creating urges, I'm thinking of making an
  17. Dark Raven: "He should have attacked my character on sight since it is known/stereotyped that all drow are evil murdering killers." Paladins don't attack people on sight. They cast Detect Evil on sight and then kill if their paladin sense tingles. As there's no Detect Evil for paladins in this game, he has to join your group and wait for you to do something evil before he can throw blastglobes at you.
  18. Jefferson? Van Buren? BIS? The Black Hound? I feel as though I've fallen into Bletchley Park during World War II.
  19. Marvelous! Thank you so much Mr. Oerwinde. May your children be multitudes, May your wives be beautiful, And may your goat always give good milk
  20. Greetings my fellow forumites, Would someone be kind enough to help me with a question regarding the interface? I realize this is a simple action but cannot for the life of me figure out how to talk to a party companion.
  21. Darque: "Though, I have to admit, I haven't played the first diablo yet... though it is sitting on my shelf looking at me saying "plaaaaaaaaaaay me" ' If you've played the second one, I see no need for you to play the first. It's just like the second one only not as good.
  22. Greetings Chos Echo, Good work on the sprite comics. Please, keep them coming as I'm interested in seeing what happens next to your protagonist. How did you create your comics? These other gentlemen are correct that you have a few spelling and grammatical errors. You might want to put your dialogue through a spellchecker like the one in Word before you put it in your comic. Keep up the good work! M. Caliban
  23. Enoch: " I find that most of the so-called "adult" programming on the cartoon channel have sucked mightily since they stopped making new Space Ghost episodes. Some of Birdman & Sealab were funny, but both series got old fast." The majority of adult cartoons appear to be created with nineteen-year-olds in mind. I don't mind that terribly. I enjoy Futerama and Family Guy when I watch it. I even enjoy some cartoons aimed at children and teens, such as Princess Tutu, Azumanga Dioh, or Airmaster. However, I often find myself wishing for an animated series that reflects an adult sensibility.
  24. Rumors: Diablo III is being made Diablo III has been in production for four years now Diablo III will take place in heaven and feature the "forces of Hell" trying to overwhelm it. Diablo III will be 3D
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