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Everything posted by Craftsman

  1. No problem. Seriously are we looking at the RPG ever made?
  2. THere is so much to see! The robes are exellent!!!
  4. http://pc.ign.com/articles/533/533728p1.html
  5. Thats good.
  6. So hoods are in?
  7. Maybe you could choose
  8. 1) If you choose the dark path, the title of Sith, be added to your name 2) For quests make more of the games choices not so black and white. For instance you might think what youve done is worthy of the lightside, (help someone) but you find out that there a criminal, 3) Make the lights and dark side point system hidden. 4) I love those rendered movies! 5) Several situation where you are forced to follow the dark/light path. (Minor only) 6) Hilts for saber 7) Beable to use public transport to go places (you dont see yourself travelingthe screen just black out and your there) Some fun mini games ! Any more?
  9. I think the devs really want to make this game stand out. There is probarly some other feature which they wont tell till release.
  10. Hey i never thought of that. Traveling alone hmm. But then u cant use your party, which your really meant to:)
  11. Hey if theres more content then of course it will be longer.
  12. Yeah. This should go in off topic but thanks
  13. Hmmm. Well if the PC kotor got the Yavin station first then..........
  14. So it was the xboxs fault Could it be a option for the PC then?
  15. Yeh found that out today
  16. Devs will there me more random NCP's apart of each world? And will they be doing stuff (selling, talking, robbing) instead of walking up and down?
  17. Are you forgetting good acting? :D
  18. Yeah. The devs had no time to add it any more characters so they just added the sith trooper as a random display item.
  19. Devs explain this please http://www.lucasarts.com/games/swkotor_sit...eenshots/13.jpg
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