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Everything posted by Craftsman

  1. This time around it will be much better.
  2. Phht. We got Yavin station.
  3. Hmm. Im also hoping for a direct Dev response.
  4. This happened last time as well. Xbox got first. Well this is a pattern that im not having a bar of. Will PC gamers get extra features for this...outrage?!
  5. The drought is over.
  6. Hey all. I was wondering if any of you guys had any good ideas on what my essay could be based upon regarding physics. Things like quantum physics is what im after. Any good suggestions?
  7. It would have to be around 150 years at least. Sequel sound great.
  8. Hmm I hope theres something more to the hawk than mets the eye. Maybe it hold some hidden treasue. Or something left over from reven.
  9. Ahh. But the devs have COMPLETE control on the input and output where car crashes nobody has complete control over.
  10. Yeah. if you look closely the trailer is just random enimies placed randomly in a room. What this is is real game footage.
  11. Ahhh. After watching it i can tell bioware has already been beaten.
  12. Well of a ship live the levi there would be 10000 soldiers at least. So yeah more would be nice.
  13. Mod makes for KOTOR seem to be able to add new saber hilts rather easily. Why is there the uncertinaty that it will not make kotor 2?
  14. Cant see a problem with that although new tunes are critical.
  15. This game is looking so rich in detail and substance. Lets hope theres no more planets that had 4 indoor areas or so, and a big space of nothing like tattonine.
  16. Are there any sites that ship games internationally?
  17. Yeah and the PC version came 6 months after.
  18. I was bored today, it was raining and theres was nothing to do. I noticed my cpoy of KOTOR on the shelf and decided i would play it through again. Installatin was fine. It was all good. Had the latest offical nvidia drivers, the game worked fine the other 3 times i played it before, what could go wrong? The game kept on freezing. I cound't play it. Instead of Malak on the main page there was his two little eyes floating in the air. Devs please make KOTOR 2 stable and fuss free.
  19. Face it people, grahics to mean something. All this nonsense of 'gameplay is the only important part' is just dumb.
  20. Theres some on teh lucasarts site. If ya want more google it.
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