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Everything posted by Craftsman

  1. Notice how all the major world religions have very similar morals? Hmmm
  2. here are some samples http://members.fortunecity.com/markgriskey/
  3. http://www.tracksounds.com/reviews/best_lucasarts.htm
  4. I think he fresh and all new.
  5. I hope it good stuff.
  6. kotor is original. Just becasue Bioware made it first doesnt mean Obistan (thats what i call em ) cant to a better job, and claim the series as their own.
  7. I think that KOTOR 3 will start delopment at obistan once kotor 2 is finsihed.
  8. Not a sequel? haha good one.
  9. Just for the record the guys were working on the new engine im sure.
  10. Not if its made by crap devs
  11. http://www.gamespot.com/news/2004/08/13/news_6104775.html All for the better i guess.
  12. After they finish kotor 2
  13. Just becasue Bioware did the first KOTOR donent mean they own it. If Obistan do a better job of kotor 2, then i think there in a leauge of their own.
  14. No what i mean is taht exclusive on consoles only. The pc still get it.
  15. Well its business is it not? Microsoft makes deal for Lucasarts to pump out KOTOR/Starwars RPG's on the xbox2. It sounds resonable no?
  16. I wonder if a dev has looked at this board and thought (ahh crap, they got it)
  17. I bet theres the option of re destroying the world.
  18. Yep hooded robes are the coolest thing ever
  19. Ive always wondered why a dark jedi could not simply give someone a massive heart attack with the force.
  20. I jsut hope the urban area is full of curruption and deeds to be done.
  21. Of course it will be xbox exclusive the first two were. And microsoft what the 'RPG' console title.
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