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6 Foot Invisible Rabbit

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Everything posted by 6 Foot Invisible Rabbit

  1. Thats not a bug. It is how the game works.
  2. I think it is a good idea. All they have to do now is bring back the NWN 2 forums here.
  3. I don't think I like that idea. Not everyone is adaptable to the military way of doing things. Frankly, it might do more harm than good. I myself was in the US Navy and I nearly got a Section 8 because the place was making me bonkers.
  4. I voted other, for NO ONE, at least no one til KotOR 2 is finished.
  5. I had no problems with the Inventory system in KotOR 1 or KotOR 2.
  6. Um, KotOR 2 is based off the d20 System if you didn't notice.
  7. Well, since the Exile isn't limited by 20 levels I would have to say him/her. I have read the stats of Yoda, Emporer, Darth Vader, Luke Skywalker, and so forth. Exile has them beat.
  8. You would get the most money if you sold them as components than all in one computer.
  9. I know one. Bioware.
  10. You forgot the option "Who gives a smeg?" Man, too many polls and too many KotOR 3 threads. Man, I hope KotOR 3 is never made. LA ruined the series by not giving Obsidian time to finish the game.
  11. Personally I would prefer we eliminate wage tax and the IRS. Instead put a federal sales tax based on a percentage of the item being sold. More expensive the item is the more the individual is paying in taxes. Such as a $500 television set here in Iowa would cost an additional $35 for the sales tax. Put in a 10% federal sales tax, make that an addition $50 for a total of $585. The more luxarious the cost of the item, such as a $100,000 sail boat or $50,000 diamond necklace, the more tax you pay while at the same time there would be no income tax to take your money. People will have more money to spend, and the federal government would get their tax money. It would also be near impossible to cheat as well.
  12. At least not politics in the US which does need a major overhaul.
  13. Well, I would get the laest patch and possibly the fanmade patches as well. Also, you do need a little more experience. Go to him when you are level 10 or higher.
  14. Iowa law states otherwise I guess. He had a really banged up due to a fall and the ER peeps wouldn't treat him. He know has a permanent limp.
  15. You haven't been in Iowa, have you. I have friends who were denied the ER because they couldn't pay or have insurance. Friends and family only helps if they have money and in a better financial shape than yourself, and in my case they aren't. Also you still have to pay for insurance which I can't afford. Even full time, $7 doesn't pay all my base bills. If you tell me to get a better job, THERE ISN'T ONE IN AMES, IOWA. Also, I can't afford to move. Plain and simple, B5C, the capitialistic society that is the US doesn't give a shat about the lower class. That is the same hospitals and doctors for they are just a bunch of money grabbing SOBs that rather use a scalpel to cut open your wallet than save your life.
  16. Well, the Bill of Rights doesn't say we have the right to healthcare but basic human decency should allow free healthcare to those who are in need of it. I shouldn't be denied treatment for cancer or a broken arm just because I can't pay for it or don't have insurance. Tell me, B5C, that you would have no problems to tell the parents of a five year old that their son or daughter is going to die of cancer or some malignant tumor just because they can't afford the treatment? It is no wonder that the lower class are making their children wards of the state, at least in Iowa, so their kids can get decent healthcare.
  17. I am just against illegal immigration, period, regardless of country of origin and country of destination. If you want to live in another country, do it legitly. Also if you are going to live in another country, not just visit, learn the local language and customs. Its the only polite thing to do. If I was going to move to live and work in Japan, I would learn japanesse. If I was to live and work in Quebec I would learn French. And so forth and so on.
  18. Oh N-gage. I have heard of it but never saw it. Don't pay much attention to hand helds.
  19. So, why not drop the cost of the Monarchy. I mean it is a rather antiquated system. That coul save a bit of money. Sure it is part of the country's history, but one shouldn't have to pay for history forever.
  20. That was Obsidian's call and I happen to agree with you on that point.
  21. Microsoft needs to find their own niche instead of trying to copy others.
  22. move here and I'll teach you .. or at least I'll direct you to a very good teacher .. her name is Nathalie and she promises to be gentle! hehe <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Um, Okay. I need to get a passport and save up on money to pay for the plane triip. Never been to Europe. Been to the Middle East, Southeast Asia, and Australia, but not Europe. The trip could do me some good.
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