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Your Execution

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Everything posted by Your Execution

  1. Ahh,dismemberment would be so sweet ... :D
  2. OMG, what crappy translator do you use?
  3. I like the double-bladed saber because it has a more exotic look.
  4. I don't really feel like writing a 10-page essay in response, so here's the short version: While I agree with some of those statements regarding the darkside, having played both, I just can't see myself playing lightside again because it is boring, and being "Goody Two Shoes" just isn't my style. Besides,there was one good thing about playing the darkside; I got to betray & kill Carth, that alone makes it worth my while.
  5. I like it much better than before. B)
  6. I suppose it would be a nice feature to have,but I can live without it too.
  7. That is why they have all gone the way of the DS...I guess this thread will die now... Nooooooooooooooooooooo....Jar Jar will return, I have foreseen it.... Annoying,isn't it? :D
  8. I told you, but I guess your Gungan love clouded your view, I hope you will learn from this... Probably not. I was hoping for a Gungan romance,you know... Eeeewww. Your children will be gizka...you know this right? Oh,so you've already had the experience? :D
  9. I told you, but I guess your Gungan love clouded your view, I hope you will learn from this... Probably not. I was hoping for a Gungan romance,you know...
  10. LOL Oh no....the disappointment... *is in tears*
  11. Well,what do you think? It's been a long time since I watched Episode I,and I just realized how much I missed Jar Jar...hahahaha..... Ok,so maybe I'm a little bored. :D *hides from the oncoming lynch mob*
  12. We really don't need to know about your private life........... she's gonna cyber-castrate you. ROTFL
  13. You forgot to add the option: "Get a life." I guess I'll have to go with "You're such a waste of my time."
  14. Hey,that looks pretty neat,although it is a bit straining on the eyes.
  15. Yes,he died.Believe me,he did. And if he isn't dead yet,I will kill him personally for inspiring all these whacky "Trask lives" threads.... :ph34r: <_<
  16. That sounds like a good idea.
  17. I admit, you have a good point there. That is one of the advantages the PC version has over the Xbox (unfortunately).
  18. *goes off into a long rant about how consoles rule* At least Xbox players don't have to download & install numerous patches to make a game work,but that's another topic altogether... Yeah you just don't get the patches. Enjoy your bugs I mean features... Haven't had any problems with my Xbox version of Kotor yet, so I guess I'm enjoying the features without the bugs.
  19. *goes off into a long rant about how consoles rule* At least Xbox players don't have to download & install numerous patches to make a game work,but that's another topic altogether...
  20. That sounds like an interesting combination , although I favor the lightsabers and have never used a single blaster in Kotor;always the swords & vibroblades until I got my saber. It's a Jedi thing I guess. :D
  21. I guess I've never looked at it that way before. <_< We would all rather play the game,but since it's not ready yet we'll just have to do with info about it.I prefer that over hearing nothing at all about the game until February 2005. It kind of "eases" the waiting period, I think.
  22. I don't see what porn has to do with The Sith Lords anyway? [Porn is available all over the net if you really need it that badly...I for one am more interested in Kotor 2 info]
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