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Your Execution

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Everything posted by Your Execution

  1. Sith Lord,of course. What can I say, the Emperor rules.
  2. I agree with you 100 %.
  3. I don't even want to know what that is...
  4. Although the PC version has the advantage of slightly better graphics and the ability to use mods, I have always been an avid console gamer and don't intend to change that anytime soon. It's definitely Xbox for me.
  5. You know,I was sooooo wrong when I said that the "Dressing like Leia" thread was the weirdest thread I had ever read. This one here is downright scary... :ph34r:
  6. It's darkside all the way for me. I get bored playing good Jedi,it's no fun.
  7. ROTFLMFAO -That's a good one,really. Of all the weird threads I 've seen so far,this one tops them all.But to each their own,I suppose.
  8. It wouldn't matter much to me. I would like the game just the same,with or without dismemberment.
  9. And yet here you are, dicussing aspects of an upcoming Star Wars game...
  10. So far, Kotor is the best Star Wars game I have ever played,but I do remember the good old days on the N-64, playing Shadows of the Empire. That was definitely a classic. B)
  11. I still don't understand why anyone would want a black lighsaber. The color would be barely visible.
  12. you will never break me hahahahahahahahahhahaha i mean carth rules and he should return in kotor 2 :D its only my opinion Nooooooooooooooooooo! The invasion has begun! God help us all...
  13. Wow,Banooby. Your signature has definitely improved.At least my eyes don't hurt anymore when I look at it. :D
  14. Yes,Jar Jar plays a key role in a major event: "Target practice"...
  15. Someone here hasn't read the Rogue and Wraith Squadron series of books, nor the Han Solo trilogy. True,I haven't gotten around to it yet. I'll read them someday.
  16. Please. That sig is amaturish, at best. Astronomical in size,and painful to the eyes. That's what I call it.
  17. No what? No,it's not going to happen? Or no,you don't like the idea of Kotor merchandise? Just no. Oh yeah, I remember now:you hate polls,right? LOL
  18. No what? No,it's not going to happen? Or no,you don't like the idea of Kotor merchandise?
  19. I take back what I said about the yellow being easier on the eyes.
  20. But doesn't Star Wars revolve around the Jedi & the Force?
  21. As a Star Wars fan, I would want all of the above for my collection, Kotor action figures in particular. Unfortunately, I don't think that's going to happen,but it's a nice thought.
  22. I just can't decide which signature color was the worst,although I think the green and yellow are definitely a bit easier on the eyes...
  23. That just wouldn't seem right.The Jedi are supposed to be more powerful than the regular folks.
  24. There's only one thing I don't get: What does all this have to do with lightsaber colors?
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