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Marka Ragnos

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Everything posted by Marka Ragnos

  1. well... I have a p4 2.8 ghz and from a 9600xt 256mb to a 6600gt agp 128mb was a major difference. Huge improvement in all games that I have, kotor 1&2 being some of them. it depends on detail, do you mean 1600x1200? i don't think so, the best you'll get is probably 1280x1024 with 4xaa and 16xaf which is good and what I run at. your cpu will be a bottleneck though but you should do fine.
  2. gah! there was never a goto person only the droid.
  3. yeah, I had this problem ever since i got it back in february, the patch didn't fix it. changing charisma didn't help either.
  4. actually, the 9000 is a low-end graphics card, face it. even if it is among the top-tiered notebooks graphics cards.
  5. I would vote KotOR 2: TSL as well but I'm too lazy to register, no matter how short the process. I have the limited edition of Jade Empire but I never played it, had it for like a month or two.
  6. Schweet! I'm closest to the skywalkers. You scored as Luke Skywalker. You are most like Luke Skywalker. Charismatic, loyal, diplomatic and brave. You helped the alliance defeat your father Darth Vader and the empire, offering your hated father guidance back to the light. Once defeated, you forgave him without a second thought. You train in the lightsaber form Shien/Djem So which channels your opponents offense, and your defense, into attacks against them. You believe in aggressive defense. A pillar of light in a dark time, you helped to re-establish the republic and rebuild the Jedi Order. Luke Skywalker 100% Anakin Skywalker 86% Mace Windu 79% Darth Revan 79% Qui-Gon Jinn 71% Obi-Wan Kenobi (Post Death of Qui-Gon Jinn) 68% Darth Vader 68% Exar Kun 64% Obi-Wan Kenobi (Pre Death of Qui-Gon Jinn) 61% Bastila Shan 54% Darth Maul 54% Count Dooku/Darth Tyranus 29% Yoda 25% Darth Sidious 18%
  7. the "in-game trick" isn't that great because you have to keep doing it every time you start lagging. for when I had my 9600xt 256mb and for right now with my 6600gt 128mb agp I used the disable vertex buffer objects=1 command line and it worked.
  8. to see her in person you have to choose LSM.
  9. it might be something different, but after a while with kotor 1 things would change to a bright solid color. I just had to reinstall the game and things worked fine.
  10. if it doesn't work then you aren't putting in the code correctly. the console works fine for me.
  11. no.... hanharr happens to be alive
  12. there are two places where it says fullscreen in the swkotor2.ini. set them both to 1.
  13. I would use a silver double-bladed lightsaber.
  14. I found Kreia easy, even on hard. The only time I ever got in the "hurt" position was in my first time playing KotOR 2 on the xbox when I was fighting Kreia. I had a level 15 Guardian/12 Weapon Master. Sometimes, when I fight Kreia, I attack and kill the lightsabers and other times I just ran right past them and beat the crap out of her.
  15. I always go Dantooine first after Telos, so I leveled up to 15 there.
  16. I didn't care much for G0-T0. He was arrogant, thinking he could order me around. I think he was useless in combat too. I almost never had him in my party.
  17. black lights are uv lights which create a very dark purplish color. it won't "blend in"
  18. I haven't tried it but my characters are usually good so I don't think I'd have a hard time. "Soloing", I believe is the term.
  19. well... kotor2 doesn't like ati that much. try adding DisableVertexBufferObjects=1 under graphics options in the swkotor2.ini. I can't remember if there should be spaces between those words or not.
  20. your system seems fine. your processor is a little on the slow side but with that vid card you shouldn't be having problems. you may need to lower anti-aliasing as that is the biggest performance hit.
  21. what are you talking about?
  22. I'm ashamed to say that after kicking kreia's butt for the second time my player assumed the hurt position in my first playthrough *drowns sorrows in punch*
  23. your threads are the greatest, eddo.
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