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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. Is this Bruce? White man Hillary supporter vs black woman Trump supporter: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AJ-Obo4Sigk I've only watched less than a minute so far but that's all it took to show how white democrats view blacks. That is some interesting stuff. Goes back to watching the rest.
  2. That has nothing to do with 'institutional sexism'. It has to do with one person. Male cnadiates have also been attacked or praised for their looks. Look at both Trudeau and Obama. People **** over their 'good looks'.
  3. "No male candidate would get this type of criticism in this way ...." That's a lie. I noticed alkso how Bruce posted the CNN poll cause it fits his agenda but ignores the polls that have Trump winning. PS. they both lost last night but not as much as people who watched it. I'd personally give Trump the edge on his goals and Hillary an edge on performance. She came across as more 'presidential' and 'political'. But, her stupid use of feels failed. But, as other shave mentioned, she has no idea how to keep jobs in the country. Taking business owners upwards of 60% of their earnings isn't going to make them stay. On top of that, she will waste taxes. And, he often came across as mumbling nonsense when he went on a tangent.
  4. "# of candidates escorted out: 1" Why?
  5. Agree with Trump on some things but the way he goes about saying them is awful. You can surely tell which one is a politician. LMAO Also.. LMAO at Clinton when she was listing Trump comments that made him sexist (ignoring all the douchebag comments he has directed at males). hwoever one thing wa shilairous when she said he was sexist because IN HER OWN WORDS:"H ebelieves women should Only be paid as much men IF they do work as well as men." HOW IN THE HELL IS THAT SEXIST? Equal work for equal pay. Isn't that the entirety of the equal rights argument? COME ON. But yeah he has said awful things about women. And, men. And, she has laughed at rape victims. It is a draw.
  6. They win some they lose some. But we? We all lose.
  7. "Shame the debates are theater rather than kind you see in Universities and such." What kind fo debates do you even see in Universities now? Debates are anti free speech according to SJW Nazis.
  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4SZqiXDfHnI
  9. The Good Place- Funny and a neat premise. Pitch - Uneven. Sometiems it is good sometimes it is not. The 1st hour was definitely hit or miss. The lead actress especially seems to have her moments where she hits it out of the ballpark and others where you are left scratching your head. I think, also, the writers forget that you don't need to rely on the silly sexist tropes of nonsense.
  10. You know what is behind the riots? Racism. Pure and simple. I mean it doesn't even matter if it is a whitre cop shooting a suspect or a black cop shooting a suspect. BLM will march while chanting "DEATH TO WHITEY!". They assault white people ands will shoot black mothers and no BLM supporter cares. Of coruse, the organizers are stupid since they'll also destroy black owned businesses and destroy black neighbourhoods. The logic doesn't make sense. Just like that one guy who was hugging the cops/army dudes who got heckeled by other protestors because... ewww... he hugged white people. That's gross.
  11. Nah. She'll win.
  12. As opposed to being 'likeable' if you are pro Hillary the candidate who brags about laughing at rapists, mass murdering people, and someone who views blacks as nothing more than votes but has no plans to help them. P.S. Everyone is shallow. Men and women are shallow. PERIOD.
  13. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DFeDFva6tcg
  14. "That makes it sound like they haven't got one clue as to what made John Wick a good movie." What made it a good movie in your mind?
  15. "knew how this would upset you, this is EXACTLY why I didnt want you to read this link I have a suggestion going forward, I will read all political links and then tell you what is suitable. This way you will never get upset about a misunderstanding. So I will effectively be your filter for negative news....this way you can focus on what you enjoy which is gaming and let me provide you with stories that you wont misinterpret and see them as negative ? Its basically a win win for you?" I know youa re trolling but unlike you I am no SJW Nazi. I don't need no Trigger Warnings. The fact is you cna't deny what I said was true so you just troll troll troll. R00fles!
  17. Black cop working for a black commision working for a black mayor working for a black governor working for a black president shooting a black suspect = racism. LMAO Seriously, BLM cries about racism even in situations when it clearly sin't racism. Then again, this is a group that marches down streets chanting,"DEATH TO WHITEY", celebrate the murder of whites, they robb fellow blacks, and they **** at the thoguht of an innocent black woman getting shot by a BLM shooter as she is protecting her children and white cops rescue her. EVIL SJW Nazis who are nothing more than the KKK. They don't give a crap about innocent black people like that black girl shot in a drive by shooting while doing her homework in her bedroom.
  18. "Not a perfect comparison but oh well." It's a pefect one. 'I dunno, I'd consider the fact that homophobia has been made déclassé over the course of a few decades a fairly good indicator that systemic prejudices can be driven extinct, given time." Yeah. Extinct. telkl that to the guy who shot up that gay bar. Extinct my ass.
  19. News @ 11: Obama is racist. That is old news. Blacks must vote for him/the way he wnats to them vote because he happens to black. That is disrepectful to black people and their ability to make their own choices. And, what legacy? BLM? That races organziation that lvoes to murder whitiey and kill blacks who get in the way? That racist group that amrches down the street chanting,"DETAH TO WHITEY" after a black police officer shoots a black suspect?" LMAO
  20. Perhaps if they wouldn't **** on the players that got them there they would win more. Not that 3 isn't eneough. L0L
  21. Trying to put Trump's refusal to publicly share his tax returns to Hillary's erasure of emails and other **** is laughabole. He has committed no crime. No doubt if there was soemthingw rong with his tax returns the IRS would be all over it. Besdies, there are things to go after him thata r emuch worse. I mean, how about that rape he was a ccused of? How come that's not athing? I know why. Hillary loves rapist so she would apologize for him if he was an actual rapist.
  22. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZNJyDyCocGQ
  23. Not to mention people were TRIGGERED by the first teaser trailer that focus on the Rock instead of Moana. L0L
  24. The Hulk is a violent psychopath who can't control his aggresive tendencies... why in hell would anyone trust his opinion on anything? LMAO I mena the thing is a cold blooded mass murderer. Tell me who Trump has killed. Even one person.
  25. Bokis's lead link, if turns out to be true, is hilarious and sad. It feels more like a troll, though. Then again, people say ISIS/AQ exist and attack the US/West b/c of the evilness of the West... yet their targets ar emor often or not fellow muslims. DOES. NOT. COMPUTE. "Misguided SJW, misguided Muslim jihadist...what's the difference? Don't they stand for the same thing now?" Not misguided. That's a cop out. Misguided implies not knowing what theya re doing. Extremnists are extreme but they are evil not insane.
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