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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. Clinton was always gonna win this election. I don't know why people are shocked about that still being likely.
  2. Love that is what you got out of that. Again, it should be pointed out that Truimjp has said mean things about women. And, he has said mean things about men. The guy is trash. Hillary is trash. CAPICHE?
  3. "Since Monday night’s presidential debate, Donald Trump’s alleged sexism has predictably become a focal point of the Hillary Clinton campaign. The former secretary of state accused Mr. Trump of being a sexist fat-shamer whose acts have disqualified him from holding the highest office in the land. Trump, politicking horrifically, only deepened the wound by vocalizing Hillary’s claim in his and his surrogates’ subsequent interviews. But, unlike Trump was able to point out, Hillary is no “saint girl” either. Mrs. Clinton has been accused of threatening, smearing and targeting women her husband has sexually assaulted or carried out consensual affairs with. Here are seven of those instances: 1. Hillary smears Gennifer Flowers; calls her “trailer-trash.” In an ABC News interview in 1992, Hillary smears Gennifer Flowers, a women Bill would later admit to having an affair with, as “some failed cabaret singer who doesn’t even have much of a résumé to fall back on.” Hillary also referred to Flowers as “trailer trash.” 2. Hillary slams former White House intern Monica Lewinsky as a “narcissistic loony toon” after she had consensual relations with her husband in the Oval Office. CBS News reports: "According to the friend, Diane Blair -- a political science professor whose papers were donated to the University of Arkansas Special Collections library – Hillary Clinton credited Bill Clinton with trying to break away from Lewinsky, whom she called a 'narcissistic loony toon.'" 3. Hillary, defending an alleged rapist, smears his 12-year-old alleged rape victim, claiming the young girl had a "tendency to seek out older men." She also laughs on tape over the cunning way she had vital evidence dismissed, destroying the alleged rape victim's case. “I have been informed that the complainant is emotionally unstable with a tendency to seek out older men and engage in fantasizing,” Hillary wrote in the affidavit about the 12-year-old girl. Hillary is even captured on tape laughing at the fact that she got the only piece of evidence against her client dismissed: “He took a lie detector test. I had him take a polygraph, which he passed, which forever destroyed my faith in polygraphs,” Hillary says, audibly laughing. The alleged rape victim told The Daily Beast what she would say to Hillary if she ever has the chance: "‘You took a case of mine in ’75, you lied on me… I realize the truth now, the heart of what you’ve done to me. And you are supposed to be for women? You call that [being] for women, what you done to me? And I hear you on tape laughing.'" 4. Hillary disparagingly refers to the numerous women her husband was involved with as “bimbos." In 1991, Mrs. Clinton called the onslaught of women accusing her husband of sexual misconduct or consensual infidelity as the “bimbo eruption.” 5. Hillary reportedly threatens Juanita Broaddrick, Bill's alleged rape victim, into silence at a political fundraiser after the accused rape. According to Broaddrick, Hillary threatened her while knowing her husband had raped her: Hillary sought out Broaddrick at the political fundraiser after Bill had raped her; she grabbed her hand and “thanked her” for “everything” she had done for Bill. Feeling frightened, Broaddrick says she tried to turn around and leave, but Hillary allegedly squeezed her hand tighter and wouldn't let her go. Broaddrick told The Daily Wire that there was "no way" Hillary did not intend for that interaction to be construed as a threat. “So many people have said since then that, ‘Maybe she just knew that you had been with him, maybe he hadn’t told her the complete description of what he’d done to you,’” she said. “I still feel like she knew.” 6. “I mean, I would crucify her,” Hillary says of Gennifer Flowers. Hillary "told Esquire magazine in 1992 that if she had the chance to cross-examine Flowers, 'I mean, I would crucify her,'" notes The Washington Post. 7. "[W]e have to destroy her story," Hillary allegedly said of one woman state troopers sought out for her husband to have a sexual encounter with. As noted by National Review: "When a rock groupie alleged that a state trooper approached her on Governor Clinton’s behalf, Hillary said 'we have to destroy her story.'" K.
  4. "Also you keep seem to be missing the point that as these numerous flaws are revealed in Trump and he keeps hurting his image there is less and less chance he will be president, this is a good thing volo. You should be happy ?" Not really. Because the alternative is Hillary. Different **** is still equal ****. "The majority of illegal immigrants have been in the US for over 10 years, which means they are more than settled and a significant percentage have progeny that was born in the US." rewarding criminal behavior should not be acceptable. Tell them the kids can stay as it ain't their faul but the parents can go and then legally apply. Citizens of a country are expected to follow the law... why should non citizerns be above it? The logic on the pro illegal immigration side is absolutely insane. P.S. I'm 100% for legal immigration. Afterall, NA is friggin' built on it but the laws should a) either be followed or b) if they are bullcrap fought to be changed.
  5. "Not sure the State Department managed police." 30 years of experience, man, 30 years of experience. Also, Trump's flaws don't whitewash Hillary's flaws and hers are doozies espicially since has 30 years of experience. I mean, I have 40 years of experience being alive doesn't mean I know what I'm doing. L0L Trump has said mean and hateful things towards women. He has done the same to men. Is he sexist towards men? Trump is juat mean, hateful, pathetic man. That doesn't necessarily make him sexist. It makes him a scumbag.
  6. L0L How many times have I said that trump is trash? Doesn't change the fact that Hillary has laughed at rape victims. *shrug* They are both trash. Any more unarmed balcks murdered by scumbag police under Hillary Clinton's watch today? Any more wars started on her behalf?
  7. Oooooooooooooooooooooo Maybe a cop will shoiot me for my mean words even though I'm unarmed. And, in my house.
  8. "but she just can't pull off the seductress" Kiddin' right? LMAO
  9. "it just needs to end now so we can go back to the normal reality in the USA" So.. you like it when the US cops murder innocent unarmed black men? Typical white Afrikan. L0L
  10. "Julian Assange and his free-speech brainchild Wikileaks were once lauded as global heroes of public service among United States politicians and policy makers. But by 2010, four years after its inception during the President George W. Bush administration, Assange and his organization were no longer considered lovable troublemakers and mavericks" Not surprising. Demos thought he was kewl when his target was Bush... but when the target is them. He is worst thing ever. LMAO Typical SJW Nazism (which btw can and does include Republicans)... it's not the method that is the issue it is the target. "Under Intense Pressure to Silence Wikileaks, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton Proposed Drone Strike on Julian Assange" If true, EVIL. But, I don't wholy trust Assange either. But, it ain't surprising since targeting non combatants is a huge part of Obama's war policies.
  11. Fort Islam apologists from the mouth of an exmuslim, current arab, and full time refugee and western newcomer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AhSQLmfbQ6Y
  12. Pitch E2 - This show has a lot of tools that can make it great but the sexism is hilarious over the top. We get it. All men are monsters and rapists that need to be controlled and enslaved.. LMAO Thankfully, the acting is mostly really good but if it keeps up the SJW Nazism I'm gonna to have really have to show my evil manly monstrous side... and, dare call a woman beautiful. Yeha, I'm so mean and evil... I went THERE.
  13. You make thre same excuses the demo supporters do. 'Oppression is okay if it is sokmebody you hate'. Using 'terrorist', 'criminals', and 'chidlren' as a smokescreen to grab more power and control. In somewhat similar news. Saw a story on my national news of schools literally stealing food from kids that parents packed for them because they were deemed 'unhealthy'. LMFAO Talk about pure Nazism.
  14. Trust me. Whatever you think the peak may be once we reach it there will be a new peak to go to.
  15. "No, just the one time in 1980-something where she laughed about the legal particulars of a rape case." Let's also ignore the fact that she also mocked and made light of all her husband's accusers. Or the crappy way she treated employees the last time she was in the WH. LMAO
  16. Ignorance. Many Kanadians have guns. FFS We have gun crfime here you dumbasses. On top of that, our 'free' heath care/insurance is a flat out lie. If our helath insurance was so free why do we have to pay fo so many things include ambulance trips and actual medicine. And, our unions 9where we have them) has to actually negotiate for health insurance. L0L Kanada's greates achievement is to sell a bunch of bull****z to the world and get away with it. HAHAHAHA.
  17. Has Hillary laughed at any rape victims recently?
  18. "How can you make a post like this about your own PM? It would be different if what you said has some truth to it but I doubt anyone on this forum will agree with you ?" Not too bright, I see. Like I care if people on this forum (or any forum) agree with me. Everything I post about Trudeau is true. Like always, the truth hurts.
  19. "Trudeau seems to have potential, maybe?" Only if you think elbowing women is A-Okay. or telling entire provinces in the country he is supposed to be leader of that they don't matter is some good leadership skillz. LMAO
  20. "And GD thinks you have deep insights on the reality of the US political system?" Says the one who supports the rape apologist.
  21. Obama has done enough on his own to undermine his legacy. racism, bending over and kissing the butt of Ameirkan enemies like Iran, being a coward, hatefulness, and fearmongering are his legacies. Good job, Obama. Every police shooting, every riot, every black mother shot by a BLM supporter is 90% on Obama and his policies.
  22. But she has experience. 3 decades of it. EXPERIENCE. Let's also notf orget this defende rof women laughs at rape victims. HILARITY.
  23. Clinton doesn't have 90% bof the AA vote. the Democrats do. They always do which is why demcorats feel entitled to every AA vote. And, when they don't get it, they have no problem saying racist stuff. The Democratic party is hella racist. What has Clinton ever done for the black community? NOTHING. She has been a politician for decades and she cops murdering white suspects. 'experience'
  24. As a fellow ugly person, I judge them both to be physically ugly. But, at least THEY have an excuse of being super old geezers. I'm just mildly old. L0L
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