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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. Only because the best of the world bashes the US for its so called 'lack' of culturte... yet goes out to **** at Amerikan films and tv.. many of which are made in California. LMAO
  2. The nu DC films are awesomesauce. PERIOD.
  3. The Dems already learned that the way the last time they tried to leave. It ened up with lots of dead Demos and their slaves being freed... only for the Dems to recapture them with trickery and lies.
  4. Florida has too many old people. It would crash and burn. besides, who would they elect as leader. We all know when it comes to elections Florida is incapable of doing it smoothly. L0L I wonder how many Kanadian retirees illegally vote in that state. L0L
  5. "volo I am of the opinion women are mentally stronger than men on an average. Men are better at some things so it balances out " You also thought that Clinton was the best choice for President. You were wrong, there too. Did you not read my post? I'll do it again. Males tend to have more geniuses and more dumbasses while females tend to be middle of the road intelligence more oftenh than not. However, in the end, male and female intelligence is basically close together. So, stop your silly sexism and your lies. If women were so smart, btw, why do you feel the need to treat them like little children?
  6. A guy who will pump up his stats but will not win a championship. The Oklahoma Westbrooks will likely have no chance to beat the Spurs or Warriors in a best of 7. Hope he enjoys either winning the MVp or being runner up to his former teammate in Houston b/c that's all those two are winning this season. btw, I like Westrbook and have defended him including from the yahoos on this forum who have cried about him in the past but what I posted is TRUTH.
  7. ", but women have it mentally. " People spam this but it doesn't hold up under any sort of scrutiny. the closest the facts get to dtemenrining who is smarter between men and women is that men tend to have more dummies and more geniuses while women tend to more average or run of the mill. But, in real life, it's all irrelevant. Instead of relying on stereotypes like a lazy person treat people like individuals. Only SJW Nazis play this kind of nonesne. And, yes, I include ALL SJW Nazis - not just the left's but also the right's.
  8. Along with what Hurlshot said, If killing was 'natural' for men why do they have to go through training and brainwashing to get them to the point of being able to kill. It is no more easy to naturally murder for a man then it is a women. This is shown for crime stats as the more 'equal' things get male crimes has gone down while female crime has gone up. COINCIDENCE? I think not.
  9. Keep spamming your sexist nonsense. You see women as weak and pathetic and incapable and you see men as nothing but fodder trash to be thrown in the garbage. Use them for their sperm and then let a couple of bullets hit their brain wonce their use is up. WOW.
  10. The father. You know, the other parent. But, I get it. You see women as weak and pathetic and incapable and you see men as nothing but fodder trash to be thrown in the garbage. Use them for their sperm and then let a couple of bullets hit their brain wonce their use is up. WOW.
  11. Thyat's because you are sexist. Children are one thing but unless you think women are like children you should be treating them like the grown ups they are.
  12. Hope not. Twitcher series sucks.
  13. "Trump even wants to take away your citizenship for burning the flag. For shame!" So did Hillary. Honestly, I think it is silly. It shows weakness when you ban things you simply dislike. What he should is make it a celebration to burn every single non US flag once a month. Also, make a show of burning the Koran. And, so when people whine about him burning them he can remind them, hey, you got upset when I even hinted at banning BURNING THE FLAG OF THE us. I do find it funny how hypocritical both sides can be on this issue. Liberals - Okay to burn the US flag as its a form of free speech but if you burn other countrys' flag or the Koran (but not the bible) you are evil and racist. Conseravtives - I'm for freedom and elss gov't control but I'm gonna ban the burning of the US flag. LMAO I say burn ALL flags! Burn all religious texts! BURNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!
  14. There is no nuance when it comes to murdering people, incarcerating, controlling all media and news , chasing people out of the country, basically making the country a miserable place to live, etc., etc.. But, hey, he gave the US the middle finger so that makes him a 'hero'. LMAO
  15. Castro didn't give a crap about equality and the only independence he cared about was his own not the Cuban people's. He's just another dictator who came into power due to lying and promising hope and change to the people only to squash them like the little bugs. EVIL. EVIL TO THE CORE. A TRUE BLUE NAZI.
  16. "Did you feel good about this when you typed it? Because it is terrible." It is terrible. It is terrible that public schools are so horrible that parents can't trust the gov't's public schools to do the job taxes pay for instead are better off to go to private schools because they get the job done. Perhaps, instead of being so defensive, look at the facts. But, no, you blame the parents for the public schools' failure. LMAO Also, funny t that youa re so fearful of haves and have nots that you'd rather have EVERYONE be have nots. That is like being jealous of the rich so you make sure EVEYRONE is starving on the streets. Instead of trying to bring others down you should be looking to bring people up to the higher level.
  17. You'd think the reigning SB champion coach would know better...
  18. Yeha. And, also, as for 'proof' of illegal immigrants voting. How about the fact that President of the United States ENCOURAGED them to vote illegally so Obama knew FULL WELL illegals vote. Seriously, I know as a Kanadian that if a few million Amerikans came to my country and voted ILLEGALLY I would not be a happy camper.Does that make me an anti Amerikan bigot?
  19. "Winning with grace." Like the Dems/Hill shills are losing with grace? btw, he's right. Who knows what the exact number is but no doubt there was a ridiculous amount of illegal immigrants voting in this election. With all this whining about how Hillary won the 'popular vote' and all these accusations of Trump cheating to win he has every right to point out that it is the Demos who cheat. Also, HILARIOUS how people went crazy when Trump even HINTED at the mere possibility him not 100% acdepting the result if he lost.. and, everyone was saying he was delusional and that there was NO WAY NO HOW that thes e votes could be rigged... yet now all of assudden after Turmp won those same punks are saying he and Russia rigged them. HAHAHA.
  20. I'm the classiest one here. Youa re the one who brought my country in this when it suited your purposes. You can tlak about Kanada and Kanadians and what they think but I can't do the same when it comes to Cuba and Cubans? Don't get mad at me that your precious leader was a mass murdering scumbag who was anti freedom, lied to his people, and chased millions of Cubans away because he enjoyed slitting their throats simply b/c he disliked them? And, I'm the unclassy one? L0L
  21. "Volo I would appreciate if you didn't speculate about what Cubans are, lest of all while i'm around. Reducing an entire group of people to two views just to illustrate a point might be how you get your argument across but I won't stand for such sophistry, specially when its my people you're talking about." Don't pull that whiny SJW Nazi crap on me. I'lkl give my views based on my observations what 'your people' have said and done. Yopu won't stand what? Like you've never given your views on what others have stated were their beliefs? Like you've never made a crack about other groups based on your observations? Grow up, buckle up, and deal with others' thoughts. Bottom line, NOTHING I said was false. Cuba is a joke of a country and it is 100% because Castro. That is just fact. he has mass murdered and imprisoned people simply for having different opinions. Are you threatening to do that with me? Good luck with that. Anyone who supports Castro - no matter if they are Cuban or non Cuban have drank the 'I hate Amerika juice so much I have to support him'. Despite the fact he has enjoyed killing Cubans for giggles and has chased a ridiculious amount of Cubans out of their country due to his antics. You have the right to your opinion on Kanada and Kanadians (but nobody cares about us lol), Amerikans, and others... but get butthurt because people share their views on Cuba and Cubans? HAHAHA. These forums are for people to give their views so trying to tell someone to stop it is silly. EVERYONE here has their views on things. Get over it. "Castro is a response to the US invading and propping up a dictator, Batista. It doesn't get much more imperialist than that. So yeah, there's that. " True. And, he lied to his fellow Cubans. he promised them freedom and democracy and became what he hated - just another more powerful version of Batista.
  22. "Ask yourself why he used to get a roaring applause prior to opening his mouth at the UN as opposed to any other politican, including those from your own country." Because the people in my country don't care that he mass murders Cubans. They just like the fact he 'stood up' tto the US despite the fact he crippled his country and lied to the Cuban people. He is the reason why millions of Cubans risk their lives to e scape the ****hole HE created. As for Cubans who live in Cuba. There are two types - the ones who drank the Koolaid and then the ones who know if they spoke up too liudly he would happily murder them. And, this is the guy you celebrate.
  23. "He turned Cuba from a US gambling den and whorehouse into a country with one of the best healthcare systems in the world (relative to what can be had for what is essentially a very poor country) and very good free education. The price was the centralization of political power and a cult of personality. Poverty too, but then Cuba is never going to be an economic powerhouse. But, so what. " Let's ignore all the fact he mass murdering of his fellow Cubans just so he can keep power, live in style while his little ones were kept in poverty, we have such a swell humanitarian 'fighting the good fight'. LMAO
  24. The only way Castro was successful was keeping himself in power for decades. That was his goal so in that was successful. However, as a leader of Cuba he was a failure. the fact he brainwashed a certain amount of people (including some non Cubans apparently) doesn't change the fact. he ruined the country. People living in such poverty, such violencre, such awfulness that MILLIONS of people fled risking death to run straight to his enemy says that he was a failure in every way that matters. The guy also lied to the Cuban people. He promised democracy what they got was a murderous dictator who didn't give a crap about them. But, hey, he stayed in power and out lived multiple presidents largely because they actually weren't dictators intent on keeping power at any cost. Unlike him. Yay him.
  25. Oh, by the way, all this 'Russia stole the elction', 'it was rigged by racist Texans', 'Trump stole election', 'Trump didn't win the popular vote', etc., etc., etc. whining is likely exactly why Trump and his diehards were likely so adamant of not accepting the election results before the election took play b/c they felt the mainstream big wigs were against them and were gonna try to steal the election... heck, they are still trying to take the election win up to including assassination threats against both Trump AND the official electors. I mean pre election all we were from Hilalry supporters was that Trump was evil, delusional, and anti democratic because he DARED to 'hedge his bets' when he clearly stated he wasn't gonna to state whether he would accept the results until he knew they wer elegit. LMAO , Now, theya re the ones butt hurt.
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