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Everything posted by Volourn
"I know that's disgustingly arrogant of me (the above), but you're the type of person that wouldn't know quality if it ran up to you and hit you in the face with a 2 by 4. I mean, you think that Neverwinter Nights in single player is a good game.." Yeah, that's because we all know professional reviewers do such a wonderful job. Oh, btw, your colleagues sure LOVED NWN including the OC. In fact, I believe one of the major sites when they did their 'we overrated series' admitted that they likely went overboard with their praise on NWN's mp, toolset, and DM client yet still continued to call the OC 'great'. So, yeah, the fact you think professiona reviewers are awesome. I'm sorry; but if bad taste equals thinking that the ES series is garbabge while 'professionals' eat it up; I'm happy with my opinions. Exactly what's good about DQ8's story? Let me guess, like SP says, the first few hours sucks and then it amazingly gets better. HAHAHA! How *convienent*. The story brings nothing new, the characters are ALL cookie cutter, and their is no heart or soul. In simple tersm, the game gives nothing to care about. It's a kiddy game; but without the fun or decent story. Even Mario has a better story! HAHAHAHA!! "Next year we'll be seeing developers bragging about a game that took 5 years to develop but delivers TEN WHOLE HOURS of gaming goodness, and the same bloody fanbois screaming, "That's great! I don't want no stinking 20-hour game anyway." So, people who view things different than you are simply fanbois? HAHAHA! Hello, Codexer! To point, I personally prefer longer games myself; but there's nothing wrong with someone wanting shorter games. There *is* soemthing wrong with people looking down on those who do, however..
It's not an opinion. It's a fact. I have played HOTU in MP. P.S. They may not have designed it with MP in mind; but that doesn't mean it's not playable in MP. Afterall, NWN was not deisgned with PWs in mind; but there's no disputing the existence and popularity of PWs. Checkmate. You lose.
"Maybe in the same universe where Hordes of the Underdark was released with MP support." Bottom line is I played HOTU in MP. It must have been magic spell that accomplished that.
"No they didn't." Yes, they have. Repeatedly. Over, and over again. Verbatim. In interviews, on the message board, and on, and on, and on.
"I'd be surprised if they changed very much with the team at all." Even the best team make chnages year to year. Can you name even ONE professioanl sports franchise that had the EXACT same roster as the year before. I surely can't. On top of that, if a Jagr or a Thornton - both guys who are point producers - played an entire NHL season without gaining even one point they'd likely retire. And, if the team they played for somehow managed to win 82 games it will be because in spite of them not because of them. Even the best teams have bad players.
You mean like them trying to break his neck? <>
Yup. Like I wish they used their beautiful world map more!!! Hopefully in JE2!!!
And, then you ended up enjoying it. Go figure.
Not to mention you continuing to buy their games. Heck, you bought an x-box just to play JE. And, don't try to make an exuse of 'I bought other games too'. We both know you bought the x-box for one reason - to play JE. The other games are bought by you because they are there.
No. Not relevant to us. But, we're not that important anyways.
"Is Volourn implying something bad about Bioware? That would be a first for Volourn. And yes a 75% on the OC is a good score not a bash. lol" No. I'm implying that the Obsidian fanboys jumping on Ferret 'cause he 'betrayed' them and went over to the 'enemy'. LOL P.S. I think I scared those types away from this thread.. at least so far.. it's been too positive... so far. P.S.S. Haha! I type that and somebody had to be funny! :D
Maybe. I didn't play it so I don't keep mind of it.
"It's kept me reading for 30 pages" We do this because we love you! :D
"Well, better that than console mech games. Congrats." Didn't BIO make one of those before!?!
"So he expected JE to sell like BG/NWN/KOTOR? I believe that even less." I gave two possible reason. IIRC, Je's reasoning was that he believes the game cost over 10 million dollars to make (if not 20 million) and the 600k+ copies sold (at the time) wouldn't be able to cover his suspicion of what he felt the game cost to make and market. Remember, he's making an educated guess. that's it. He doesn't have the actual numbers - BIO and MS do. Now, one can make up things like BIO would 'lie' about it; but MS doesn't need to. If JE bombed finanically, MS could shrug their shoulders, take the loss, dump BIO, and move. But, nooooooooo.... They've dedicated their resources to BIO for at least ANOTHER 3 GAMES. Seems to me that MS is quite happy with BIO and JE's performancies. Go figure.
Now all you Obsidian fanboys can attack him for sucha 'betrayal'. Found at NWN2 Boards linked from NWN Vault: http://nwvault.ign.com/ (scroll down to see it) "Ferret Baudoin, former Lead Designer for NWN2, and his wife Alice, were kind enough to send word that they are moving to Edmonton, Canada, where Ferret will take up a Senior Designer position at BioWare. Unfortunately he couldn't speak as to the circumstances behind the switch in companies nor what project he'll be working on, however it's good to hear that he will still be in the gaming community I cover." At least he's in Edmonton; not Texas so it means he's likely working on one of their RPGs not their MMORPG. Congrats Ferret! It's too bad in a way 'cause he was cool at Obsidian so hopefully he'll remain cool at Bioware!!!
Early 30s I believe. He's far from old. And, it's not like Jagr is injury prone.. he did play all 82 games this year even after the stupid Olympics tried to cripple him... just like the Devils tried to break his neck yesterday... yet he gets possibly injured on what look liked an innocent play. LOL
"Wonder what anti-Bio feelings J.E. Sawyer had then As I already mentioned: Reread it..." I didn't say everyone who felt JE was a financial failure was anti BIO. Read that quote again. The bottom line is those who actually invested money in JE, and whose money was on the line thought it was a success. That's all that matters.
"would ask you to reread "Jade Empire is a Total Financial Failure...and I mean beyond your opening post..." I took part in it so I already it. There was no proof that it was a finaincail failure to the only people who matter - BIO and MS. More than once they have stated quite clearly that they are more than happy with JE's performance. The only ones who claim JE was a 'financial failure' ar ethose who have a hate on for BIO or for some reason expected it to sell as much as NWN or KOTOR or BG. "They got the job... yes. But the same time? Threatment? Support? Not a chance... I was more talking about the way Publishers go around with Devs than 'giving them projects'... And sure, they ain't newbies, but games like PS:T, while giving them a rep of making excellent compelling games, didn't gave them a "bestseller creator" rep..." Before Interplay's crash they had some darn good successes for over 10 years. "obsidian were struggling to cut content as they had their release date moved up by a number of months. never did get a reason for why the kotor2 release date got changed, but the situations were obviously different" KOTOR2 was originally scheduled for a Christmas release then was pushed back to February than the x-box was deemed 'finish' by the PTB and was released on schedule at Christmas time and the PC version at the pushed back date of February. I don';t get where people get this diea that somehow the game was moved up. The game was no doubt hurried; but thee was no lost dev time. Christmas was always the goal from all the signals.
"Nor if BIO knew before what a failure JE would become..." Microsoft, the publisher of JE, disagrees with your false assessment. "Being friends with an other dev doesn't help you with the publishers." Sur eit does. You don't think past ties with Bioware helped Obsidian land NWN2 and KOTOR2? I hope not as that would be a joke. It also helped that the Obsidian founders are't newbies and know their way away around the industry.
"Players aren't playing for free you know; players loyalty is with the team that will pay them the most in most situations" That isn't loyalty. You can't buy loyalty. Loyalty is earned and is never bought or else it stops being loyalty. That's why i laugh when fans claim that players owe them or their favorite team loyalty just ebcause they're paid x dollars. The only thing they owe their bosses (the team not the silly fans) is their best work possible. In Thornton's case (as well as Jagr) they're paid to produce points so if they don't get points they didn't succeed. of course, they're also paid to helpthe team win so that's also important. Let me put it this way: If next season the Ranmgers win all 82 games +16 games in play-offs the team is a success right. Now, let's say Jagr gets ZERO points in those gamnes... do you think he'd be rewarded for the team's success or will he let go for not performing? He'd be let of course 'cause it would mean others were the reason for the Rangers' success. P.S. the above is an extreme exmaple. Don't worry. It won't happen. :D
"BioWare has more power than Oblivion" That's Obsidian's problem. Besides, Obsidian has enough 'power' to get the rights to develop sequels to two multi million selling games. They cna't be weak. They even have two other games lined up. Heck, that's 4 games total meaning even if they make just those they're already more successful than Troika was. Heck, I wouldn't be surprised if KOTOR2 itself outsold all of Troika's games or close to it. LOL Besdies, I think some people are underestimating Obsidian's standing in the gaming world. It's not they'r e abunch of rookies ala when BIO started out. They have a long history which means contacts (as evdienced with them getting both KOTOR2 and NWN2 prettty much as soon as they started). And, i think this 'Obsidian is weak' line is just an exuse by Obsidian fanboys to make exuses for when Obsidian does soemthing they dislike. Obsdiian makes good chocies, and they make bad choices. Just like BIO, or any other company. Let's let them take responsibilty (as they have depsite their fanboys) so we don't have another Troika on our hands.
"If you werent such an obvious alt, Id recommend you locate the nearest sharp object you can find and then jab that into your eye as hard as you can" Actually, in my view, if it is just an alt, that's even MORE reason to do as you suggest.
"Those don't count as those are PC games ported to console." Um. No. KOTOR series isn't a port. It was made with both in mind; but came out on x-box first. What are you talking about Willis, and why mkae things up? "Dragon Quest 8 has a really strong story, but it also has a fantastic gameworld that gives you the illusion that you're free to do anything." DQ8 is horrible. I played a couple of hours, and I was bored out of my mind. One of the worst Japanese RPGs ever, and it spits on the face of the great Dragon Warrior series. "hotu were not gonna be playable mp..." HOTU is mp. I know this as a fact as I've played it mp. "The CEP alone had more than a million downloads." Meh. proves nothing. I've downloaded CEP myself at least 3 times for various reason (computer reboot or crash for example)> "I played Fallout 1 for 60 hours on my first play through. I did a lot of exploring." How the heck did you do that? You must have done random fights then. There's simply not much to explore in the world. "That is assuming Atari lets them patch it." They seem to have no problem 'letting' BIO patch NWN.
"The shortness of game trend is the fault of consoles. Made ideally for kids with low attention spans, who have no desire to take all kinds of quests, or explore the story. Hey lets just make it hack n slash." That's nonsense. Consoles have been around for nearly 2 decades (if not longer cna't rmeemebr that far back), and just now they're effecting game lengths for PC games. On top of that, most game have always been around the 20-30 hours mark. This isn't new at all. "Because I know that I tend to get a handle of games faster and play the game efficiently." Hello, Mr. Werewolf. "It took me 20 to 25 hours to beat IWD 2." I didn't finish it; but I wass around 25 hours or so when I stopped. "It took me 12 hours to beat BGDA." It took me 9 hours. Ha, you suck! "It took me 28 hours to beat KotOR 2." Took about 38 hours for me. You got me there since we all know it's a race to the finish line!!!