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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. I prefer wizards myself; but I'm sure you'll do just fine with either.
  2. "One question: Why the heck are you in this community then?" 1. I like Obsidian. 2. I like the KOTORs. Once again, very clearly, stating something is overrated is NOT the same as saying it sucks.
  3. For FF12? It doesn't say LE on it so I'll asume it's the normal version. I picked up the CE of the actual game though. I got the two strat guides since I like to collect them and you get $5 (20%) off them when buying them when you buy the game at EB (at least mine). To compare: NWN2 SG - 253 pages (good sized book); but it is dwarfed by... FF12 SG - 349 pages FF12's book size is a little bigger too which means the pages are bigger, and they seem to be thicker which makes it look even bigger than it actually is.
  4. Come on professional reviews! Where are the reviews! I need some reading while I wait!!!!
  5. Deg: Yes, it is. Don't make things up, TROLL.
  6. Oops. I meant NWN1 has rideable horses. Not NWN2. l0llerz!
  7. They did implement horses. Just not rideable ones. And, oh, rideable horses are in NWN1. O M G It *is* possible!
  8. Volourn


    " The players then have the option to sign with the club that drafted them or sit out until they become eligible for the draft again. " Yeah, and miss out on an entire season. There is NO logic in that, and therefore very little meaningful choice. "They can also go the FCP route and demand their rights to be traded." Yeah, and be blackmarked as whiny, selfish, and too much trouble (unless you are a prime time player like Eric Lindros who was a surefire star player). "If I want to work at Volvo I go to an interview and hope to get the job, and the point is that you can't always choose or like the rules of a certain organization. You might as well start complaining about on-ice rules: "I don't like the hooking penalty; players should be allowed to hook because they're living in a free world and hooking isn't against the law." Call it a silly comparison, but it's exactly the same thing." Your comparisons are horrible. btw, 'Hooking' is akin to physical violence which is ILLEGAL. Game over.
  9. I ahven't played it yet. I'm waiting impatiently for some NWN2 reviews from avrious sites. I mean geez... Usually, one of the major site swould have a review up by now! Ugh. I'll post some thought later tonight most likely.
  10. He's a troll becuase he thought KOTOR2 was a dissapointment and hopes NWN2 is better? WOWSERS!
  11. KOTOR is overrated because it cosntnatly got scores of 90%+, won a billion awards, is con sidered one of the best RPGs of alll times, and people still **** over it. It doesn't deserve all that. That's the very defintion of overrated.
  12. No, it's true. I've been saying it for years! btw, Overrated does not mean I dislike them either. btw, On topic, I bought FF12 since I have one day to wait for NWN2. Amazingly enough, it was $15 cheaper than NWN2 was. Got the NWN2 strategy guide though I'll ignore the spoilers section 'til I'm done. Got it for character creation stuff. The FF12 guide has gots to be the biggest strategy guide ever. Or one of them. WOWSERS!
  13. "Well; maybe one may care how he looks like. Do you pick the ugliest possible look for yourself and then stare at it for 40 hours for fun?" I pick whichever random one I feel lik eit. I never strees too much over that aspect. Sorry to dissapoint.
  14. "So they didn't learn of the fact almost every Kotor2 player had "Jesus Exile"?" Sand has apoint about character looks in MP; but your point about KOTOR 2 is beyond silly since it's a fully SP game so how other PCs may look is 200% irrelevant.
  15. "always a major plus" Type for yourself. For me, it's *always* barely a plus if that.
  16. How your character looks is like .1% of character creation. To me, it's irrelevant. I'm glad it seems Obsidian has focused on the more important aspects of character creation. Thank you for sharing this GREAT news.
  17. Volourn


    "Yes. Er... I want to work at Volvo. Now. If I don't get an elevated position withing the Volvo organization I'm going on a hunger strike." Eh? Except the fact that employers should have the right to choose who they hire as well. It's a two way deal. "So basically, you'd want to remove all immigration rules too? The entire country of Iraq could move next door to you and you would not complain? I mean, "People should have the right to choose where they work", right?" Please don't troll in the NHL thread about a serious subject like human rights. Thank you.
  18. Volourn


    How? With the salary cap, it be impossible for every team to afford all the top endn talent. Even in the old days, there's no way any one team could collect ALL the top line talent - egos don't work that way. There is no way an ace front line center would accept to play on the 4th line. Besdies, if teams cna't convince playuers to play for them they don't deserve them. People should have the right to choose where they work. Period.
  19. Peyton is as good as all three of those QBs. Just because they won a SB (except Marion) with their team doesn't mean they are individually better than Peyton.
  20. Patrick K. Mills wrote: "Actually, Volourn is right. I'm switching target discrimination back to selective hostile so it will only ever target hostiles." 'Nough said. http://nwn2forums.bioware.com/forums/viewt...&forum=109&sp=0
  21. Dan Marino is great too!
  22. I should have quoted the last sentence. IMO, If someone likes a game I automatically consider them getting their money's worth.
  23. Value isn't about length. I get NO VALUE for any of the ES series and I doubt Oblivion is any different.
  24. Yup, which is why they have a hard time winning in the play offs. The Colts are the VERY DEFINTION of a one man team.
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