Just finished the prologue, and started the first chapter.
Quick NON SPOILING stuff:
Character control is same as NWN1 just with the option to control the npc henchmen as your own personal slaves in battle.
Interface is solid. Some improvements like the different battle commands like PA sticking (which we already knew about prerelease) are coo. I don't care much for the 'quickspell' junk. Quick slots are neat.
For some reason it seems you cna't combine weapon + shield in a quick slot ala NWN. Kinda dissapointing, imo. Unless I'm missing how to do iut.
The mini map is right on.
The prologue basically does what the NWN OC one did - introduce you to the game, and controls which is a-ok. The npcs in the prologue are a tad more interesting than the NWN1 OC.
Best part of the prologue is it instantly shows that dialogue skills do show up though I'm not sure if it really helped.
Graphics are good to very good. However, camera control, and the overview make sit really annoying to get a good look at everything. Camera control is really poor thus far, imo. Hopefully, I'll get used to that.
Music, and voice overs are solid.
Stability is VERY good. No apparant bugs or anything of that nature. Load times are fast. Sometimes so fast, I cna't even read the load screen tips. Heh.
One plea to Obsidian devs though: In the next patch can you please have it that when you overwrite a save you *don't* have to rewrite the save name file. If possible, it would be appreciated... at least by me.
I'm playing my usual dwarven fighter/cleric of Berronar. The ubering of the Earth domain is nice as I can got the toughness feat as a bonus. YAY! I'm level 2 fighter/level 1 cleric. LG, and male.
So far, I'm really liking the game. My BIGGEST beef which is dampering my enjoyment are the anal camera controls, Otherwise, it pretty much rocks.
And, oh, this is definitely a sequel to NWN1.