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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. Sure, it would have been cool for this to be allowed; but either way MOTB is awesome. That's all that matters.
  2. It says a lot that Japan - the only victim of a (two) nuclear bombs are also amongst the US's closest allies, andn one of the most successful Western nations. *shrug* And, last I heard, Germany ain't doing so bad either.
  3. Just so us Kanadians don't get too full of ourselves due to our dismantling of the Russians this should keep our arrogant egos in check: http://img442.imageshack.us/img442/7062/xmfdcanadan.gif
  4. Except Iraq is improving. Slowly, sure, but it's happening. Hecjj, just last week the Iraqi gov't was focused on pushing the major cell phone companies to improve services after the 20mil (btw that's about 2/3 of Iraq's population) cell phone users moaned about horrible service.. just like Western countries. L0L
  5. Screens look nice; but Sega's arrogance is hilarious.
  6. "Box Art is Dragon Age ripoff. But really nice." Nah. It's a rip of ME box art/cover. Though, 'the Espionage RPG's is uneeded. Do you really need to tell people want genre is right in the title. Wasn't cool for FO to do it nor is this cool. Super Mario Brothers: The Famous Platform Game or Gears Of War: The Ultimate Shooter "at least this one feels like it corresponds to the game inside." So did DA. Anyways, game looks to be fun. If it smells like ME, if it looks like ME, if it talks like ME, it means it will be likely good.
  7. "member of their setup without batting an eyelash." A. Who says they did? B. Look at who your foster father is? Like the villagers would get up in his face about it. LMAO
  8. Man. It reeks of a ME ripoff.. which means the game will be lots of fun. Good trailer overall. However... "your weapon is choice" has got to be the lamest tagline ever. FFS
  9. Which means its awesome because 'Chateau Irenicus' was awesome.
  10. Grobnar was simply boring. I never used him. Just a plain forgettable npc. Khelgar, on the other hand, was awesome. He's a way a dwarf should be unlike that punk in DA.
  11. "And I'm glad that he came back to BIS" Huh? Hard to come back to a dead division of a company concentrating on a MMORPG and a lawsuit. Remember, Obsidian and BIS are not the same. And, that's good news for Obsidian.
  12. NWN2 OC didn't suck. It was pretty good. There wa sno need for redemption. Besides, if MOTB was 'redmeption' what the heck was one of the worst games ever with SOZ? L0LZ Awakening will likely not be as good as MOTB because the scope and the goals for it seem to be ratehr limited. A kinda reminds me TOSC except its a direct continuation of DA. I simply epect more struff from it ntohing that will blow you away ala TOB, HOTU, or MOTB as far as expansions go. *shrug* But, there's no need for BIo to try to redeem themselevs. The fact that some people were dissapoiinted or dislike DA is completely and utterly irrelevant to the big picture. BIO most certainly don't care about them. Nor should they.
  13. To each their own. However, ME1 gave you more useful combat options, the biotic power were actually of us, and it didn't always boil down to playing hide n seek. It's also not about dififculty. I don't think ME2 is all that 'easier' than ME1 overall. Afterall, if you leave cover for more thana few sec its insta death. the problem is that combat boils down to the same thing -fire a few shots then hide to regain health. In ME1, for examples, enemies could miss if you dodged. Shields were actually useful. Combat was also varied. Heck, vehicle combat was a big part of that. Who didn't enjoy running over enemies that would otherwise be tricky on foot? Seeing them fly was hella fun after you ran over them. I loved to use biotics in ME1, but they are just garbage in ME2. Much more effective to shoot your enemies. Don't get me wrong, ME2 has a few combat situations that are set up well and are fun; but those are few and far btween andare hurt by the absolute constant hide and seek. You want to know some of the best combat in ME2 was? Fighting the husks because it didn't requie you to always hide. You could shoot and run and even melee them as long as you don't get overwhelmed. THAT was cool.
  14. Being very responsible. Way back when DA was fresh meat, Grom made it perfectly clear that he felt rogues were useless. He only changed his mantra when he was provenm wrong as people came out of the woodwork showing that rogues, are indeed, awesome. As for your other garbage, useless point to bring it up, as I never disputed that fact. I was, in fact, one of the first to bring up that the rogue CLASS wasn't actually needed. LMAO *shrug*
  15. "You've just described every third person cover-based shooter's combat ever. Nothing inherently "easy" about it, ME2 just half-assed it." It's great then we are discussing ME2's dumbed down combat and not all shooters then right? Glad you agree with me!
  16. "So I suppose breakaways should ALWAYS be saved by goalies because that is their job? "LMAO"" And, I suppose a forward should always stick handle perfectly around opponents perfectly, and always make the best at all times always and score goals on every shot because that is their job right? LMAO Bottom line is Jagr made a mistake and lost the puck. That didn't cost them a goal. The poor defense by the defensemen played it all wrong - one of which who was playing up way too much whcih led to the 2 on 1 btw - led them to the goal. LMAO Sorry, but a turnover in the neutral zone ONLY leads directly to a goal if its the d man coughing it up or the defensemen aren't playing their position properly.
  17. Torment was a greta game brought down with its horrible version of IE combat. KOTOR2 was an average game no better or worse than KOTOR. That entire series is a joke. There is nothing deep about 'force is evil must be destroyed'. KOTOR2 characters were mostly forgetabble barring a couple that were great. L A M E MOTB was awesome, and easily's Obsidian's best. However, you forget Avellone's best work: FO2. Now that is sweet awesomeness.
  18. ":You make it seem so easy, I'm envious. (bashing Volo) " It's easy to 'bash' when you lie which Numbers likes to do a lot. I guess it makes one feel better when they need to lie to 'prove' a point. I guess he's still butthurt over everyone not like dumbed down easy combat ala ME2. *shrug* There's only one way to handle ME2 combat: Hide in cover and shoot. That's it.
  19. Excusing poor defense by the defensemen. LMAO
  20. "So basically you play the game on autopilot." Not my fault the game is dumbed down and opeople will defend its dumbdownedness. Your pathetic attempts over what dififuclty I'm on is sueless and don't impress me much. It pretty myuch shows how desperate you are to try to make people believe ME2 isn't dumbed down when it very much is so you gotta make lies about other people. *shrug* P.S. It has nothing to do with how 'easy' or 'hard' the game, its dumbed down. Period.
  21. You miss the point. Jagr losing the puck didn't cost the team a goal. The poor defense by the defensemen did. He cost his team chance to enter the offensive zone. Period.
  22. "Whole topic should be renamed to Volourn's epic battle against all critique aimed at Dragon Age: Origins without using the quote function." Except I have criticized DA. Multiple times. *shrug* So, if you are to be believed, am I battling myself too? Interesting...
  23. yeah, Liara's change was kind of dubious after just 2 years. That's a short amount of time to go through that change and make all those contatcs and somehow actually become a viable threat to both TIM and the SB. Just not buying it. The less said about the Ashley debacle the better. Garrus and Wrex make a lot of sense though consideirng their backgrounds, and what occured in ME1.
  24. "No actually, unlike you I'm pretty straightforward with my opinions." Uhuh. I'm not striaght foward. That's hilarious! "You pose as objective and critical of Bioware, but when any other company's work is mentioned you bash it - because its not Bioware." O RLY? You must missed my posts a) on the NHL series which I love. Not a BIO game. b) MOTB whicvh is an Obsidian game which I praise c) NWN2 OC which I have defended multiple times d) Arcanum which I love as well d) FF8 which still has the best FMVs ever. Have you read any of the ME2 threads at all? I seemed to remember quite bashing its combat, character system, and the like as 'dumbed down'. Why do you act so ignorant, and you remember things that 'prove' yourcrappy lies? LMAO "You're a more die hard fan of Bioware than any other person on this forum, and you do practically nothing else other than replying to the posts where I criticize them." Haha. Your arrogance is astounding. My posts are rarely directed at you. Sorry. In fact, you rnak quite low amongst those I reply to. Don't be so full of yourself. Guys like Grom and Numbersu would laugh at you. And, Hurlshot will be the dissapoint since he's got it hard he nows stalks me in private messages just to tyell me I'm a bad, bad man who has no live and should just end it. *shrug* Also, I only post about BIO? Must explain why I post alot about sports and political issues in off topic. Seriously, why do you lie? "And while I am prone to excess, you never actually have anything meaningful to say, except jumbled up combinations of LOLZ, awesome, yes, no and unexplained opinions. I don't even see what purpose you find in all of it other than to irritate everyone else and raise your post count." Why are you so concern about post count? I'm certainly not. If I was I wouldn't post in off topic. As for 'meaningless' posts; that defines yours. since they're almsot all about bashing BIO or insulting those who like BIO games (outside of BG2). I have no problem disucssing *and* praising non BIO games. "Like you bashed the Witcher, despite it being at the very least three times a better game than NWN." No, your OPINION is wrong. I bash TW because it sucks. Plain and simple. The gameplay sucks, the combat requires no thoguht whatsoever, the characters are aweful, the writing is poor, the game is immature. btw, You should do some research. Prior to TW's release, I was looking forward to it. I praised it, I defended it, and was kisisng its butt. Not my fault, TW didn't live up to its hype.
  25. Of course, Jagr 'owned' up to it. He's awesomethat way. But, sorry, while he made a 'mistake' the defensemen's poor play is what led to the goal. Jagr didn't cost his team a goal against, he cost them a chance to enter the offensive zone. That's it. On top of that where were his teammates tow arn him such a hit was coming? Losers. That's what they are.
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