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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. "poor American pilots! don't fly over Iran >:3" Your sarcasm here shows otherwise, Oby. Your comment is full of malice and hate. It's obvious to everyone that you are a bigot who hates others because they aren't Russian. It says A LOT when even your fellow Russians won't back you up. It's okay to be proud of your country, it's another thing to be blind to its faults and pretend any fault they may have is not their fault or is delusional lies told by 'enemies'.
  2. Just bury the dog in back yard. How hard is that?
  3. I know people think that way. They're dumb. I was watching violent shows since i was a baby and while I may be a 'jerk' on the ent I doubt anyone who knows me would call me violent in anyways. This is true for most people I know who have all watched vioent movies and the like. Nor is it anedectoal since its pretty much true. A violent movie called Clash of the Titans just came out, watched by tons of people, I seriously down the vast majority of people who watched it went out and commited violence. Violent people are violent no matter what they watch or play. It comes fromm other things - ussually starting at home and how their families were.
  4. ur mum don't think so
  5. No. No connection either way. Games do not make someone committ crimes or not commit. That's silly talk even if you are trying to be 'funny'.
  6. Oby likes to people see die. he's even bragging about it on behalf of Iran. LMAO
  7. You say touchy, I say bigioted racism. HUGE difference.
  8. "Emo-Nate" Nothing emo about him. "Alistair-Mage" Very little in common with that silly Allistair. "Low-Brow Dwarf" Worst. dwarf. ever. "Viconia." Very little in common with Viconia.
  9. " more comfortable with violence than sex. " Isn't Tiger Woods Amerikan? He seems rather comfortable with sex more than violence. I don't think you can really be so bigoetd and paint all Amerikans with the same brush. I would say portions of Amerika would fit description while otehrs would not. Afterall, the porn industry is rather successful. Just sayin'.
  10. I don't agree with everyhing he said, but that review was absolutely hilarious! P.S. It took me over 20 hours to beat A. And, it's no average game. KOTOR is an average game. A is above average. And, it's fantastic expansion. P.S.S. The fact that people are using 'it's more of the same' to bash an expansion ofa game they enjoyed is beyond ridiculous.
  11. Just another reason why DA 360 is superior to DA PC.
  12. So much spam so much bigotry yet so little said. *shrug*
  13. Those suing over the pics are scumbags trying to profit over something so silly. They should get over it. Beides, Muhammed liked to have sex with little girls. I have no sympathy for him or his worshippers when they get made fun of. And, oh before accuses me of being a Muslim hating Christian, I'm not a big fan of 'God' either. Nor am I a fan of full fledge athiests. I do believe you cna worship whatever you want but you should suck it up if others don't suck up to your gods. Everyone and eveyrthing should be allowed to be made fun of. There should be no 'sacred cow'. Except me. because, I'm that damn awesome. And, if someone cares enough to make fun of me years after myn die, my descedents will sue them. Ha. "To make you not to have a simple gaze at the locations of your opponents before you post about them?" Can't speak for others, but I don't care where posters are from. My responses are based on what they write not where they're from. or their gender. or their age. Or their skin colour. "No logical person may think that the typer of that comment supports terrorism." Conspiracy theorists aren't logical people. A conspiracy starts with the delusional belief that only they can see the truth and everyone else are ignorant tools. That's not logical behaviour. It's the same outlook of a crazy person who beleives god ordered them to kill their child because said child is satan. *shrug*
  14. All that spam and no link between US/Britain with the bombings? Beautiful.
  15. Governments being accused of staging attacks on their citizens for their own political benefit isn't unique to Russia. Afterall, that's a common conmspiracy theory for 9/11. For the most part it's utter bullocks. You do soemthing like that your risking it coming out which can lead to all sorts of things you don't like. And, no governemtn is so perfect that they could hide something like that perfectly. There'd be way too many things that could go wrong. Also, don't blame the Western media when it's often Russian citizens who point out the Russian gov't isn't exactly about freedom. 'Better than before' is simply not good enough.
  16. A company offering a product you dislike/aren't interested in? NERDRAGEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. Most mass suicide bombings against civilians are exactly that - it's pure revenge. Kinda like AQ and their buddies suicide boming Iraqi Muslim worshippers. Sucide bombers in Iraq have murder way more Iraqis then thsoe they claim to be fighting against all the while claiming they're doinng it to protect Iraqis. I'm sure it's basically the same here. Sucide bomings against civilians isa pathetic cowardly approach to 'freedom fighting' and there is absolutely no excuse for it that is is tolerable.
  18. This claim about the 'good ol days' is a myth. There was no such thing.
  19. They owe her $43mil. Period.
  20. "Certainly there will be people to whom such a game will be one driving force that will lead to real acts." Nonsense. No game, movie, or another silly thing has driven people to do anything. You sound like those anti D&D nutters. "Paul Britton discusses at length what goes into the minds of the 'average' rapist. And yes, they are young, male, and suffer from feelings of powerlessness. But a _KEY_ enabling factor which he dwells on is the use of violent themed pornography. It appeals to the pre-rapist character by salving their power-needs. But in time, and bearing in mind these men often live almost all their lives inside their heads and without contact with women, the logic of the porn takes over." He's wrong. Countless studies, and theories show otherwise. Heck, other links in this thread show your theory to be in error. The bottom line there is no surefire way to pin point the 'average rapist'. It's dangerous to suggest otherwise. Again, rape has existed FOREVER. And, isn't the domain of one specifc group. Embarrassing to suggst otherwise.
  21. Only thing required for the escort is loyalty.
  22. "Considering that your average rapist is a youngish male, often lonely, insecure in his "manhood" and a general failure in life (i.e. no control over their lives). " I doubt this is true. I'm sure there is no real such thing as your 'average rapist'. Afterall, the most well known group of racists team to be priests who tend to be of the old. Even to simply write off the average rapist as 'male' is pushing. It's betetr to say the aevrage reported rapist is male. I'd also say that many rapists aren't lonely or all that insecure since most rapists are known before hand by their victims (often times a family member in fact). I'd say most lonely and insecure people would even have the guts to rape someone. Anyways, as far as the issue goes, it shouldn't be banned. It should be up to the individual on whether or not to play. No game should ever be banned. For violence or boobies or yes even dispicable rape. Rape games do NOT make people turn into rapists which is what the implication and is the same silly argument for people trying to ban violent games. There's simply no connection whatsoever. Rape and violence have been around well before the invention of video games. Also, I don't describing the main characetrs in these games as the 'hero' is actually appropriate. Protaganist probably is - ie. the story is focused on them. It's the same with any movie/book that is focused on the bad guys. They're not heroes. They're protaganists. ie. Tony Soprano was not a hero but he was the protaganist on his show, and those who opposed him weren't neccesarily villains but antagonists.
  23. "My feelings were hurt. Nothing could console me' ................ LOL It should be easy to keep Oghren alive. Just play smart. A is really easy compared to O.
  24. "You're confusing totalitarians with people who believe in helping others and using the government as a positive institution." Except, Chavez doesn't believe that. He belives in his his own pursuit of total domination and power. He is the very defintion of a scumbag. He doesn't care about the Venezuelans. The man has no morals whatsoever.
  25. Pronger played well in the Oympics thoguh noteably he had had the same bad games his teammates did. *shrug* He's played well in Philly oevrall; but obvioussly the team was expected to be improved with him and they've been lacklustre espicially since Emery got injured. Philly likely will make the playoffs but they're gonna face PIT or WSH most likely and barring their top players playing perfectly, they're gonnaa be squashed. Pronger has never been blessed with super speed; but he doesn't need. He's a tank both offesnsively and defensively and outside his soemtimes questionable dirty play he doesn't have too many flaws in his game. The fact he dragged the Oilers all the way to the Cup Final 8and* winning an MVP award (was it STL or EDM for that?) as a defensemen says it all. 53 points this season shows he still has it too. He's also +23 and consideirng the so-so team he's on, that's pretty darn impressive.
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