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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. "EA disagrees with you (as you've been told multiple times the figure they have is 1.6 million sold after three months, 2 million shipped, the link has been provided multiple times too) and in a battle of credibility between an EA quarterly report and some random guy on the Codex via Volo filter it's, well, not even a contest." I don't believe you. "but it belies the myth that Bio now make CRPGs as we know them. " They make RPGs, and action rpgs, and other game they want. DA = rpg. ME2 = action rpg
  2. "Mass Effect 2 to sell better than DAO, which it didn't end up doing of course," Except, it likely has. DA at last count had sold 3.2 mil copies in the months its been released. ME2, at last count, was at 2.8mil in 1-2 month or so at the time. DA was release months before ME2. "65% rounded up is 7 / 10 and that's the same score I'd give to the game after 4 full runs and rest of origins done. A solid 7 / 10." You played the game 4 times which is more than me... and, only rate it a 7/10. Heh. I wonder what you'd rate a game you only played once...
  3. "65%? trying too hard to make a point." Grom wins this time. Fellow would have been better off saying that DA 'deserved' a 0% rating. It would have gottent he same point across, and at least would have been hilarious.
  4. "Many independent developers can be excused for the state their games are released in due to lesser resources," Nope. "more than often receive no leeway for it, unlike the big-names." False. "Why cut the big-names slack, who have access to much bigger resources?" Nobody cuts them slack. Nobody. Sure, they have more money to spend but the games also cost more to make, and the sales expectations are few the roof. A game like Geneforge only has to sell a few THOUSAND copies to break even. A game like DA, has to sell HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS or MILLIONS to break even. On top of that, main stream developers like BIO, and Obsidian have to answer to their publisher(owner) as well. Just look at Sega's repsonse to AP. They claim to like the game, but they won't do a sequel ebcause the game bombed financially despite shipping upwards of 700k and likely selling at least a few hundred thosuand of those. You simply really can't compare big time companies with your winky dinky amateur game companies. Also, it should be noted, that in spite of a few noteable exemptions, your typical big time company makes better games than your little internet game companies.
  5. "given how poorly bio balanced skills, talents and classes in da:o," DA's skills, talenst,a ndc lasses are as 'well balanced' as pretty much every other RPG out there. "I think this is the best summary of DAO I've ever seen: " It's as poorly done and so obviously as garbagey as the silly fanboy type reviews. 'what it actually deserves' is such a silly phrase that only a loser punk would use it in a review.
  6. "But god, if true, we are steadily seeing a picture of a completely raped DA. " Rape is forced sexual intercourse. This isn't happening here. Anyways, top down view was the only good thing that the PC version had over the console version. This, of course, is not to be belived until BIo confirms it. This will effect my decision to get the PC evrsion because I wanmted to keep with the tatical aspect of the game. "but it's not encouraging that every tidbit of info so far comes together very cohesively to paint a general picture of where they're going -" Except, a huge aprt of what we've ehard about the game through the media has been either flat out lies or half truths. *shrug* "companion interjection/involvement in some dialogues." Not surprising since this was in DA1....
  7. "my point was that its not really "gaming" in the sense that resident evil, or ninja gaiden, or baldurs gate are gaming, how many games did you choose not to buy this year because you were playing farmville?" Farmville, and its ilk are games. Just a different approach ie. different genre. I tried Farmville, and didn't care for it personally. But, it is a game. I tried a cooking based one, and it was hella fun and I played it for a couple of months before I got bored with it - which is more than what I get out of the majority of 'traditional' games where I play them once maybe twice and throw them in the trash. I personally prefer a BG over a FV but thankfully I'm not so ignorantly arrogant to think games should only be made if I like them myself. That's silly talk.
  8. "whereas games like ME and FO3 got a free pass when it came to similar issues." Wrong. The difference is people, overall, prefer those games (btw I loathe FO3 personally), and the reviewer's opiniona dn experience is more important than ours during their review. Or should they approach writing THEIR review via YOUR experience? That's ridiculous.
  9. "I find reading similar arguments over and over quite tiresome." Yet, you are extremely repetitive yourself. Hypocrite much? "Lets not make the thread about Volo." Agreed. "We all know he's ignorant." Disagreed. the video is crap. Any video entitled 'video game inustry is dying' is crap, and should be lauighed at and ridiculed not praised for spreading lies, falsehoods, and myths. The game industry is in great shape. That's a fact.
  10. Bet half the info there is wrong. Better stick to wait til reading whatb the BIo guys says.
  11. "You haven't watched the video, else you wouldn't be ranting about the BS sensationalist title, I can't help that... I'm speaking specifically about the content there in." Don't need to watch it. The title says everything that I need to know about the video. Game industry is not dying. That's a fact. "The current retail model, and development model is changing. The way things have worked up until now is dying, sure, but games themselves are not. Quit being an ignorant jerk Volo." I'm ignorant for telling the truth? Video game industry is not dying. But civility is consideirng all the nonsensical flaming I'm getting in this thread for telling the truth - video games are not dying. Anyone who says otherwise is wrong. Plain, and simple.
  12. "It's absolutely true the PC gaming industry is dying." No, no it isn't. But, hey, let's all pretend that games like WOW don't exist on the PC. LMAO
  13. It's crap. They know, you know it, I know it, everyone knows. Video games are not dying. That's bull. To try to spin like that makes the video/news article garbage and anyone associated with it scumbag liars who despite their 'experience' in the industry ar eobviously ignorant. Starcraft 2 just sold 1.5mil in 2 two days. the industry isn't die and to say so is to lie.
  14. "but he definitely gets beat up on there." Harmless fun over there. you can't take them seriously - just like I can take people here seriously. It's internet geeks - not real people so nothing to get hurt or angry over. L0L "Everyone gets beat up on there - Volo gets to be a lot angrier, too, so he knows what the game is." Exactly. All in good fun. More on topic: The website snafu just wasn't a big deal. It happens. *shrug*
  15. http://www.rpgcodex.net/phpBB/viewtopic.php?t=47582
  16. I clicked on the link and the title read 'Video Games Are dead', rolled my eyes nearly killing myself, and exited out it. Anything with that title is plainly bullcrap to be laughed at and ridiculed not to be takens eriously. In fact, even posting in this thread is too much effort in the face of such a laughable premise.
  17. "Hmm, this volo expression seems new." Ancient. "It's not as good as his original ones, though. I think its part of a money-grubbing DLC pack." "After he was bought by EA he was never the same." R00fles!
  18. Neither ME2 or AP are that buggy. *shrug*
  19. Did you know that many actors are 'happy' to role-play rapists/ As well as mass murderers, child abusers, spousal abusers, and other heinous beings? How sick and twisted of them!!!
  20. Are you trying to claim that I am *really* from another world? And, I'm the one who is delusional? L0LLIGAGZ! p.s. Did you notice the poster above who who believes BIO's best two games are recent ones? Is he delusional too? HA!
  21. I speak the truth. You do not.
  22. "I think the problem with Bioware is after Erection Partners bought them, it became all about profits. I'm pretty sure I remember them talking about crafting games with love before that, but you never hear it now, it's all factory assembled for the least common denominator. Plus it seems like they spread themselves too thin with all these different projects, the KOTOR team has been split at least 3 ways, there just doesn't seem to be enough creative critical mass. " It's always been about both. nothing has changed. And, they still disucss the love of crafting games as much as they ever have. And, they have been creative. In fact, people crap on them every time they get 'creative' and make changes. And, people crap on them when they maintain status quo. People will crap on them no matter what. That's life. BIO has hundreds of employees so I doubt they're that spread thin espicially when they got EA backing them up now as well.
  23. "but for a gamer with the thirst for something nice and fresh" Nice and fresh? nwn TWO kotor TWO me ONE.FIVE dungeon seige THREE fo THREE.FIVE "or just well done story" AP's story was better served on 24, or countless spy movies... with much better writing, and fun characters. And, those likely had better C7C o boot. And, definitel better action and drama. AP is a sozzy game. Nothing is solid about it. KOTOR2 or NWN2 > AP "who says otherwise is truly delusional. " L0LZ 'Nough said.
  24. "@ Volo: We don't mind critism to AP when it's done by people who actually know what they talk about." I know enough to know that AP's C&C is nothing special. It's certainly no better than NWN2 or KOTOR2. And, that's just comapring Obsidian games. I've read enough posts, reviews, news, etc. from people I trust (ie. not fanboys) to know there is nothing remarkable about AP's C&C to make it anything special. Is the C&C the worst ever? No, bu it's not enough when the characters and the writing is horrible (yeah, yeah, I know I know, the writing magically gets better at the 6 hour mark... my bad for stopping at the 5 hour mark. There's no proof that AP's C&C is as good as ARC, FO, BL, DA, or MOTB.
  25. "Seriously finish the game and/or stop trolling around and shut the **** up." You are the one trolling, flaming, and crying because not everyone loves your precious AP. I also see that you aren't whining about the repetive posts about how perfect the game is and how it's better than every game ever made... just the negative ones. Go figure. One doesn't need to play a game to the end to realize it sucks. AP sucks. Me playing it to the end won't magically up it's quality. I guess you are gonna tell me that I misjudged the ES series and I should play all those games for 200 hours so can judge them. I guess I should also play Sonic RPG (a game I've never touched) to the bitter end just so I find out that it sucks as I believe it does. Also, aren't the pro APers the tools who cried that movie based games auto suck yet I bet they don't play every movie based game to the end and evend eride those who like them. HA. Tool. Bottom line is AP is Obsidian's worst game to date. Poor effort, and here's to hoping DS3 is better (which it pretty much has to be). Anyone who thinks AP is better than KOTOR2 in anyways makes me chuckle. P.S. demanding someone to shut up on the internet because they post something you dislike is very weak willed. Have some ballz and handle disagreements like a reasonably mature person. Don't get your drawers in a twist because someone disagrees with you.
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