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Everything posted by Volourn
And, they do - just not with the two big bozos.
"So combat is definitely still tactical, it's just that the camera adds a bit of frustration to it. Know what else adds frustration? Interrupts. Not being able to fight back is pretty much a sucky game mechanic. If I'd be able to get the same effects on my enemies, that's be fine, but it seems like interrupts mostly affect my party (and lower level enemies, but not enemy spellcasters I think." Use special attacks to interrupt. "Dragon Age 2 is the worst RPG I have ever played and probably a contender for the worst *game* I have ever played." K.
And? Tough? i don't go to the theatre either, and just wait for dvd release or if I don't want to spend the money, i wait til the release on tv. This idea we are owed stuff is silly (not saying you are saying that btw) is silly. Think something is too expensive? Don't buy it but don't use it as ane xcuse to steal it either. Just move on.
Why i said it's the most legit not only legit. Not every story or character gonna please everybody. Heck, i don't like all characters in any BIO game including DA2. But, repetive areas is simply fact they exist. Just a matter of how much they bother you. Just like it's a fact that C&C exists. Since it literally means chocies you make will have cosnequences. That occurs in spades during DA2.
Theft is theft no matter how you try to colour it up.
Not free market. thief amrket. perhaps, Im should steal your car and sell it cheaply and claim I'm such a humanitarian comapred to you. HAHAHA!
Link: Hateas gonna hate. C&C: I just laugh at all the people claiming there is no C&C or prtending that every single quest in DA was some anti combat lovefest? Wasn't one of the biggest complaints (not that I agree) about DA1 was about the areas were slash fest. Afterall, people even nicknamed the Deep Roads the Derp Roads. LMAO *shrug* DA2 is probably BIO's best game in terms of C&C. But, by good, is hard friggin' hard. Part of me wnats to go to down to normal because I want to complete the game soon. HA! The most legit complaint are the repeat areas. L A M E
Of course, it makes sense. people are greedy pieces of crap and want things as cheap as possible no matter what. free if they can. That ain't surprising at all. NEWS AT 11: A alrge number of people are scumbags.
"Well, another completely missed point... The people are not infringing on the copyright, they are buying the content... The thing is, they are buying it from black market for fraction of the price, most of the time they do not even know, they are infringing... There is ****loads of money to be made, but some asshat just need to change the way the stuff is handled in poorer countries " It's theft. plain, and simple. No matter hwo you slice it. they buy it on the black market knowing that owners of said product don't want it there and do so willingly. That's theft. the fact they are poor is no excuse for stealing video games. if they are as poor as they claim to be they should be concentrating on other things. I can't afford the msot expensive computers but you don't see me going out to steal them? Keep excusing scumbag thieves but it won't change the fact they are scumbag thieves.
What's funny is some people would argue that that isn't C&C at all. L0L
No. But, you did describe KOTOR, SOZ, TOEE, and AP. R00fles!
"Jade Empire broke BioWare's mould of pseudo turn-based combat, preferring instead a button-bashing action system similar in many regards to Dragon Age II." Sorry, dude, quality aside, the combat of these two games couldn't be any more different. JE is the true definition of an Action RPG while DA2 is a full fledge RPG. Amount of combat (JE actually has BIO's elast amount, imo) notwithstanding. "You have to see this in proportion. Back then this was a lot of profit. Today a sequel would easily sell at least the double, with Bio's growing popularity." I am. JE sold 1.5-2mil. their game ebfore that,a nd their game after that (S:RPG not counting) sold 3milish. Now we have DA1 and ME2 both selling over 3mil copies and those two are way more popualr franchises than JE. So, that either emans JE gets a smaller budget to deal with the fact it won't sell as much or they'll expect too much from it and it won't meet their projections. If 1.5-2mil is not enough to satisfy BIO then JE2 is likely doomed before being released sales wise.
I hope so. JE is their most underrated game 9as opposed to KOTOR (which is their most overrated game). English translation for an english forum? I won't hold my breath though.. JE is 6 years ago, and BIO talked big about a sequel but 1.5-2mil copies wasn't worthy of a sequel at that time. *shrug*
Greylord: Nice post. I don't agree with you, but at least you did solid posting and I see where you may be coming from. Anyways, as far as juvenile humour goes, it's ahrd to take criticism like that seriously when DA1 featured a certain dwarf who was 100% juvenile. "I wonder if based on your choices certain companion quests can end in different ways." Absolutely. Isabella's is a big example of this.
*shrug* This is why user reviews can't be trusted. It should be pointed out that other sites' user reveiws are much higher as well. I saw one site where the average user review had the game at 8.6. Either way it don't matter.
I callc rap. People priate things ebcause they are scummy things who want things for free and feel it is their 'right' to have them when it isn't. Making excuses for thief is pathetic. if you cna't afford something don't buy it, and don't steal it. Period.
MOTB is awesome. SOZ is SOZZY. I think Obs moved on from NWN2 but were forced to put a quick cash grab b/c that's the only explaination for the quality of the two being sodifferent. SOZ is one of the crappiest gaming experiences ever.
Umm.. I think you replied to me in the wrong thread, mon ami...
"I refuse to believe any of that makes big difference in any given DA2 fight. everything said about DA2 until now contradicts it " That's nonsense. Talk abouts elective reading. All that stuff makes a big difference.At least as much if not more than certain other games.
"So at no point has the game told me about the day/night options for the maps. I can choose to visit areas of the game in either timezone, with some quests only available in one or the other. But the game didn
"I know it's pointless to say it but I will anyway; every game Obsidz made was an improvement over any of the original Bio titles. same goes for Bethesda." No. "my point; Bio is nowhere near as good as Obsidian when it comes to computer role-playing games. because every sequel Bio makes tends to be meh-ish, compared to the same amount of work done by Obsidian and the end result. I know (I think I do) why so many people like Bio's games, but if Obsidian had Bio's budget, they'd be owning the RPG scene now " No. Obsdiian has made on great expansion, and 2 good games. And, 1 crap game, and 1 crap expansions. KOTOR2 and NWN2 are not better than NWN1 and KOTOR1. They're about equal at best. "she's really dissapointed in the male characters as well. One is moody, and the other is broody (as the dwarf puts it) and the third one, the exiled prince, is stoic. " But, can't thsoe desriptions be sued for all BIo romances ever or heck any romances everwhere ? Just like the female romances tend to be 'naive girl', 'tough broad', and 'slutty gal'? I do agree with your grilfriend's assessment of rpeetive areas. That's one thing most everyone whose played the game - like it or not - agrees with. Over, and over, and over again. Its worse than ME1 in that regard sadly.
"If you are interested in CRPGs then you have to be interested in what Bioware is up to. I don't like Apple products much, but I read the reviews of the iphone 4 and ipad because I'm interested in tech." That's silly. Betehsda is a big RPG company as well, and I don't give a crap what theya re up to (outside of FO because I was a FO fan). I certainly don't spam Bethesda forums or Bethesda based threads here. It's a waste of my time. Games are supposed to be fun, and I'd rather spend my time disucssing things I like 9even if theya ren't eprfect). It's why i posted a few times on the AP baords and them moved on. Yet, I was called a tyroll there for vocing my opinion that it sucked. People like Boo have been ragging on BIO for no reason but to get reactions from tohers and to bash it just for gigles. certainly they don't have any atual goals other than to bash the games. That's kewl; but be honest about it. Or move on. L0L Maybe I should post non stop in the Skyrim threads bashing it and saying it's gonna suck and then after its released just keep bashing it to see the people who like it crying? Not so fun then, huh? R00fles! " which is probably the reason you get so defensive when people criticize games you like " I prfer the term amused. I actually don't mind the criticism (heck, I SHARE some of the criticism). I even said good posts to two people here who weren't big fans of the game. It's the people who spam how crappy BIO games (or DA2 since this is a DA2 thread), how they are never gonna play but itn sucks anyways), and they bash and insult those whom like it. It's trolling. Justa dmit you are trolling so you can at least keep your honesty about it. BACK ON DA2: It's the sequel to DA1.
How about play the game? or better yet go play a game you like and discuss that one. The gamuing world doesn't evolve around BIO.
Mother Nature yet again proves how evil and vicious she is. No mercy for her. I'm gonna got cut downa tree today just out of spite and not use it for anything. My well wishes for the Japanese people. And, shamefull finger wagging at the dinks in that link being scumbags taunting the victims.
"well, you don't even need an excuse" I don't troll. Having an opinion that is 'unpopular' is not trolling. I've trolled twice in my interent career - neither of them here. " mimics medieval Europe " DA series is NOT medieval Europe nor does it try to 'mimic' it. It's a fantasy setting. That's it that's all. The problem ehre is that people are brainwashed into thinking fantasy = medieval Europe. It doesn't. Period.