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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. "I'm predicting that Volo gives the game 2 hours and after that goes on rampage and claims DS3 is the worst game ever made comes up with some "funny" nickname for it and bashes the game as much he can. Naturally he reads all the story elements from some wiki and based on that he is the expert on the game (in his own mind...) much like with Alpha Protocol " Did you read my posts about MOTB? I'm not anti Obsidian. "Or he might actually like it." Maybe. Anyways, I've played the demo - not much positive to say about it - but haven't palyed the full game yet. I plan to eventually but haven't been motivated to go to the store and purchase it. Too busy playing other games to get a game I'm now iffy about after looking forward HUGE to DS3. I even defended it on various boards.
  2. "However, it's my opinion that none of this garbage would have happened if West and Zamp hadn't decided that they were somehow developer gods who could fart roses and excrete a game that'd make millions, and turn around and demand that whatever they wanted happened. " None of this garbage would happen if ACTI treated their employees with respect. Oh, and paid them promised contractual bonuses when the deal is made. This is 100% ACT's fault. Just admit ACTI are scumbags.
  3. "And no they didn't do their job because their job right, because that job requires that they put the Activision logo sign/animation in the game before the title screen, they DID NOT DO THIS." They did their job. their job was to make a game that made lots of money,. the bonuses were for meeting milestones. They met this milestones. They earn the bonus. You ptromise x bonus for y task and y task is completed you pay x bonus. This is not up for discussion. "So, what's detention?" You were never stopped from leaving detention. There were conseuqences fo it. Plus, the fatc you need to bring something used on KIDS shows how weak your argument is. Have you wondered why detention doesn't exist in post secondary schools (please don't post some lame butt exception). EMPLOYER does not equal school. Sorry. You and ACTI lose. ACTI are scumbags. Just admit it.
  4. Codex is so anti DS3 there aren't the usual dozens of threads bashing a 'mainstream title' like usual. They simply don't care about it. That is very sad. :xEven the horrible AP got more attention from the Codex. L0L
  5. "You don't get extra for screwing up stupid. You don't even know what the contract said about the bonuses, neither do I. They could have something built in so that they have to wait out the financial quarter before getting their bonus, or that they have to actually, you know, do their jobs correctly to get it." Don't be stupid. They did their jobs correctly. The bonuses were for passing sales milestones which they did. ACTi actually admitted it, but withheld them anyways. That's theft. ACTI claims that theyd ecide when/who/how the bonuses goes out but it don't work that way. If you promise x bonus for y event and y event happens pay the bonuses. period. "As to the imprisonment thing, I don't know if what they did was technically illegal. From what little I've read on the subject it can be pretty murky." If it's tue, it's illegal. You cannot, under any circumstances, lock someone in a room/place and don't allow them to leave period. It's illegal. It's false inprisonment. It's a lesser form of kidnapping under the eyes of the law. Only actual legal authorities have some leeway in this for obvious reasons. Employers do NOT. ACTI are scumbags. Just admit it.
  6. OMG! That's the commerical? Vghchartz being a joke aside, if the game bombed, that commericial has to be one of the reasons why. L0L That has to be the WORST game commerrical I ever recall seeing! LMAO
  7. Hilariously enough, he doesn't really respoind to the accusations at all. L0LZ He just toots his own horn about how awesome he is.
  8. "You realize that you have no evidence of Acti being "guilty as sin", and which company broke what first right?" ACTI has admitted to witholding bonuses from employees no longer with the company. That's theft. So, yeah, they are guilty as sin and they've been doing it for awhile which is one of the many reasons why the employees (not just the two founders) have been quitting left and right. You cna't have bonuses promised in a contract for passing milestones that are passed and then refuse to pay them. Period. ACTI are scumbags. Just admit it. let's not forget the act of false imprisonment of employees as they brow beat them, threatened them , etc.,e tc. as well ACTI wishes we would.
  9. vghChartz is trash. It cna't be trusted. I do find it funny that those who took vghchartz's numbers a sgospel for DA2 (for its 'lowly' numbers of 2mil lol) will; not question its validity. If those numbers are accurate (which they like aren't), DS3 is a financial bomb. HUGE bomb. That said, vghcartz is trash. DO NOT TRUST THEM! Thanks to vghchartz, I'm more akin to believe that DS3 has sold 5mil copies. That's how untrustworthy vghcratz is. It''s the SOZ of numbers tracking.
  10. "So I mis-spoke slightly, but there is still enough evidence for the entire thing to move forward" You do realize that the threshold for this is actually really low right? Also, people whining about the devs 'breaching the countract' are forgetting that there's a likely chance that the company was in breach of the contract first. Now, one doesn't neccessarily excuse the other in eyes of the law but it does serve to look for the circumstances. No doubt Activision is guilty as sin since they admitted to stealing money from people and purposefully firing people as an excuse not to pay them money owed. That's disgusting.
  11. "Banding together doesn't always mean that they're going to be good about "unionizing". It just means they use their power as a unit towards their own ends. IW's heads used this to do back door negotiations with a rival company while trying to sabotage their own." So.. they stabtaoged them by making them tons of money? THAT'S HIALRIOUS!
  12. Volourn


    Supposedly jagr is asking for about $2mil. He's also 39 years old and has probably 1-2 years left while Malkin is still young. Plus, the Leafs have nothing of real vlaue. If you are gonna trade a player of Malkin's value you should get somehting worthwhile back. i could udnerstand if his contract was up soon and they were worried about being able to resign him but that ain't the case here IIRC. dUMB. DUMB. dUMB.
  13. Volourn


    If the Pens make that deal they are stupid. Plain and simple.
  14. "As factual as your opinion about Alpha Protocol that you never even played? r00fles!!" I played AP. I justs topped playing it as I don't finish crappy game games. re DA2 dialogue wheel and choices: It had mroe than 3 options and there were multiple ways to complete quests. Anyone who says otherwise is flat out lying. "Positive stuff: Softpedia, 7.5. Raiding Party, 7. Blistered Thumbs, 7." These are positive? Not in 2011. L0L I remember when BIO was getting 7s and 8s for DA2 people were claiming BIO was doomed.. of coruse, DA2 has sold 2mil+ copies. R00fles! P.S. I day closer to me buying DS3.
  15. "Surely game stores dropping their prices is to make for more sales? If XXXX sells DS3 for
  16. Theyn don't anyone apolpogies. If/when I buy the game and if I absolutely hate it and rate it a 0 they would still owe me no apology. You paid for the game, you eceived the game. Suckm it up, and move on. Not the end of the world, dude, not the end of the world.
  17. Volourn


    "trading away your best D-man who's like 36 or 37 now vs. trading away your two biggest offensive threats? not much of a difference in levels of intelligence" You wanna win the cup now or 4 years from now? The Flyers reached the finals because of Pronger and they got bumped early this season b/c of Pronger being injured. On tiop of that, your posting nonsense since I did not claim an either/or situation of Pronger vs the two scorers they gave up. Read the post about who should ahve been traded. the chocies were Pronger and another weaker dman. You must be the Philly GM. R00fles!
  18. According to BIo, no credit card info or anything valaube was stgolen since that info is on their new network not the old one.
  19. Volourn


    There goes most of Philly's offense. They'd have been doumb to trade pronger. he's friggin' awesome and wouldn'tget worthwhile value for his mvp norris stanley cup winning awesomeness.
  20. "Perhaps, if they could just fix that camera. Seriously, that's the main reason I couldn't bring myself to complete the demo!" Really? The camera? Out of the issues DA2 can rightly be criticzed for you attack.. the camera? That's weird... silly spawning monsters, repetive maps, a weaker chaarcetr system, enemies with ridiculous hp are the things people should be targeting not the camera which is pretty darn good. <> "Don't exaggerate, we've not reached TW2-fans' level yet. We're not going on Bio-boards, and we're not referencing DA2 in every thread." Thankfully, I'm interested in DS3 not TW2 so I simply haven't paid attention to it or its fnaboys. I pretty much ignore TW2 threads as much as possible no matter the forum. Hopefully, I'll pick up DS3 next week so I can make the one true FACTUAL review of it.
  21. "They are selling better AND they are higher rated...so if they are crap what does that make DS3?" Being popular and being overrated doesn't make you actually good. Unless you gonna argue that DA2's 2mil+ sales and pretty good reveiws means they're awesome. OPr next you gonan claim the ES series is the 'best ever' and if so I'm gonna have to . The Divinity series sucks. It doesn't matter to me how much theys ell since I was one of the suckas who got tricked into buying such a crappy game. DS3 is very likely better. i mean, it cna't possible be worse than the Divinity series. L0LZ
  22. Don't know why people take 'price drops' so seriously. To know what they mean you'd have to know the motivation for said drop. It is too early to tell if the game is a financial bomb or hit.
  23. The Divinity games are crap. Hoepfully, DS3 is superior to those pieces of junk.
  24. "Everything else was a step back from DA1." No. " say it speaks more to the frustration with the rating system. I know Dragon Age 2 in no way deserved the scores it got, so its an easy target. " Not quite. DA2 desrved higher ratings. Just as likely that DS3 didn't earn ratings as high as its gotten as well. DA2 makess a good target has nothing to do with quality but who makes it since Obsidian fnaboys have declared BIo as the 'enemy' since Obsidian is looked at as BIO Jr. DA2 is just as good as DA1. Anyone who disagrees with that statement is flat out wrong. As for DS3, my finegrs are crossed that it's a fun game. P.S. Review scores cannot be trusted ever. Both prfoessional or by fans. The only opinion that matters is yours.
  25. Ha. The despertaion in this thread is hilarious. I don't know - outside of the subpar demo - how good or bad DS3 but by the fact that itd efenders feel the need to spenmd their time bashing other games says everything need to. That speaks poorly about DS3. I hope when I buy it it lives up to the fanboys' hype. P.S. DA2's graphics are fantasic notwithstanding WTFs. I doa gree about the lame map reusal. That was sucky for sure.
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