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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. Giving an opinion yes but when that opinion includes comapring a game company to a burglar (even in snark), I reserve the right to point in laugh at you. :D
  2. "Really Hurly, sometimes I think you would give money for a man who brakes in to your house and pisses on your cerials, because "he clearly went much trouble getting to my house and should be awarded" Yeah, because BIO broke into your, forcefully installed KOTOR OL, and amde you play it. Come on. YOU chose to buy the game. YOu chose to play the game. YOU can choose to quit the game. But, seriously, to compare a game company to a burglar who breaks into your house is abolsutely ridiculous. "It's the bad Antonio Banderas impersonation" Antonio Banderas is a bad Antonio Banderas impersonation. Zevran is eaisly hateable because he has no redeeming qualities. The idiot tries to murder youi. When a stupid drunk dwarf has more depth than you, you are a lost cause. one of BIO's worse characters ever alongside Minsc, and Deekin.
  3. "I'm indifferent towards Bioware, really " No, you aren't. Unless youa re losing a different definition of idnifferent. You have posted so many posts about BIO - mostly negative - to try to pretend you are indifferent. Just be honest and admit your hatred of them like others do. "It seems to me a fact that their post ToB games focused on the standard "save the world" as jedi/specter/grey whatever tripe according to a set formula. " That was what BG was largely about. How is BG any less about 'save the world' than NWN OC, KOTOR, or DA? It isn't. "In term of general storytelling (as in world literature or something) there weren't any obviously. In terms of what computer games have done before (or since) BG series was (and is) pretty fresh." There is NOTHINJG original or fresh about the BG series. ME, DA, JE (espicially), and NWN all have more original and fresh ideas than BG overall thoguh their stories aren't enccessarily original. But, BG doesn't even have that. BG series is good but that doesn't mean it's original. Oh, plus, BG1 is vastly overrated. I would be lucky to call it an average game. BG2, of course, is one of the best games ever, but it isn't oozing in originality. "And after 12 years in this hobby" Newbie. :D
  4. "Choices nearly all lead to the same conesequences in games from Bioware. " Not true. Many choices lead to different outcomes and cosnequences. The real issue, and this is true with 99% of ALL RPGs, is there is no long term consequences most of the time. Just instant consequences. In your own post you even mention a few C&C that occurs. *shrug*
  5. Why do you guys lie about stuff? I never said any of that crap.
  6. Why are you were about reputation? It's the internet. If I worried about reputation,I woudln't get the chance of seeing butthurt overr others' having different opinions and that's the best part of the internet. As a not so wise internet site stated, if you have a game you like, someone out there hates it, and you have to suck it up and deal with it.
  7. "Oh I can accept a differing viewpoint, this is about how you present yours. There are plenty of other people in this thread that don't care for Morrowind, did you see me being a jerk to them? For this whole thread you've presented yours as "The Elder Scrolls series sucks. That's that", as something widely agreed upon, or factual, and now, that you are forced to occupy a defensive position, you say "hey, opinions, what's the big deal" and then right after "MW simply isn't a good game". Flip-flopping much? Oh indeed, it simply isn't, that's why it gets remade in both Oblivion and Skyrim as mods. It is so bad that people make the time to remake that massive game world. Don't keep pokin the hornet's nest and maybe you won't get stung by an ***hole hornet such as me, and then victimize yourself" Keep crying. It won't change the fact that someone hates your precious MW. It sucks. deal with it. You aren't impressing anyone. L0L Saying MW is bad is poking the hornet's nest b/c the truth hurts fanboys. Keep uyp the good work in your horrible defense of a crappy game. Just remember that commenting about me won't change how bad your precious MW is..
  8. "Nah. My opinion > Your opinion. " i agree with your opinion.
  9. M&M is a good solid series. Not the ebst ever but solid.
  10. And,a lot more times, those games sucked like crap. *shrug* But, people tend to forget the unmemroable crappy games and remember the minor few that were actually decent. And, then they overrate them to absolutely ridiculous levels. Not to mention many of the past fvaorite games weren't made in someone's basement either so that's a silly myth.
  11. "ME1 > ME2 = ME3." Nah. ME1 = ME2 >>>>>>>>> ME3
  12. "Also, in DA:O, some quests have different outcomes, but I can't think of a single one in DA2." Kiddin' right? This is why you can't be takens eriously. There are tons of quests in DA2 ithat have different outcomes. Also, bashing NWN OC is silly. It's an average campaign but that still makes it better than the overrated BG and KOTOR espicially since KOTOR is nothing but a NWN OC rip off.
  13. TRhese type of complaints about Gaider have been going on since tehe arly days. What posters don't like is that he's a dev who is ready and willing to wade in the muck with us punks and they're intimidated by that fact that he doesn't play the PC bull**** game like other devs too. It's also why I think Mr. Sayer and Mr. Avellone are cool dude. Theya re willing to trash talk scumbag posters (including me). L0LZ
  14. "I mean, he's clearly exploited the power of the female sex image in the past, do the same with Cullen. Make him into a sex, stud machine. DA3 will print money. Look at Twilight. " Oh, please. BIO/Gaider have not shied away from using males as 'sex objects' or as a 'male sex image' or a 'sex stud machine'. DA1 had a certain elf that fit thatd escription to a tee. You need a grip with the whole silly because a dev won't bow to sucmbags on the internet that makes the dev evil or something. Then you try to push forth some lame BIO is sexist or anti gay or some stupid thing. Yeah, Gaider is so anti including Cullen because he has an anti gay or anti male as sex object aganed. Give me a break. Again, BIO's biggest weakness is they listen to stupid fan suggestions way too much.
  15. I agree that in terms of overall story arch, ME2 didn't 'fit' with the others but it worked anyways. Yeha, plenty of players had characters die. I didn't but it is possible. That's what made it awesome. C&C at its best.
  16. "Also, with some exceptions, the Obsidian fan base here seems just fine. Though they can get testy at a few things (LOL COOLDOWNS), so no "ALL" fanbases are crazy. " Nope. Don't buy it. Obsidian's fanbase is no different than any other. Just take a gander at the PE forum for evidence. btw, Any and all weakneses and BIO's games are 100% because they listed to the 'fans' too much. Game develoeprs would be better off if they ignored internet geeks more not less.
  17. "It's not that you like Dragon Age 2, is that you call everyone else who doesn't like it people that don't seem to comprehend RPGs, because apparently you have a better understanding than all of us. You can say DA2 wins all you much and debate about it, but trying to discredit 99% of the posters here as stupid simpletons who don't get role playing games is silly on your part and needs to stop." Oh, please. That's whate evryone does. That kind of attitude is directed towards me a lot. Not a big deal. " Ignoring the very specific background and start BG gives one's self, it provides a lot more choice (at least in what I know and experienced, I haven't -finished- it yet) than ME (mostly in dialog, and ethics and ideas, but also choice a lot of the time). " BG doesn't give you lots of oppurtunities to role-play at all. You can't really shape anything at all. I used to love BG but I woke up and saw the truf.
  18. Learning about your companions, and the suicide mission *was* the point. That's how the entire game was designed and it was designed awesome. One of the best if not best ending sequence ever.
  19. That's because the fan base - all fan bases - are literally insane and have seriously issue. Fanatics believe they 'own' everything and everyone should kiss their butt - espciially if it is something they like. Not just games but it happens in sports, television, or anything that involves 'famous' people or 'famous projects'. It's scary how delusional people are when it comes to their importance. Being a celebrity - even an extremly minor one - like Gaider and BIO are (or Obsidian and MCA) - is riddled with scariness.
  20. "What piss es me off about you is not how have ****ty opinions is how you think your ****ty opinions are better than everyone else's "lol no one knows RPGing" seriously, shut up you little troll. " You do realize that calling me names isn't going to change either of our opinions right? Don't attack the messenger, attack the message. Listen to the isdom of Gorth and Alanshu, take a deep breath, realize this is message board, and I'm just a lowly poster liek yourself,and in the grand scheme of things the fact i like a game you don't or dislike a game you do won't end the world tomorrow and you will be much happier.
  21. "Clearly your insightful comment deserves the most eloquent, most constructive, the longest and most heavily edited of replies, nothing less can possibly stand on the level of your comment. Your ability to deconstruct and analyze text is simply peerless." Only troll here is the person who can't accept a differing opinion. MW simply isn't a good game. You crying about my opinion and posting attack videos and trying to demean me as a human being won't change a single thing about MW.
  22. "And just when I thought you finally got your act together." You need to think to have a thought. And, the fatc you believe that BG is a betetr RPG than any other BIO game (except MAYBE MDK2 and SS) shows you obviously don't know what rping is. And, it certainly was nowhere near as good as DA2 or the ME series when it comes to role-playing. P.S. ME2 being attacked? Meh. It has one of the best endings ever in any game and some of the most cool character questsb ever as well. It certainly can't be worse than ME2 which had an awful start.
  23. "Considering that the stats show that most games are never finished by players, the sandbox thing is tailor made for people that are going to play for a short while and move on. I think that's why so many people have a great impression of Bethesda's games, because they've never really sat down and played for dozens of hours through the whole mind numbing experience. If they did I doubt we'd hear so much of the "GREATEST RPG EVER" chant." Nah. I never played an ES game for more than 10 hours max (and haven't bothered with Skyrim at all) and they suck like ****. I wasted the $50 max I've spent on the entire series. L0L
  24. "I suppose I can't argue with that*, but my chart above is not necessarily invalidated, it only shows 10 weeks and as you say, cannot take digital sales into account. The report talks about total sales, not sales during the first 10 weeks." Your chart is garbage. there's no way around. The soruce you get it from is pathetic. Look at the chartys for various games. It's illogical. You wanna know they get their stupid numbers, IIRC? They call up random stores and ask them how many they sold and then friggin' times it by x amount of store supposed. It's such a juvenile and hugely inaccurate way to do this kind of thing. And, it's not just DA2 numbers. It's for every single game they have ever done. Anyone who uses that as a 'source' can't be taken seriously. "*EA has lied in the past, or used tricky logic to falsify their numbers."" L0L EA is a publicly traded company. They lie and get caught the big wigs are asking for major trouble. "Who's to say John Ravioli just didn't buy 100k copies of DA2 at their wholesale value just to make the numbers look good for the investors?" This is why you cna't be taken seriously. Because of dumb conspiracy theories like this. There's no common sense being used by you just pure hatred and conspiracy theory nonsense. You have made up your mind about soemthing and will make up stuff to 'prove' yopur point. And, i say that despite perosnally thinking that 'John Ravioli' is a douchebag of epic levels.
  25. "pales (on quality/extent of RPing alone) in comparison to Dragon Age: Origins, New Vegas, Baldur's Gate, maybe Neverwinter Nights, Fallout 1, Fallout 2 (Fallout 3?), some of the Ultima series, " BG certainly doesn't fit with the others at all.ME has more RPing in its pinky than BG has in its entire game.
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