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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. Soldiers invovled should be punished. That said, funny how this gets brought up ion this thread but Hama's continued vow to destory Isreal is completely ignored yet people are SHOCKED that isreal doens't want to negoiate with them. L0LZ
  2. Gun control wouldn't stop this. Doesn't Sweden have tough gun control? The issue here are sick individuals who lack morals. Gun control does one thing - it stops law abiding citizens from owning guns. It doesn't stop criminals from owning guns. Do you really think gun control wouldf stop this obvious mad man from finding away to find weapons and do this sick act? I doubt it. Anyone evil enough to commit mass murder at this level isn't gonna let some silly gun law stop them from getting guns.. Honestly, as much as it is to think there something that can be done about this, I don't thinkl there really is - outside of people keeping aware on people in their lvies, and if they seem eally off say or do soemthing about it before it gets to that point. I bet there were plenty of warning signs about that guy that those around him ignored. I certainly don't want guns in the hands of the gov't soley. That's scary. And, this comes someone whose only experience with guns is pretty much non existent.
  3. OMG! Out of all the BIO characters - both good and bad - you had to pick 1 of the three worst they ever created? *puke*
  4. "I'm sure this is obvious, but they clearly talk about the "open-world" wilderness areas BG2 (happily) lacks. " Then why mention storyline? BG's storyline is more linear than BG2's. That's a fact jack.
  5. "While it fits the style of gameplay in BG2 (sort of a more linear storyline), it's a kind of cool discovery in terms of giving us options for new content." Except BG1 has a much more linear storyline.
  6. How was it dumb? I'd betray you too. You aren't worthy being loyal to. Sorry.
  7. That's one of the ugliest (and not in the good monstrous way) pics of a hell hound I ever saw. DO NOT WANT.
  8. "Not even the fact that you're 100 % agreeing with Volourn makes you question your opinion? I mean, it's often done that to me." So.. you hate Obsidian? Because to disagree with me would mean you hate Obsidian?.Whya re you posting on their boards if you hate them? "A lot of people including myself pre-ordered not actually seeing the end result until it was released. And also thinking we were getting a more poilished modded version of BG without having to install mods (yes, I'm lazy) since Beamdog has been working with those modders. Basically the definitive modded version of the game with new extra content. How wrong we were." When it was first announced, I was gonna be all over it. Afterall, I've been hard on BG lately but do have fun memories of it so naturally I assmued an update.. ENHANCED version would be awesome and I would gladly pay $20 for it. But, I paid attention to the deatils. And,t he details just plain sucked.What's the opposite of 'enhance'? Dehance? I now shall refer this to Baldur's Gate: Dehanced Edition.
  9. This whole project is ridiculously trashy. Total garbage. How cna any real BG fan support such a horrid undertaking? They did not improve the game at and even made it WORSE in palces. WTF? Giving these punks 420 is your chocie but it is a foolish one. I'd rather buy more ES games and I LOATHE the ES. L0LZ
  10. "It got so much help in the infrastructure/science/development department it's silly. With that much help any country would be strong and prosperous. O course, Israel works to mantin that, while it's enemies generally have to get there first, without it being given to them on a silver platter." Oh, please. Plentyof coutnries have gotten lots of help and they are still in crappy and subpar states. Almsot the netire continent of Africa is proof of this. Pakistan gets lots of support from the US yet are still backward. Even NK gets support from Russis yet is styill totally dictarian. Palestine gets support from multiple countries including the US yet can't get their crap together (issue between Isreal and Palestine aside). On, and on, and on.
  11. Yeah, but hot and sunny is usaully where the hot and sunny girls try to migrate to. L0L
  12. "Actually, with the US slowly loosing it's supermacy in the world to China, India and Russia - Israel is loosing international support. And since Israel is the ally of US, guess whom those 3 countries are msot likely to support? You can say that Israel is getting strogner - but so are the other countries. The only reason Israel exists at all is because the US backed it up with craptons of money, technology and weapons. Without that technological gap it is at a severe disadvatnage, and it won't be able to keep it up forever." L0LZ The Obsidian forums crack me up!
  13. orzammar was awesome. Probably the best dwarven city that i can recall in a CRPG. Denerim was passable but doesn't come close to BIO's best. It might not even make BIO's top 10 cities list...
  14. "Yeah, it change almost nothing in ME3, other than small point differences, a bit altered dialogue, and slight ending prerequisites reduction." L0L Another internet funnies tonight! ;D
  15. "Every GB review I've ever read has been quality" L0L :D
  16. Athkatla was a better city than Baldur's Gate. It felt a lot more alvie, and the npcs and quests had more depth. there was a lot more mystery and happenings in Athkata. Between the Cowled wizards, and the two thieves guilds lots was happening. And, yup, Kirkwall is vastly superior to denerim.
  17. "It doesn't matter whether they did it on purpose, by accident or ****ing Zeus intervened. The point was that turn based was dead and left to fanatics and JRPG's of which the latter imploded after the PS2 era. DnD is a tabletop ruleset that makes no sense in a fully interactive 3D computer game. That's why the big RPG's of this generation are games like Mass Effect (which I still detest) and not any tabletop based, rules strict games. Progressive RPG's that is, not spreadsheet simulators like WoW. " You are posting gibberish. Nothing what you wrote makes any sense,. Even my constant typos make more sense. "I remember a wonderful scene in NWN when my character couldn't attack for three turns, because the turn was over by the time the 3 enemies finished their attack animations and me my dodge moves. And then I died" All the hours I've put into NWN, I've never seen this happen. *shrug*
  18. "Bioware rightly realized at the time that it was a stupid limitation to impose on a computer game. And subsequent games, theirs and others have cut what little was left of that system." Oh, please,. You make it sound like BIo came to some genious relaiztion that TB DnD doesn't work in video games. They did no such thing. The IE was deisgned for an RTS before they knew theyw ere doing a DnD GAME. On top of that, there have been plenty of TB Dnd games that have been fantastic and done well just like there's been non TB DnD games that did crap. This stupid Tb vs RT argument is lame no matter what direction one argues in favor of.
  19. No. No, they didn't.
  20. This remake isn't enhanced. It's worse. It's easy tot ell that without even playing it. How the hell do you ship a game made so many years ago with so many bugs including game ending ones. Total garbage.People supporting this junk are not BG fans.
  21. "I dont even see him as an "evil man" in the sense of Black and White. He does what he needs to do to stay in power. " Sounds evil to me.
  22. "This is not a surprise for us. We known about strong U.S./EU relations with Nazi." L0L This is the type of post that really screams for the forum to have a thumbs down button. L0L got germany and Europe the Nazis in the first place.
  23. Garbage. Total garbage. Complete total garbage.
  24. "o play BG1, the movies, while great for their time, are ugly as sin to look at today. " No. I played BG just a few months ago. While the game itself is passe, the videos are fine.
  25. All this shows is Oyster's laziness. How cna one be so alkzy working on a project where the majority of work was already done about a dozen years ago. What a pathetic piece of crap.
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