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Everything posted by Volourn

  1. Wow. That's disgusting. I wouldn't be surprised if that is bring some sort of law. It sure is showing a lack of morals either way. Now, it makes me almost want to root for the 49ers.
  2. Why does the NFL feel SF needs help to win this game? They're the better team so refs stop trying to help them. Let them win on their own.
  3. Leo\s probably been in far les films than the others - especially the older actors who've been around much longer. Bean is mostly a 2nd or 3rd tier actor (he's not bad, I like him, but he's not someone who plays a lot of leads so he's played a lot of low level one shot scum).
  4. Lundqvist is just doing the typical athete boring PC nonsense. I watch the games. He plays well. The stats only show the team before him sucks. And, don't mention the overrated bacup who gets to play easier teams. Come talk to me when he beats the defending champs. Only ignorances pretend that Lundqvist is no longer a good goalie. So what if his stats are 'down'. during 'half a season'. So was Ovechkin's last season and everyone wrote him off as a 'has been loser'. Look at him now. LMAO
  5. Dicaprio has a huge death rate on film as well. Only reason why he doesn't in Wolf is because it is based on real life. Otherwise, Sorcese likely would have his character not go quietly with the police and he would have perished in a hail of bullets. L0L
  6. What's the difference between KC and NE? The coach. Andy Reid is, and always will be a playoff loser. Such an overrated punk. I hope he doesn't win Coach of the Year. That was also the difference in the NO-SEA game. Coaching. And, there it is surprising, because the Saints coach is really good but he made some silly choices in this one and allowed his players to run amok with foolish choices.
  7. "Leo is extremely careful about what he chooses to work in, and he basically only works with the best directors in the world. Combine that with his acting, and you've got a blockbuster recipe. " Yup, just more awesome reasons why he's the best. I never would have bothered with the movie if Leo wasn't in though while Wolf will end up making money in the end, it's not a full fledge blockbuster nor should it expected to be. 7/10 is too low but eh. Too bad he is on 'sabbatical' so we may not get more movies from him for 2-4 years. Outside of Critters 3, btw, has he ever done sequels?
  8. I have to agree. They still had a chance of winning. Just go out of bounds. Not to mention that silly FG attempt earlier. Seattle's D is good but they aren't gonna win the SB on neutral ground if they can't pass the ball better (the last ctach notwithstanding). Also, NO needed to trust Brees more.
  9. "So WWE announced the WWE network starting up in February. 10 bucks a month gets you every pay-per-view (6 month commitment), which considering its around 50-60 bucks per PPV is a damned good deal, but it also gets you new original programming, as well as every past PPV from WWE, WCW, and ECW and old episodes of RAW and Smackdown. Essentially its WWE netflix. I don't know how many WWE fans are on here, but if I didn't have trouble finishing one 3 hour episode of RAW every week, I would be all over this." 10 years ago I would be all over this as I enjoyed wrestling. haven't watched it in years though. But, for any current wrestling fans, this is pretty much the definition of a mustbuy.
  10. "Probably the best part — well, other than the lightning sword — is that this movie is basically nothing but beefcake. Every ridiculous position that you've ever seen a female superhero in — from the "I'm looking kittenishly at you over my shoulder from a prone position" move, to the "somehow I fight while showing off my ****" maneuver — Hercules does it. It's like somebody from the Hawkeye Initiative infiltrated the choreography department. When Hercules is reunited with Generic Babe, she's standing there fully dressed while he emerges from a lake, gleaming and naked. It's pretty obvious whose body we're supposed to be fetishizing here, and I like it" The funny thing if the opposite occurred the sexists in this world would be crying. For me, this is a shrug, and a move on. besides, I'm waiting for the superior Hercules movie to come out later this year.
  11. Says an internet geek who likely smells 100x worse. L0L
  12. " Lundkvist.. I don't know. He hasn't been his old brilliant self in a while. Maybe he needs something like the Olympics to bring back the fire?" \Youa re one of those ignorant hockey 'experts' who don't know anything worthwhile, huh? L0L
  13. 47 Ronin - Don't get the hate for this movie. Not the best but it is a thrilling action adventure from start to finish. The story was good, the acting was solid, and the special effects were terrific: 8/10
  14. I agree. He belongs on the team. And, I'm glad the naysayers got smacked down with Subhan's pick. He was voted as best defenceman in the league. He belongs on the squad. So what, if he isn't some boring run of the mill PC garabge crapola punk.
  15. "Does anyone here have any personal experiences where they have been assaulted by police?" I'm never been a rape victim either .. doesn't change the fact that I find rapists sucmbags. Just because a police officer as never assaulted me personally doesn't mean I'm gonna give a free pass to those officiers who have assaulted innocent people. Just like I'll praise the police officiers who go above and beyond the call of duty,
  16. I'd eb surprised doesn't beat Carolina. In fact, it'll probably be a blow out. My predictions: DEN over SD (if DEN loses the coach should be fired) NE over INDY would not be shocking if Indy wins this in an upset) SF over CAR (no contest) NO draw SEA (this will be decided by a FG)
  17. Police are supposed to 'protect and serve' yet it seems police actually believe in the motto 'control and assault'. Totally disgusting.
  18. Wow. That was ana ctual real reasoned post. My biggest issue with the decision has nothing to do with luck. It has to do with the flat out lies and bullcrap that the Colts owner did and how the 'fans' let him get away with it outside of some mild fake outrage. If situations were reversed, and Manning had chosen to leave for whatever reason, he's be crapped on for hisloyalty. Even though owner flat out lied, disrespected, spit, and bullcraped. he claimed it was not about the money, he claimed he and Manning were 'friends' (if a friend (all 3 of them) lied and spit and my face like he did to Manning they would no longer be my friend), etc., etc. I hope Luck has a great career but I hop he doesn't win a SB unless he leaves the Colts. That franchise doesn't deserve one as long as they have that scumbag evil piece of crap owner.
  19. He's a sports star. That doesn't make him a hero. It makes him physically gifted. And, of coruse, he is gonna say the PC boring thing. That's what he is brainwashed to do, Does that sound like 'hero worship' to you? Why do you 'hero worship' doctors whom are wrong a decent percentage of time. If I had a dollar for every time a doctor made a mis diagnosis 9and that's not counting all the corrupt doctos), I'd be richer than peyton Manning is. L0L Bottom line is once Peyton decided to take the field again, there should be no question he would perform well. No way does Peyton manning go back on the field just so he can suck. But, hey, next time I read about a doctor molesting his patient or when they claim patient only has a week to live but the patient ends up living for 2 decades... I'll just think how much hero worship doctors get on Obsidian. LMAO
  20. "The Colt's medical staff didn't clear him so the decision was obvious." Fire the medical staff because they screwed up and did their job poorly. If a player or coach screws up that poorly they'd be fired. Anyone who knows anything knows that Peyton was gonna play again. And, play as awesome as he always does. He's Peyton' Fin' Manning.
  21. "Peyton's surgeons offered no guarantees that Peyton could come back 100% and Peyton's dad Archie was extremely worried as well. I'm not questioning Peyton's desire just the simple medical facts. " \ Medical 'facts'. Medical 'facts' are often 'fiction'. I didn't need to know any 'medical facts' to know that if Peyton wanted to play again he would play again. Doctors are often wrong wrong wrong.
  22. I forgot. Police need to be treated with kid gloves because they obviously can't handle high pressure situations because if someone raises their voices with them the police have the right to shoot them in the head. HAHAHAHA!
  23. And, how does everyone in Japan know what seppuku is? Because, everyone was TOLD what it was. It's called LEARNING. Unless you racist and you think Japanese pick it up by osmosis or such knowledge is link to familial blood. L0LZ
  24. "Also Andy Reid turned that program around, they were 2-14 last year." No, he didn't. Alex Smith did. If Reid is so good why are the Eagles (despite their loss tonight) so much better without him this season? "BUT there was no guarantee that he was coming back from surgery, the Colts had a shot at Luck (which they took) and saved 20$M a year on the chance that Manning would return. It was a gutsy call by the Colts and I think it paid off." It was 100% guaranteed. This is Peyton 'FUKKIN'" Manning.He'll retire when he damn well ready to retire. It was not a gutsy call. It was a cowardly, evil, scumbag, piece of crap, lying call. And, to me, it proves that the #1 pick should be a 100% random draw not based on record. Losing should NEVER be rewarded ever. I like Luck, but I hiope the Colts never win with a championship with him, he elaves, then he can win a championship. That is a garbage franchise whose success is absed solely on sucking.
  25. I'm not a Heat fan. I'm just a basketball fan who understands who the best player is.
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